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Analyzing The Third Circuit Court's latest...

Upon reading the Third Circuit Court's latest denial of Lisa Lambert's appeal which is virtually littered with erroneous statements, I would like to point them out as they appear in the 70 page so-called conclusion......Big Fat Lie Number One......literally jumped off the page.

Although Yunkin was allowed to say that he was never in the complex during the murder of Laurie Show, two witnesses testified that they saw his car "inside" the complex, which means of course that he was lying.  And his perjury on many counts was disregarded by prosectors.

Instead, he became the prosecution's "star" witness, and if not for his perjured testimony there was no evidence linking Lisa Lambert to the murder of Laurie Show. All the evidence, in fact, pointed to Tabitha Buck and Yunkin.

It's obvious the Third Circuit did not read the testimony from the Habeus Hearing.  If they did, they would have not made the following statement on page 48 regarding what Hazel saw that morning regarding Yunkin's car.  In fact, it was Hazel's testimony that interrupted the witness testimony when she insisted on April 16th 1997, to tell the Judge what jogged her memory about seeing Yunkin's car that morning.  It was Ron Savage's testimony.

On Page 48, in the words of the Third Circuit, the following erroneous and glaring falsehood is written thusly:  "But Hazel show did not recall passing Yunkin within the condo until she heard Kathleen Bayan testify at the Habeus Hearing".  Wrong.  Here's Hazel's dramatic testimony from that day at the Habeus Hearing.

In Chambers, on the record discussion 11:40 p.m. April 16th 1997........

Dalzell: Mr. Greenburg, I think that Mrs. Show and Mr. Madenspacher should sit here, (pointing)

Ms. Lambert, won't you sit here at the end of the table?  Mrs. Show, would you sit over here by the Court Reporter?  Mr. Madenspacher, would you like to sit next to her----how do you want to proceed, Mr. Madenspacher?

Madenspacher: Well, Your Honor, this should be on the record too.  Before we start, I would like to request one additional person be allowed to come back into Chambers. There is an attorney that's been sitting here, his name is ALVIN B. LEWIS. (check out his bio on my website)

Dalzell: Oh, yes. Mr. Neira will go get him.

Madenspacher: He was an attorney hired by the County to protect their interest, but he also said that he would be available if any of the witnesses felt that they needed to consult with him.

Dalzell: So, he represents, Detective Savage, for example?

Madenspacher: Well, only if, I guess, Savage would want him.

Dalzell: Oh. So he's available at their election.

Madenspacher: That's correct, Your Honor.

Dalzell: O.K.

Madenspacher: As of this point, there are no attorney-client relationships other than Mr. Lewis is being retained by the County of Lancaster.

Dalzell: Of course he's welcome here.

Madenspacher: All right.  I think he should be present because when this comes up, there might be discussions that Mr. Lewis would have to do outside of my presence and the Court's presence.

Dalzell: Fair enough. Want to pull up a chair, Mr. Madenspacher?

Madenspacher: Yes, sir. Thank You.

(Mr. Lewis enters chambers)

Dalzell: Mr. Lewis, would you kindly identify yourself for the record, sir.

Lewis: My name is Alvin B. Lewis with the firm of Sprague and Lewis at 116 East King St. Lancaster.

Dalzell: Sit down, pull up a chair, Mr. Lewis.

Mr. Madenspacher?  You had asked for this conference.

Madenspacher: We're prepared to start.  I'm going to be asking Mrs. Show to speak to the Court.

Dalzell: So, we should swear her in?

Madenspacher: (pause).  Well, I guess that's a matter for the Court to determine, but what happened was, during the Luncheon Recess, I was walking back to the hotel just to pick up things for the afternoon session, and I was with---I met up with Mr. Totaro coming, we walked  down and we saw Mr. Show's brother, and he says, "you got to talk to Hazel, she's terribly upset about something".  Then it turned out------

Lewis: I'm sorry, your Honor. I can't hear. It's probably the noise from the construction. If I could pull up a chair closer.

Dalzell: Sure, do that.

Madenspacher: Two calls from my office on the message machine, you know call ASAP, call ASAP.  And I talked to Mrs. Show, who is, you know, better now than she was then, but she's very emotional.  I think at this particular point, maybe it's best the Court just hears from Mrs. Show.

Dalzell: Will she be making representations of fact?

Madenspacher: I would have to say that is correct, Your Honor.

Dalzell: Fine. Mrs. Show, would you kindly raise your right hand?  Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Mrs. Show: Yes, I do.

Dalzell: O.K. Mrs. Show, what would you like to say to the Court?

Mrs. Show: Well, when I was sitting in the Courtroom today and listening to the testimony, I realized that I had seen Lawrence's car with three passengers drive out of our condominium complex, and a long time ago, I don't remember when, Detective Savage came to my house and we were going over some things, and he was telling me about one of my neighbors seeing Lawrence's car leave the complex, and it jogged a memory, and I said: A brownish-colored car, and he said: Well, it doesn't ....(pause)  That I wasn't to dwell on that, because we had so many witnesses that had testified that Lawrence would have been on Oak View Road, and we didn't talk anymore about it, and I never, never jogged my memory to go any further. 

As I was sitting in there today, (listening to Savage's testimony), then it came back that I was going in---we have an entrance going in and one coming out, and I was going in and about three-quarters of the way in, a car was coming out, and I LOOKED AT LAWRENCE, THERE WAS RECOGNITION ON HIS FACE, AND HE PUSHED SOMEONE WITH BLOND HAIR DOWN, AND THERE WAS A DARK-HAIRED PERSON IN THE BACK SEAT.  


Madenspacher:  Elliot is Mrs. Bayan's son.

Mrs. Show:  And Savage told me that the lady was kind of disturbed anyhow, and probably wouldn't be a reliable witness, so we were better to go with Oak View Road, because everyone had them running in that direction, and I had had-----I had never met Kathy (sic) Bayman, but as Elliot's mother, I remember that she called the police and complained about Laurie picking on Elliot in the first weeks of school, and I agreed that she had a problem.  I never thought anymore about it until I was sitting in there and it all---it all just came back.



(Savage was on the stand when Hazel had this revelation, not Kathy Bayan.  Kathy Bayan testified days earlier and as you can see from her own testimony, Hazel Show was not there as wrongly asserted in the Third Circuit's most recent "opinion".  Indeed, this is an issue of key importance, as it shows how Savage coercered witness, solicited perjury, and what is truly outrageous is that the Third Circuit would lie about what happened in Federal Court.)

