Anna, I watched Karla this morning and it was extrememly disturbing. Laura Prepon and Misha Collins do an incredible job of portraying Paul and Karla. The only criticism I have is that they show Karla as too much of a victim, but again, Laura does a fantastic job.
I have not watched the deleted scenes yet, need to gather my senses cuz I feel like I have been abused.
An excellent film and really well done. I don't want to say enjoy because you really can't enjoy this film but I warn you my friend, you will be affected by it.
"My Candle Burns at Both Ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light." ...Edna St. Vincent Millay
I just don't even know what to say.I wish this had enjoyed a bigger audience in theaters because Karla is going off to life a life of wealth and ease and maybe if this had,she wouldn't have been able to obtain a passport.
Laura Prepon was very good.
I also felt like they made her out to be a victim and she wasn't anyone's victim.That's a bunch of crap and everyone familliar with the case knows it.
I feel like I felt when this whole thing just happened all over again:really angry and sad for the families of the victims.
Anna, glad you finally got to see it....told you it was disturbing. But the actors were excellent. I too wish it had a larger viewing audience. I really don't understand why it didn't, I have seen more violent, and graphic films and this was well done as well as good acting.Have you watched the deleted scenes yet? I haven't had the chance.
"My Candle Burns at Both Ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light." ...Edna St. Vincent Millay
I haven't seen the deleted scenes yet.The movie made me mad enough. But I did read an article where Laura Prepon said she had wanted to visit Karla while she was still in jail!! Can you imagine?!?!
Well, Anna, I watched the deleted scenes this morning....I wish they had left in the wedding scenes, the rest were really uneventful. Still feel Laura Prepon did an outstanding job tho....
"My Candle Burns at Both Ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light." ...Edna St. Vincent Millay
I was really impressed with Laura.And the fact that she wanted to meet Karla before she played her in the movie is mind blowing to me. There is a great interview with Laura on the movie's website which is
It has a great database of articles about Karla and Paul and I recomend it for anyone interested in this case.
The movie Karla can be bought thru, it was released in theaters for a very short time in Canada but never here in the states. The acting is extremely well done.
And hello to you Sweetie Pie
"My Candle Burns at Both Ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light." ...Edna St. Vincent Millay
Ok I have started it twice but fell asleep both time, tom. I don't have to babysit so maybe i can watch it , but with my son home it's kinda taking all my time trying to spend some with him before his leave is over. But I will watch the whole movie and I shall return..... Sweetie
Not to change the subject,but I hope you guys have had a good visit while he has been on leave.He's in my prayers.......
The movie is good.My only beef,like I've said before is that it didn't get more national big screen exposure.I really think Karla should have nowhere to hide from the disguting filth she and Paul so gleefully created.
Ok I have started it twice but fell asleep both time, tom. I don't have to babysit so maybe i can watch it , but with my son home it's kinda taking all my time trying to spend some with him before his leave is over. But I will watch the whole movie and I shall return..... Sweetie
Well thank you very much. It has been very nice and we are enjoying it. Thank you for the prayers and as we all know all our service men and women need as many prayers as they can get.
I don't know how I'd deal if my kid was in the service.Probably not well.
Last night my boyfriend and I were talking about Karla's new baby son.Can you imagine what that kid is going to have to deal with when he's a teenager? It will bring a whole new meaning to the insult,"Dude,your Mom!!"
Ok That chick is one screwed up individual... Good grief!!!! She was a victim my eye!! I swear I think she liked that sick crap And to think you said she has a child now.... Good Lord!! I'm speachless.. Sweetie Pie
She did like it.She was diagnosed as a hybristophiliac,which is someone who gets pleasure from watching another person rape and abuse a victim. And yes,she had a baby.A boy.You can't blame the child,it isn't his fault.But you know that poor kid is going to go through hell when he realizes who his Mom is and what she did. I don't believe she was anyone's victim.That's a bunch of crap.
I haven't seen the movie yet. I'll have to see if they have it at BB. The Karla/Paul crimes are fascinating, and I think they challenge our societal belief that women do not commit heinous crimes like murder & rape.
I know they have it at Blockbuster here,in fact both copies of it were actually stolen.Not sure what that says about Karla but it isn't good.
And as to the comment about society's misconception that women can't commit violent crimes,all you have to do is look at the case of Paul and Karla to see that obviously isn't true.I'll never get over the fact that she got a sweetheart deal for drugging,raping and killing 3 young women,one of them her own sister.
Hey, Anna..I've been off work with a broken leg and broken ankle, so I'm catching up on the forums.
You know, all the Karla/Paul murders were horrible, but I just can't wrap my mind around the circumstances and the murder of Karla's sister. I keep thinking about how that young girl must have admired her beautiful sister, and how she must have felt so much like a grownup to stay up late on Christmas eve (wasn't it Christmas eve?) and "sneak" a drink with her big sister and handsome husband.
Here in Kansas, when the circumstances of a murder are so heinous (as this crime was) they can be sentenced to a hard 40, if not the death penalty. I still can't get over the fact that Karla isn't going to spend the rest of her life in prison.
Yeah,it was Christmas Eve,1990. I still think about this case and still get mail about it.Someone sent me a trivia quiz about the case and it was incredibly detailed.This is a very notorious case.
If Paul's lawyer hadn't been such a disgusting slimebag and had turned those sick videos over to the Crown,Karla would never have gotten that deal. Only in Canada....