Ok,I'm mad. I guess Little Miss Prissy Pants Paris Hilton has managed to get out of jail on the grounds of a "medical condition".She will serve the rest of her time [45 days]in her home,with an ankle monitor,like the kind you wear on house arrest.
You know if any of us had 2 DUI's and got popped driving,we'd be sitting in jail and not just for 45 days.That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.45 days?!?! PLEASE. I love that the judge in this case gave her time in the first place and that she actually had to deal with the reality of that.But unfortunately,the fact that she is rich and famous insured her safety and a short stay at Los Angeles's finest county facility.
Finally,the most annoying thing about all this is that she probably hasn't learned a damn thing from it.She'll continue to place the blame on other people for her stupid,irresponsible behavior until someone winds up dead,or God forbid,pregnant.
Looks like our pal Paris is back in jail. The Associated Press is reporting Paris Hilton was brought to a courtroom in handcuffs in a police car on the order of Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer."I at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff and at no time told him I approved the actions.At no time did I approve the defendant being released from custody to her home."
This guy is my new hero.
Upon hearing the news,during the hearing,Paris begain screaming,sobbing and kicking.Nice.
Apparently what happened was the sheriff,Lee Baca approved her release on the grounds that her "medical condition" was too severe for her to serve her time behind bars and she was release to serve her time at her Hollywood Hills home.
This guy just made my idiot of the week list.
Okay,okay,I know what I sound like and that's fair.Call me out if you want.But the reality of this situation is that in a judicial matter,the sheriff has no authority to undermine a Superior Court Judge. I mean come on.Does homeboy think because he runs a jail he can change the sentances of the people incarcerated there?! News flash to Lee Baca:YOU CAN'T.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CryBaby is back behind bars.....or at least in the jail mental ward. I loved the pic of her in the backseat of the car crying. And I am so damn sick of them calling her a "young girl".......she is what ???????????? 26, 27, now to me that is maybe a young woman but certainly not a young girl. Welcome to the Real World Paris !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My Candle Burns at Both Ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light." ...Edna St. Vincent Millay
Really,that picture makes up for all the simpering glamour shots we are forced to endure. Priceless.
It isn't so much that I'm a cruel jerk that wants to see Paris in jail [although that's probably true,haha].It is more that I don't think anyone should be able to use their fame or money to buy their way out of being punished for breaking the law.She had 2 DUI's and was driving on a suspended lisense.She violated the terms of her probation.End of story. Go to jail,do not pass go,do not collect 200 dollars.
Well now I don't feel so bad.... hahaha Yeah I agree 100% . YOU DO THE CRIME, EXPECT TO DO THE TIME.... Little Paris thought she could get out of it... Well this isn't the Simple Life Paris...
Well now I don't feel so bad.... hahaha Yeah I agree 100% . YOU DO THE CRIME, EXPECT TO DO THE TIME.... Little Paris thought she could get out of it... Well this isn't the Simple Life Paris...
AH HA HA!!!!!
This isn't the Simple Life Paris! That made me laugh,girl.Yesterday it was reported that Paris is so scared someone will take her picture using the toilet [her door is clear] she is refusing all food and drink.
This is ridiculous. How long can she keep that up? She's gotta poop sometime.Come on.She's full of crap.
Well now I don't feel so bad.... hahaha Yeah I agree 100% . YOU DO THE CRIME, EXPECT TO DO THE TIME.... Little Paris thought she could get out of it... Well this isn't the Simple Life Paris...
AH HA HA!!!!!
This isn't the Simple Life Paris! That made me laugh,girl.Yesterday it was reported that Paris is so scared someone will take her picture using the toilet [her door is clear] she is refusing all food and drink.
This is ridiculous. How long can she keep that up? She's gotta poop sometime.Come on.She's full of crap.
ROFLMAO..... Well I guess she will be full of crap for sure... Maybe that was her medical condition she needed to poop....lol
Ok I'm sorry but I was just thinking about having to be taken to the hospital for an enema....roflmao ...."well ma'am I just can't take a poo poo infront of all the other inmates watching..... tooo funny...
Ohhhhhhh...wouldn't it be a hoot to see a photo of that?
I don't have anything against Paris...she seems really dumb to me...however, DUI is serious stuff. I work in a low security correctional facility & in addition to 140 men, we have 20 women. Those women are spending a year + in jail for similar crimes as Paris' DUI. They aren't rich. Most of them have been abused, and the majority have addiction problems. I find it hard to take Paris' situation very seriously, and I think it should be pretty embarrassing for the "powers that be" in LA.
I've never been in jail so I can't say I know what it's like to know what she's been through.I imagine it would be frightning.But on the other side of the coin,I also know enough not to get behind the wheel of a car after having even one drink.
Me either, thank God. However, I see inmates everyday that are serving prolonged sentences because "all the paper work isn't in order," or their supervision officer is on vacation, or the judge is out of town. These women have no money, little support from family or friends, fines to pay, etc. and they don't catch a break the way Paris did. One woman I worked with served her entire sentence (off paper), paid all her fines, did all her community service hours, and was held for a month after her sentence was complete. The excuse??? The supervision officer said that "she will get out when I say she gets out."
I've never been in jail so I can't say I know what it's like to know what she's been through.I imagine it would be frightning.But on the other side of the coin,I also know enough not to get behind the wheel of a car after having even one drink.
I second that Whoopididoo!!!!!! roflmao too funny. No I have never been in jail either, however I bet you or I would be put in a regular cell and not givin special treatment..... I mean dang it , if we had to pee pee we would burst or use that stainless steel toliet in the middle of the room.... Sweetie Pie