Indeed, it was directly after Hazel's testimony instigated by her, which resulted in Lambert's relief in 1997.  Here is the rest of that testimony in chambers. This is not just an "oversight" by the almighty Third Circuit, it is a TOTAL FABRICATION OF FACT. For the Third Circuit to make a statement "But she did not recall passing Yunkin until she heard Bayan testify at the Habeus Hearing", when in fact, she never was there for Bayan's testimony, takes Savage, in effect, off the hook.  It was Savage's testimony that jogged Hazel's memory that day, not Bayan's.

This was a pivotal day in Lisa's Habeus Hearing.  Here's how the rest of this conference proceeded.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.  Obviously, the truth is not an issue for the Third Circuit, and that is truly depressing.

Madenspacher: May I get the aerial photograph, Your Honor?

Dalzell: Yes.  I think I know enough that I can picture exactly where the witness is referring to.

Madenspacher: This has not been shown to her yet. 

Dalzell: O.K. This is Petitioner's Exhibit 736. O.K. I'll get out of your way, my friend, here, put it where I was sitting so Mrs. Show can see it.

Madenspacher to Mrs. Show: This is the morning that you were coming back from school, is that right?

Mrs. Show: Yes.

Madenspacher: So, you were coming up Oak View this way or this? (pointing)

Mrs. Show: That way. (indicating)

Dalzell: So the car was clearly coming out from the condominium complex?

Mrs. Show: Yes. It was on the street there.

Dalzell: Any other questions Mr. Madenspacher?

Madenspacher: No.  This is where you saw the car at that point?  (inside the complex, where Yunkin claimed he never was, and an assertion even the Third Circuit is perpetrating on the public)

Dalzell: And the record should reflect that Mrs. Bayan saw the car here first, and then shortly thereafter, Ms. Lambert testified that Lawrence said: "Oh ****, I just saw Hazel". (the Third Circuit even got that part of the testimony wrong, they claim that Yunkin said, "Oh ****, I just saw Hazel'.  No, it was "Oh ****", gentlemen.  Something that I was thinking upon reading your ridiculous, lying opinion. Editor's opinion here.)

Dalzell: So, this testimony is totally consistent with what Miss Lambert has said since 1992. Anything further, Mr. Madenspacher?

Madenspacher: No, Your Honor.

Dalzell: Well, now we come to the question of relief.  Does the Commonwealth intend to defend this case?

Madenspacher: Well, I believe I have two obligations under the Rules, Your Honor.  One is candor with the Court.

Dalzell: Which you have consistently fufilled.  Unlike your First Assistant. (John Kenneff)

Madenspacher: Well, I am trying to do that and you know, Mrs. Show absolutely ---Well, I would have done it anyway, but it was her who made this particular disclosure.  Now, obviously, with the sense of relief, there is some relief that is justified in this particular case.

Dalzell: Well, I would propose this to you.  I would propose that we complete the testimony of Detective Savage, because I want to hear it all. And at the end of the day today, you can make a choice overnight whether you want to defend this case, put on your own witnesses.  IN THE MEANTIME, I'M GOING TO RELEASE MS. LAMBERT INTO SOME AGREED UPON CUSTODY.

Rainville: She can stay at my house, Your Honor.

Dalzell: Perhaps at Ms. Rainville's house and then you can ---we can have Oral Argument as to the issue of whether she can be retried and I will issue an Opinion within a week of today. So, you can decide, let me know tomorrow morning whether you want to defend this case. By putting on witnesses.

Editor's note:  The fact is, that by the end of the three weeks, the defense didn't even have a case.  Think, Scott Peterson.  They couldn't put their star witness up there.  He was a proven perjurer.  They couldn't call Tabitha Buck.  Her own attorney Russel Pugh, forbade it because he knew it was perjured testimony.

I find it absolutely extraordinary that Lisa Lambert can be called a liar for covering for Yunkin in the first week of her incarceration, while Tabitha was told to keep her mouth shut.  When Tabitha did talk, she admitted she lied to everyone including Detective Geesey.  Now, because she finally spoke at the P.C.R.A. hearing, (number two) and told a grandiose story that we are all supposed to believe now....irregardless of her countless lies, because she has not been promised relief?  She is seeking relief as I write this!  The Third Circuit admitted as such in this latest opinion.  The Third Circuit has clearly lied in this decision.  One might think that with this precedent setting case,ie; the AEDPA which they cite endlessly in this decision, they would take the time to read Hazel Show's own testimony which led to the release of the Petitioner, Lisa Lambert, during her Habeus Hearing.  Instead, they chose to fabricate the circumstances surrounding Hazel Show's dramatic testimony....her memory of seeing her daughter's killer inside the complex. For the Third Circuit to claim it was Kathy Bayan's testimony that jogged her memory, makes them an accomplice to Detective Savage's extensive manipulation of reports and witness testimony. As you can see here, Hazel in fact, never even heard Kathy Bayan's testimony.  Which is why it was so important when she did admit that Savage did the same thing to her as he did to Kathy Bayan.  Encourage them to "forget" what they saw.  The Third Circuit condones this?  That is a very serious problem.  And it goes directly to their credibility. Can it be anymore frightening when our last resort to prove ourselves innocent under the laws of the United States Constitution, The Federal Appeals Courts, LIE ABOUT WHAT OCCURRED IN FEDERAL COURT?  LIE ABOUT WHAT WITNESSES TESTIFIED ABOUT AND WHY? 

The very person who is at the helm of the prosecutorial misconduct is Ronald W. Savage himself.  While he was testifying, Hazel had her revelation.  The Third Circuit choose to defend Savage by not only disregarding whose testimony brought forth Hazel's breathtaking honesty that day, but in the end, says a lot about Hazel herself, when one year later she said the following at the second P.C.R.A. hearing about what she saw that morning.......

"I'm not really sure what I saw that morning......Savage asked me and all I remember was a "brown flash", not really sure of anything else.  Nothing else jogged my memory. 

Too late, Hazel, your testimony in Federal Court was so detailed and your memory so "jogged' by Savage's lies on the stand, you called for a special in-chambers conference to tell the world all about it.  One year later, you perjured yourself along with everybody else in this ridiculous charade of justice.  I was there for Hazel Show's pejury in 1998.  It was sad to watch her change her story.  See, when Hazel told Judge Dalzell the truth on April 16th 1997, she and her ex-husband hadn't been there for much of the testimony in Philadelphia. They weren't really paying much attention.  And, with all due respect to Hazel and John Show....they aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree.  Forgive me, but there is no way Hazel, had she heard Kathy Bayan also prove Yunkin to be lying about virtually his whole story, would have offered to help that assertion along.  She did not expect Lisa would be freed.  Simply because she had not been there for most of the testimony at the Federal Hearing.  Alvin B. Lewis, you note, was there.

He knew what was about to happen.  He knew relief for Lisa was warranted.  He also knew what he had to do to get Dalzell's decision reversed.  It took 10 months and a load of cash and clout, but now we come to this.  Even the Third Circuit is allowed to lie. 

I will continue this examination until I have read the whole decision.  I leave you with the rest of Hazel's admission on April 16th 1997.

Madenspacher: Yes, I agree relief is warranted, and I think we're talking now....


Dalzell: about what relief.

Because I think, I think I'm obligated because there is this issue to record all of this. I can tell you, Mr. Madenspacher, that I've thought, as you have, about nothing else but this case for over three weeks, and in my experience, sir, and I invite you to disabuse me of this at Oral Argument, I want you to look and I want the Schnader firm to look for any case in any jurisdiction in the English-speaking world, where there has been as much prosecutorial misconduct  as here, because I haven't found it.

So, are we agreed that the Petitioner (Lisa Lambert) will tonight be released into the custody of Ms. Rainville?

Madenspacher: I don't see how I can object to that Your Honor.

Thank you for reading this very important lie by the  Third Circuit Court.

Sincerely, Heather Johnston editor: 


I leave you now with the rest of that in-chambers discussion with Hazel Show, at her insistence, and with Madenspacher and even the almighty Alvin B. Lewis.........

Dalzell:  It's   






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Nice find there fauxreal!  Make you really think about what's happening with our justice system!  Most of those decisions are political, and anyone who has any intelligence can see that! You go girl!


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Fauxreal opines:  "Alvin B. Lewis, you note, was there.

He knew what was about to happen.  He knew relief for Lisa was warranted.  He also knew what he had to do to get Dalzell's decision reversed.  It took 10 months and a load of cash and clout, but now we come to this.  Even the Third Circuit is allowed to lie." 


Wow, Rainville and friends should get right on that--tell them to follow the money.  No doubt Alvin B. Lewis has invested tons of money and time in buying off the Third Circuit.  Who does that man NOT have in his pocket, and will he stop at nothing to get one innocent kept in prison? The conspiracy grows ever wider. 



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She's right Bobula

Sorry to get involved here but she's right.  This whole case was based on a lot of circumstantial evidence, and I mean alot.  If you really take a good look at all the evidence,or lack of, and the immense effort to either change, hide or disregard it, it stinks of nothing but pure politicism.  This girl was smaller than her apparent victim, yet she had no cuts, no blood, nothing. No hair was left at the scene.I don't care what you say, I find that pretty much impossible. Combine all that with small time detectives, a rinky dink backwoods Pennsylvania town, where the DA was sipping out of his Flask in the Judges Chambers makes me believe she had not chance.  If the readers here at Justice Junction cannot be open-minded enough to believe that these sort of things don't happen, then maybe you shouldn't be here.  Just my thoughts. 



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RE: Analyzing The Third Circuit Court's latest...

You're right she didn't have a chance at a fair trial.  Trials around here are worked out ahead of time at the Hamilton Club.  /sarcasm


Do I think Lisa belongs in prison?  The logical answer is "yes" because she participated in a crime that resulted in the death of another.  What many fail to recognize is that the misconduct by prosecutors, detectives, etc. was not necessary.  The diehards would rather stick their head in the sand and pretend it never happened.


The most dangerous of the trio is now out walking the streets.  If you have young daughters, be afraid.  Be very afraid.




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Praise the Lord, as they say.  As for Bobula laughing at the suggestion that Alvin B. Lewis can't buy off the Third Circuit.....oh how little you know about Alvin B, my dear.  Although if you live in Lancaster, you should know at least a little more than you are claiming. Isn't it interesting that he shows up in chambers at the exact moment that Hazel show confirms what two other witnesses had already testified to, that being Yunkin's car inside the complex, where he claims he never was?  Alvin B. is head of the Lancaster County Crime Commission. Crime there is out of control. Bank robbers are having a field day there. They were when I lived there, and of course, it's only gotten worse. I'm not here today, however, to talk about Alvin B. Lewis, I'm here to point out yet another MAJOR lie found in The Third Circuit's latest denial of Lisa's appeal. 

Perhaps this one was worked out at the Hamilton Club.  This BIG FAT LIE NUMBER TWO is extemely serious for two reasons.  Allow me to explain.......

On Page 52, of this "Opinion", the 3rd Circuit attempts to downplay the importance of the "29 Questions" (the original document can be found in the Evidence section of

Briefly, some background.  A naive Lisa Lambert had been convinced by Yunkin to cover-up for him. He did this by telling her that because she was pregnant, she would get less time. This monster cared about nothing but saving his own murdering ass. 

Lisa began asking him questions on a document that was passed back and forth between them in a book found in the prison library. To ensure nobody would find it, Lisa explained in a seperate note that he could find it folded inside a lawbook , the page number was the same as the amount of rent they were paying at their last apartment. Only he would know what that number was.  Lisa's questions and Yunkin's answers, prove, without a doubt that Yunkin and Buck murdered Laurie Show. In 1992, before her trial, experts from BOTH sides examined this document and found that the questions were written by Lisa and answered by Yunkin. They had handwriting samples from both. Furthermore, they testified there was no tampering, erasures, or graphite (Yunkin tried to say he wrote in pencil and his answers were erased).

When Yunkin lied on the stand about this, he lost his "hindering apprehension" deal and instead was convicted of Third Degree murder. 

Here's what the 3rd Circuit has to say about one of the most important questions asked by Lisa to Yunkin.  Question #5.

The Circuit Judges write:  "Much has been made of this document as conclusively establishing Lambert's innocence. Judge Stengel found the document unreliable and inconclusive. (ignoring the expert's opinions and testimony from both sides about it's veracity)

After reviewing THE RECORD in some detail, we tend to agree with the Trial Judges conclusion.

They go on further to state:  Lambert's counsel asked Yunkin about a portion of the document in which the following question and answer appeared:

Question #5:  I think about Tressa and Laurie!  I think you guys are sick! I think about her life you took! All those people at her funeral! And I know very well that you don't feel sad! You were happy, U weren't sad Friday! Do you remember seeing (crossed out word) dead?

Answer: Yes, I remember seeing (crossed out word) dead.


So, I ask the Third Circuit........which document did you in fact refer to when coming to the conclusion that this question was irrelevant because, as you falsely assert, both names were crossed out?  It couldn't have been the original, gentlemen, because that is the one on our site.  If the Attorney General's office, who handled the P.C.R.A. hearing, gave you a document with both names crossed out, then THEY tampered with the document.  Or, worse yet, you never even bothered to look at a document, just the record of what Stengel provided.

At the P.C.R.A. hearing, Yunkin was allowed, again, to lie on the stand and say that it was TRESSA'S name that he crossed out.  WRONG! 

So, who crossed out Laurie's name, which is clearly seen on the original that we have posted?

It was either the Attorney General's prosecutors, Lancaster's prosecutors, or The Third Circuit's flat out LIE about what the document actually says.

When Yunkin admits seeing LAURIE dead, in a document proven to be authentic and untampered with, and this is explained away with a LIE by crossing out her name, it is shocking proof that this decision is ludicrous. 

I urge you to read the "29 questions", the untampered document found on our evidence site.

If I was in Lancaster, I'd say, meet you at the Hamilton Club.  Ah, heck, I guess we can't get in.

I'll keep hunting, folks.  This decision is more of an indictment, than an opinion.  An indictment of THEM. 



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"Ah, heck, I guess we can't get in."

Speak for yourself, fauxreal.

BTW, there is no "Lancaster County Crime Commission"--there is a "PA Crime Commission", for the entire state, of which Lewis the the chairman. There also is a Crime Commission office for the City of Lancaster, with which Lewis appears to have no affiliation.

Anyway, who is this Tressa? And what happened to the twins Lambert was expecting, according to the 29 questions?

In the question about Laurie and Tressa, what is the word crossed out after "Laurie"? In this document, why are the questions so disjointed and half in cursive, half printed? No one writes like that.

How can any "expert" say this document contains any truth or that it doesn't? I think it's a wash. With all the cross-outs, different writing, unnatural syntax, and answers that don't appear to address the questions, who knows what the original questions were? There is also erasable ink, not just pencil, so no trace of graphite doesn't necessarily mean anything. Even if I agreed completely with your position, Heather, I can't see putting much stock into this bizarre piece of writing to benefit or condemn either party.

Also, in Lambert's statement taken by Shuler on 12/21, is that Lambert's handwriting on the last page (where some additional information about her clothing was added) or is it Shuler's?

-- Edited by bobula at 18:33, 2004-10-16


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Hey there, Anotheronefortruth.......Tell you what.....let's meet over at the Marion Court.  Even the public can get in there.  Heh Heh.

Here's a tidbit I thought you'd enjoy, as you understand about Yunkin's appetite for "young" girls.....he actually prefers them about 12 or 13. 

I did a Google search the other night by typing in Lawrence Stewart Yunkin.  Up came a webpage where his name appears for a "Strasburg dating service", called

He's looking for dates now.  Let this be a warning for all girls, women out there.  You might think these dating services would do a background check on these men before they parade them out for unsuspecting women. 

I checked out's questionaire which they brag has 49 dimensions of capatibility. Indeed it does.  There's only one problem.  Even liars get to fill out the form. 

I'll bet Yunkin's was a doosey.  "I was raised on an Amish Farm, and that's where I learned to truss roofs for a living".....blah blah blah.......

Soon, when you type in his name, my website will be popping up......Perhaps we can save some poor woman from being raped and beaten.

Or murdered.

See ya at Marion Court.  I'm buying.  Heh Heh......

I wonder how he answered the question about what he's been up to for the last 8 years?




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If you think there's something amusing about that obvious fact, which I am able to prove without a doubt, with the Federal Transcripts, well then........enough said.





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RE: RE: Analyzing The Third Circuit Court's latest



And you are showing your typical colors by dodging all my questions about the 29 Questions.


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RE: Analyzing The Third Circuit Court's latest...

Oh there you are, Bobula.  So, you can get into the Hamilton Club?  Well, as Mr. Rogers used to say......"Isn't that special!".

Hey and thanks for the update on Alvin B. Lewis!  Alvin B. Lewis WAS the head of the Lancaster County Crime Commission.  Now, it looks like he's got the whole freakin State in his pocket.......and you poo poo his power? I've done extensive research on Alvin B. Lewis and his all powerful wife MARILYN WARE. She's the Chairman of the Board of the largest publicly owned water company in the WORLD.  American Water Works. It may have changed names since 1998, but I doubt it. Thanks to your update on Alvin B. Lewis, this Third Circuit atrocity is making even more sense.

Now, to answer your many questions.  Perhaps I didn't make it as crystal clear as possible, because you seem confused.  There is no word "after" Laurie that is crossed out...the word LAURIE isn't even crossed out, in the original document.  I suggest you go to my site, as much as that idea is abhorrent to you, if you really want answers to your questions.

But first, I want to correct myself.  It was the "church lady" played by Dana Carvey who said, "Isn't that SPECIAL", not the late, great Mr. Rogers. 

The question Lisa asked Yunkin was : DO YOU REMEMBER SEEING LAURIE DEAD?

His answer was: YES, I REMEMBER SEEING (word crossed out) DEAD.

The Third Circuit ERRONEOUSLY claims that LAURIE'S NAME IS CROSSED OUT IN THE QUESTION PORTION OF THIS DOCUMENT.THAT IS A LIE!  Do you understand what a serious lie this is?

It was PROVEN, by experts on BOTH SIDES, Bobula, that there was no graphite, no erasures, ink or otherwise, and no tampering WHATSOEVER, both in 1992 and 1997, in Federal Court.

For you to claim, nobody writes like that.....what the hell are you talking about?  What an ignorant thing to claim. No offense, but I don't think you know how EVERYBODY writes, do you?  The experts, of whom you are not one, testified, after getting samples of both Lisa's and Yunkin's handwriting, testified that they were genuine on this document.  It's part of both State and Federal Record.  The document is real and untampered with.  At least it was before the Third Circuit got ahold of it.  It's unclear whether they read a document or read a report issued by Stengel and crew about the document.

The Third Circuit states that in both places where Laurie's name appeared, her name was crossed-out.  This is a LIE.  We at have had this document up for years.

Laurie's name is not crossed out in the question, only the answer.  Someone tampered with this document, but more likely, The Third Circuit mistakenly figured they could lie about it, or not bother to read the transcripts which discuss in detail that relevant question.

It's extremely serious. 

The only place anywhere on the internet that you will find the original document called the "29 questions", is on 

Now, you seem interested in knowing who Tressa is?  Good question, Bobula, and I'm glad you asked.  First, let me say, that I love Lancaster.  I fell in love with that place the first time I went there.  It's historic, it's beautiful.....the architecture varied and elaborate. The people, aside from those in power, are friendly, hard-working, funny as hell, intelligent, and sick and tired of being railroaded, overtaxed, not allowed to speak at public-issue meetings.....and they are truly disturbed by all the missing/murdered women and children.  I found your response to my posting about the incredible number of posters of lost and missing children to be chillingly bereft of any feeling or concern whatsoever.

When I related the unforgettable moment I had with that 13 year-old girl about those posters, you shockingly called her something to the effect, "a soda-sipping youth".  Honey, you would fit right in at the Courthouse. I truly hope you keep posting here. You are defining exactly the kind of attitude which drew me closer to the citizens of Lancaster, not in power but paying the salaries of those which they are getting screwed by; the ones that aren't admitted into the Hamilton Club.  I see that you proudly are a member.  Thanks for bragging about it. 

About Lisa's assumption that she was having Twins.  Not that this has anything to do with her guilt or innocence.  But I truly want you to know Bobula, that I am nothing, if not, totally and completely familiar with all aspects of the Lambert case.  And the Christy Mirack case, and I know about Dr. Walp, the coroner and all the obituaries I read when I lived there.  They haunt me to this day. So many of them would go like this: "Linda Hess, aged 20, died unexpectedly at home (insert date here) of natural causes.

So, before we get the the twins Lisa thought she was having.  Who was Tressa?  Not that this would elicit any sympathy from you, Bobula, but Tressa was the girlfriend of a friend of Yunkin's. She was being beaten by this guy, just like Lisa.  She was going to leave him and check into the women's shelter in Lancaster.  He couldn't have that, of course, it might ruin his reputation.  So, the boyfriend, name unknown, gave Tressa a "hot shot" of cocaine. She died within minutes.  Was he ever charged? No. If not for Lisa's testimony or questions to Lawrence, nobody would have been the wiser about her.  No investigation was conducted, no suspects, including her boyfriend, were ever charged. She was, as you so aptly and coldly put it, she was "kicked to the curb".  I don't think you understand how much your language reveals about you, Bobula.  Trust me, I remember it well. That description of events devoid of any human emotion. Events involving pain and suffering but described by people like you as if they happened to people you couldn't care less about. And, you don't.  You know, us peons that can't get into the Hamilton Club. Oh, do keep posting, because one thing's for sure. You and I were meant to communicate. And, boy can I handle it. You've never made one comment about my mention of the Mennonite Mafia. They don't care about much of anything except hangin with their kind. Missing women?  Oh, isn't that a shame, said over a martini over at the Hamilton Club. Mostly it's all about which spa you went to that week, which jaunt you made to the Virgin Islands, what outfits you bought at the Bon Ton, or better yet, on your latest shopping trip to Georgetown or New York.


You don't even care about Laurie Show, let's face it.  What you care about is protecting your own.  Like Alvin B. Lewis, like Donald Totaro, like Charlie Smithgall, the list is endless......they don't give a rat's ass about who gets punished as long as it's not one of their own.  Oh, but how you love to hate Lisa Lambert.  Wow, it's like a disease in that town. Her beauty you despise. Her vulnerability you ate for lunch. Her reputation, portrayed by the newspapers never failed to amaze me in it's zealousness.  And yet, not a word about the violent Lawrence Yunkin. And of course, since Tabitha was ordered to not say a word, there was nothing in the papers about her. 

It was all about Lisa Lambert.  The one with no blood on her clothes.  The one who never in a million years would have worn Yunkin's clothing.  In fact, the papers contradicted themselves in so many ways with their articles about her short skirts and makeup, living out of wedlock in a trailer....the only word they never used didn't have to be used. Slut. Anyway, you asked about the Twins, Bobula.  Why, I don't know.  Another feeble attempt to make Lisa out to be a liar. Do you never tire of hating her and defending Yunkin? He's looking for a date, Bobula.  I know how wild you Mennonite women really are.....boy do I.

Here is some of Lisa's testimony from the Federal Hearing.  You know, the one they wish had never happened.  I have never been more glad that I spent the money and time to get them and post them.  They are becoming so much more relevant as this case reveals so much deception.  And in such high places. 

Here Lisa's attorneys are reading Yunkin's letters to Lisa while she and he are both in prison, she still wanting to believe she should cover for him, he still twisting the knife after he stabbed her in the back, just like he slit Laurie's throat. 

I will come back with that post.  I realize these long ones are a little tiring on the eyes.

Thanks so much for your attention to this most important matter of LIES by our second to the highest State Court system.





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Now, Heather, I know you are able to detect when the Third Circuit is pulling the wool over our eyes and all, but, really, did you check into this "Strasburg dating"?

Here's what comes up on a google search of Yunkin's name:

Seems it's one of those junk "search" pages that scraped this up from the bottom of the Internet from that defunct Dreholbe site:

is lisa michelle lambert guilty?
... dating her boyfriend/fiancé Lawrence. Lawrence Yunkin, (20) now 27, the son Barry and Jackie Yunkin. Lawrence attended and graduated from Lampeter-Strasburg ...

Note that DATING and STRASBURG are bolded in the google listing, marking them as the searched-for words.

Yup, I bet he's signed up on E-Harmony alright. Them's some research skills ya got there. I wouldn't go running off to his parole officer with this one just yet...


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Oh, and one more thing.

Fauxreal boasts: " The only place anywhere on the internet that you will find the original document called the "29 questions", is on"

Wull, what's this, then?

There's also some otherLambert case stuff at the main site:


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I don't think Marilyn Ware is married to Lewis anymore. Could be wrong, but she doesn't go by "Ware Lewis" anymore., as she once did.


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Fauxreal says: "The question Lisa asked Yunkin was : DO YOU REMEMBER SEEING LAURIE DEAD?"

No, check the document. Lambert's question appears as DO YOU REMEMBER SEEING LAURIE [scribble, crossout, something] DEAD? What's the scribble there for? I see what you are saying about the misquote in the opinion, but does it not look like something is crossed out after the word "Laurie"?

Again, just for the record, who wrote the last part of Lambert's statement to Shuler on 12/21--Lambert or Shuler? When I say "nobody writes like that" in the 29 questions, I don't mean handwriting, per se. I mean the disjointed, odd syntax. If Lambert wrote the stuff at the end of her statement to Shuler, it doesn't seem like she writes that badly all the time.

And you can stop your lame attempts at psychoanalyzing me any time. You don't know anything about what I do or about whom I care. You like to THINK you do, but that's all. As you told me, you are not an expert. Your insistence that I have to HATE Lambert is just crap and tells a lot more about you than it does about me. Let's just stay on track with the discussion of the facts here and let the ad hominem remarks out of it..

No, contrary to your assumptions about why I was asking, I was just curious why Lambert was talking about twins. I wasn't trying to make her out to be a liar or anything else. Actually, I was hoping that she hadn't lost one of them, heartless monster that I am.


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Hey Bobula.....I ain't dodging Baby, I'm here, your humble servant.  I understand how you upper-crust Mennonite babes like us submissive types.  So, Milady, what question were we on?

Oh yes, do forgive me, I think it was about the twins.  So, without further delay, the answers you requested.  You've got the whip and I'm frantically searching for that portion of the transcripts which totally surround me at this point.

Oh, and I'm in such a giving mood tonite, I do think I've found a passage with Weaver on the stand that you all might find informative.

But first, I must obey Bobula.  You understand.

Lisa Lambert, Direct Testimony by Rainville and Dalzell Wed. April 9th 1997.

Dalzell: Had you been told you were going to have twins?

Lisa: Yes, they told me that at Community Hospital in November. They told me that they heard three heartbeats.  One was my own and there were two in my stomach.

Rainville: And then they also later reported that was not true, right?

Lisa: Yes. They said that the one echo--they said the one heartbeat was an echo because my uterus was so small, they said that the one heartbeat echoed off the wall of the uterus and that was making it sound like a second heartbeat.

And.....regarding the Question in Question, the now even more infamous #5.  Here's that testimony from Lisa....Rainville is holding the original document, AND it is on the screen for the entire courtroom to see and read. 

Q. Question number 5 you wrote:  "I think about Tressa and Laurie. I think you guys are sick. I think about her life you took. All those people at her funeral.  And I know very well that you don't feel sad. You were happy, weren't sad, Friday.  Do you remember seeing Laurie dead?

Why did you write that?

Lisa: I wrote about Tressa in there because I always believed that Tressa's boyfriend killed her and her boyfriend was beating her and Lawrence was beating me, and Lawrence helped Tabby kill Laurie, and I don't know, it just scared me because they were two girls that were killed by men that were supposed to care for them.

Q. Why did you ask him about whether he felt sad? 

Lisa: Because you should feel sad.  Especially if you saw somebody get killed.  And he wasn't sad at all on the Friday (that Laurie Show was murdered). He was fine. The only time he felt sad is when he was feeling sorry for himself about going to prison. Other than that, he wasn't sad at all.  (psycopath) He was like nothing happened.

Q. And then, of course, you read his answer?  It says:  "Yes, I remember seeing ----" Then there is something scratched out.-----dead".
Was that scratched out the first time you read it?

Lisa: Yes.

Q. Do you recall what the experts all agree it said at trial?

Lisa: They used a microscope to see the layers of ink and they said that "LAURIE" IS WRITTEN UNDER THERE AND THEN IT WAS SCRIBBLED OUT.

Dalzell: Could you just blow that up for me?

The cross-out I mean.  It looks as though you can read it.  (pause)

Dalzell:  O.K.  Thanks.

There you go, Bobula.  I'll be back with some of Weaver's testimony.




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One more thing to address...why I chose not to respond to your Mennonite Mafia comments.

First, I remain totally unconvinced that the women who were so nasty in the courthouse are actually Mennonite. In your time here, I am sure you did learn that "Mennonite" is also used as a pejorative term to suggest "tight" (as in cheap and stingy), "uptight" (as in being too staid or repressed), or "hayseedish," for lack of a better term. (It's the same way if someone were to use the term "Nazi" to describe someone--they aren't referring to an actual SS member.) Somehow, I think your friend meant something like that, since I am willing to put money on the fact that none of those women are practicing Mennonites.

Of course I have heard the Mennonite Mafia term, and I don't really have much to say either way about it. I think you'll have the same sentiments anywhere toward people who have been there before most other groups and who started out owning much of the land in a given area. Of course, those are going to be the people most likely to have economic clout which often translates to political clout, like it or not. Especially if they are good businesspeople, other people are not going to like that and will attempt to find fault. I am sure not everyone in Boston thought the Kennedys were great guys, either.

That being said, I really don't think the so-called Mennonite Mafia spends a lot of time manipulating the criminal justice system. Especially in the Lambert case, what point would it serve?


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Bobula, you are missing the point about Laurie's name being crossed out.  Please pay attention before I have to spank you or something. 

LAURIE'S NAME WAS NOT CROSSED OUT IN THE QUESTION TO YUNKIN: DO YOU REMEMBER SEEING LAURIE DEAD?  Are you with me so far?  I'll be happy to get to the Schuler question. She is the dyke go-to gal at East Lampeter.  Yeah, that's right, I said dyke.  You got a problem with that?  I met many nice dykes in Lancaster.  She is not one of them. 

The Third Circuit is trying to pull one over on us, you got that right.  It's a pulling-over of great importance. 

Yunkin didn't cross-out Laurie's name in the question part of the correspondence.  He's too freakin stupid.  But he's not that stupid.  He did remember to cross-out Laurie's name in his answer.

At any rate, I'll be nicer to you this time around.  No more trying to analyze you.  We'll let each other show that in our correspondence.  Fair enough?

I'm searching for Schuler.  She plays a MAJOR ROLE  IN LISA's WRONGFUL CONVICTION.

As for Marilyn Ware.  She never went by Ware-Lewis.  And I have done some exhaustive research on both she and her, perhaps, now, ex-husband.  A whole book could be written about those two.  She and her family virtually own Strasburg.  Her family ran the newspaper there for decades.  She's beyond filthy rich and powerful.  As is Alvin B. Lewis. They rival the DuPonts in their wealth and power.  Alvin B. is a mob attorney.  That's what I said.

When I first started my website, I was married.  My husband did a lot of software development for the CIA and FBI.  One night, about 6 years ago, I asked him to bring me everything he could find concerning Alvin B. Lewis and Richard Sprague.  His then partner.  Alvin now protects huge polluting, corrupt corporations at the behest of the law firm Stevens and Lee.

The stack of documents my husband brought home that night, was about two inches thick.

Alvin Lee is right there when it comes to guys peddling pounds of cocaine. When it comes to corporations dumping heavy metals all over Amish farmlands......i could go on forever.  When I lived in Lancaster I had two filing cabinets full of all this stuff.  When I moved from there, it was because I was tired of being followed around, having my phone tapped, I wrote a whole book about what I went through trying to live there and report on the massive corruption.

Many of the stories I wrote when I lived there, will be back up in our archives section in the next week or two.  When I moved from Lancaster, I couldn't drag all that stuff with me.  I could simply not afford to.  I left it all there, except the disk that had all my website stuff on it.  Also, a scrapbook that i put together.  But all the cases about Sprague and Lewis, somebody got who came to clean out my apartment. Maybe they still have them.  It was a wealth of information.  I had to make a choice.  I could only pack 3 suitcases when I left. There wasn't room for all the Lambert-related documents. I'll press on now with Schuler.

Rainville to Schuler:  This is a report that you prepared on January 2nd, 1992,regarding Lambert's alleged statement?  Is that right?

Schuler: Yes.

Q. And you note that this statement was reviewed, at which Lambert agreed with an information typed by Solt and was signed by Lambert.  Do you see that?

A. I do.

Q. So, in fact, at the time Lisa Lambert signed her statement, all she signed was the typed pages.

A. No.

Q. It's your testimony that she signed the 7th page which is handwritten?

A. She sure did.

Q. And it's just a coincedence that your report, refers to the information that's typed. Is that your testimony?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you think it's a little bit bizarre that you prepare a second report on the same day?

Did you prepare this report on the date indicated, January 2nd, 1992?

A. Yes.

Q. So, it's your testimony that on January 2nd, you prepared two entirely different reports covering the taking of Lisa Lambert's statement?

A. Yes.  I probably did other reports as well.   (oh, really?)

Q. Well, if you did, Officer Schuler, I can represent they have not been produced, so let's hear about the other reports that you prepared regarding this statement?

A. I'm just saying that that was the day I had time to do the reports.

Dalzell: How many did you do?

Schuler:  Oh my.

Dalzell: On that day.

Schuler: (no response)

Dalzell: Did you do more than two?

Schuler:  I don't recall.

Q.  Officer Schuler, in this report, the first one, dated January 2nd 1992, there is no mention of a purported admission that Lisa Lambert was wearing black sweatpants, is there?

A. Correct.

Q.In this report regarding your search of Lambert's body you were trying to determine whether she had any scratches or bruises on her body?  Did you take Lambert into the bathroom in order to note scratches on her body?

A. Correct.

Q. And at that time you noticed that there was only one very faint and small red mark located below her right inner elbow.  Is that right?

A. Correct.

Q. You also prepared a report of Tabby's scratches.  Do you recall that?

A. Yes.

Q. Here's the report about Tabby's scratches. P. 608. Is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And you noted that there was a mark on the front of her body?

A. Right.

Q. A scratch mark on the right side front area between the neck and the collar bone area, two inches in length. Is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And on Buck's back area there were red marks on her left back area, is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. And you described those as claw-like.  Is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. Did you notice that you are missing something in your report?

A. Such as?

Q. Such as I'd like to show you P-546 and 776 which shows a great deal of scratches on her face. Would you agree?

A. Yeah.  That was the obvious.

Q. So obvious you didn't even put it in your report?  Is that your testimony?

A. I knew it would be in somebody's report.  I was looking for other injuries. 

Q. You knew it would be in someone else's report.  Is that your testimony?

A. I would think so.

Q. You've examined every single report in this case, have you not?

A. I have scanned over it, yes.


A. Correct.

To answer your question, Bobula, Lisa signed a type-written statement, the handwritten one was added later.  Solt's testimony is where you will find that proof.  I'll come back tomorrow with that testimony.

I posted a little more of Schuler so you could understand how Lisa was targeted from the start, and Tabitha was crucified later, but told to shut up in the mean time.  Why?  Because had Tabitha told the truth about Yunkin, their whole plea deal, and case against Lisa would have gone down the drain. What happened during Lisa's so-called statement is they had her sign a piece of virtually blank paper. Then, they filled in the fabricated portion about her wearing Yunkin's clothing. Bobula, my friend, I'm jealous of you. You are one of the priveleged ones who get to live care-free, it would seem in beautiful Lancaster. Sadly, there's only so much one can say about their last trip to the Bahamas, or the Virgins. Caught some bone fish. Bought a few baskets. Look at my great tan.  Should have had the Botox done a little sooner before leaving. Not going to the Raquetball Club as much these days. I've got a great cleaning lady from the Battered Woman's shelter, though. She's trying to get a "fresh start" you see, so she cleans my house and get's a percentage of the profits.  I feel so good helping out in this way.  I'm not saying this is you, Bobula, ......I do not want to chase you off by any means.  But admit, dear, it sounds familiar, doesn't it?  Me?  I'm poor but proud.  I've taken on a task that gets bigger with each step.  The lies by the Third Circuit, and the updated info about Alvin B. Lewis, make me realize what a huge job we have at hand here. What we are up against. How important a fight this is.  What an Honor to have a Judge like Dalzell on the bench.  I press on.  I'm proud to do so.  I've got to get these nails done soon......heh heh.......It was Shuler's handwriting you asked about, Bobula, but it's in Solt's testimony that truly nails that down. Schuler's statement is a prelude to that.  But Solt is the one who told her what to write.  Like I said, Schuler is the go-to gal.     

I'll be back tomorrow with more proof of this, I can assure you.  I haven't spent 6 years of my life, two of those in lovely Lancaster for nothing (bless you good people who aren't allowed in the Hamilton Club! It's off to Marion Court for us peons for Justice)  Long live the truly humble of that wonderful county. There are so many. It's for them, that I keep going. Those in prison who have no voice, let me be theirs. Those women dead, and those missing but presumed dead. Let me be your voice. 




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Oh, ask such good questions!  On the day Lambert was released by Judge Stewart Dalzell.....and this was after weeks of testimony which proved the massive misconduct in that case.......Lancaster was already shaking in it's boots.  There were reporters there from all over the country at that point.  The story hit the front page of the Los Angeles Times, for crying out loud. That's how I learned about it. 

Her actual innocence paved the way for the biggest Civil Suit to ever hit Lancaster County.

Should Lisa ever be re-released, she could bankrupt that County.  Do you honestly think her case is unique there?  HELL NO! 

Rainville was inundated with other requests by countless others who had been wrongfully convicted.  If the Lambert case was so un-important, as you suggest, why would Alvin B. Lewis be hired to defend the County?

Your mention of the Kennedy family is pertinent here.  Do you know why we still don't know who really killed John F. Kennedy?  Alvin B. Lewis and Richard Sprague.  They were both the head of the House Select Committe to investigate both assasinations.  Martin Luther King Jr. and J.F.K.  After those two came on board, witnesses began to disappear.  Many were found dead right before they were going to testify.

The Lambert case was never anticipated to be a problem for Lancaster.  Judge Dalzell opened the Pandora's box.  He had no idea what was to become a hearing that exposed the "worst case of prosecutorial misconduct in the English speaking world".  But it did. 

Keeping Lambert in prison means keeping a lid on corruption that is perhaps the worst in the country as far as convictions are concerned.

As for the Mennonite Mafia.  It's not just the secretarys down there, Bobula.

Stengel is a Mennonite.  Most of the Judges are Mennonite.  Most everyone in power in Lancaster is a Mennonite.

Alvin B.?  And his wife, former wife, Marilyn Ware, who never used Lewis in her name, EVER, while I lived there, well, I think he might be, who knows.  I do want to thank you for keeping me up to speed on his new even more powerful position as head of the whole state of Pennsylvania's Crime Commision.

Good Lord.  I doubt we'll be seeing any solved bank robberies in Lancaster anytime soon.

Enough said there.



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RE: RE: Analyzing The Third Circuit Court's latest

Fauxreal says: "Stengel is a Mennonite.  Most of the Judges are Mennonite.  Most everyone in power in Lancaster is a Mennonite."

---------Hogwash. Stengel is Catholic and always was. Where do you come up with such easily-disproved garbage?

Fauxreal says: "Alvin B.?  And his wife, former wife, Marilyn Ware, who never used Lewis in her name, EVER, while I lived there, well, I think he might be, who knows.  I do want to thank you for keeping me up to speed on his new even more powerful position as head of the whole state of Pennsylvania's Crime Commision."

---------Uh....if she never used Ware Lewis, how come all these people refer to her in that manner?

.. I know there are a lot of people to congratulate, but I congratulate Marilyn Ware Lewis and Alex Grass here who are the cochairmen of the dinner; salute my old ... pppus.php?admin=041&year=1992&id=060903 - 22k -

... Action.....3. A Resolution on the Appointment of Marilyn Ware Lewis to the Health System Trustee Board Executive Committee was approved as follows ... primdocs/trustees/90s/19950317ex.pdf - Similar pages

... Lancaster Christine J. Toretti President SW Jack Drilling Co. Indiana Marilyn Ware Lewis Chairman of the Board American Water Works Company Inc. ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

... The Ware family controls American Water's board. Chairman Marilyn Ware Lewis, granddaughter of founder John Ware Jr., owns 10 percent of the company. ... stories/2001/08/27/daily1.html?page=2 - 43k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

That's from 1992 to 2001 at least that she was referred to as "Marilyn Ware Lewis".

The Strasburg paper was never owned by Marilyn Ware--what a joke. Gee, I am sure she's always been green with envy that SHE didn't get to control the reportage on whose cows got out.

"In 1879 "The Strasburg Weekly News" was first printed by John G. Homsher. For 49 years Mr. Homsher edited the newspaper until his death, at which time his estate ran the weekly publication with Frederick Homsher as business manager and John E. Homsher as editor. In 1955 the office was sold to John Franklin Miller, who has continued the business to date." From

Yes, all the Mennonite judges. That will be interesting to research.


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RE: Analyzing The Third Circuit Court's latest...

Fauxreal, you are fast losing any credibility you may have had. I reseached all I could on the sitting Lancaster County judges, and there is not a Mennonite among them. The closest I could come is Kenderdine probably being from Church of the Brethren. That's 1 out of 11, not counting the twelfth position that is not yet permanently filled.

If we are supposed to look at the makeup of the judges in the County to determine who holds the power, I guess we'd better be on the lookout for Catholics and members of the Greek Orthodox Church who are no doubt running the show here. They seem to outweigh any other groups in the local court system.

Any other powerful "Mennonites" you'd like me to research? As you continue in your *ahem* investigative reporter career, it might be wise if you don't start squawking and spewing erroneous information about other ethnic or religious groups. Some actually have anti-defamation organizations that might be rather dismayed about false claims such as those you are making about Mennonites.

Why do you continue to say things like this when they are so easily disproved?


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Just for the record, Marilyn Ware Lewis and Alvin B Lewis divorced in 1994. She filed to resume use of her maiden name, Marilyn Ware, in 1998. This is on the Lancaster County Prothonotary website.


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Hey there Bobula, I stand corrected about Stengel.  I was given the wrong information about him.  I lived in Lancaster from 1998 to 2000.  There were different Judges at that time.

Since you say Marilyn Ware-Lewis took her maiden name back and left her ex-husband's off, that would explain why I never read any articles about her which referred to her as Ware-Lewis.

I never meant that all the Judges in Lancaster are Mennonites.  I do know that they are a powerful voice in the Judiciary there. And the Courthouse in general. You've provided information that is valuable.  

I appreciate all the research you have done, so thank you for that.  As for my credibility, I pride myself on the knowledge and research I have done in the Lambert case.  If I am wrong about how many Judges are actually Mennonites, I concede to that. You know a lot more about what's going on there now, certainly than I do.  I'm not worried about being sued by anybody in Lancaster, so please, let's put that one to bed, shall we?  You've made your point, and it is acknowledged.

Now, back to the Lambert saga.  You inquired about the statement taken from Lisa Lambert by detective Solt during which Renee Schuler was present for part of it.  Here's a portion of that testimony he gave concerning what Lisa was wearing on the morning of December 20th,1991. I think it began after midnight so it was actually, as you stated, December 21st,1991, technically.

You were wondering, if I remember correctly, whose handwriting was added at the end of the statement?  It was detective Solt's.

It is important to note that in the beginning of her statement, Solt wrote, then typed later what Lisa said she was wearing which was:  Purple stretch pants, a Bart Simpson t-shirt, white sneakers, and black socks and a black leather jacket. Barley's testimony taken from his statement when he interviewed Yunkin describes the same clothing as I stated above.

This portion of Solt's statement under questioning by Ms. Rainville is most interesting.

Q. Detective, if you would turn to page 7 of the statement, you can either use the statement or the screen, now. The last answer that Lisa supposedly gave is: "The reason I was so scared, when I walked out I had different shoes, socks, a red flannel shirt and black sweatpants"

Bobula, can you see how completely ridiculous this is?  We are now supposed to believe that Lisa Lambert murdered Laurie Show, then changed clothes before walking out of the condo?

Q. When you heard Miss Lambert say that, Detective, you had no idea what the point of that sentence was, correct?

A. No.

Q.And at that point your testimony has been that you were just writing and she was just talking, correct?

A. Correct.

Q. And you didn't even think at that time, is your recollection, that what she said here about her clothing was different than what she had said previously in her statement, correct?

A. That's correct.

Q. And you didn't think at the time, according to your testimony, that it was difficult to understand this sentence that I read, correct?

A. Correct.

Q. It essentially doesn't make sense, correct?

A. I don't know what context you are talking in.

Dalzell: Well, here is what she is getting at.  At the end of the statement she says she is wearing radically different clothes than what you took down at the beginning of the statement.

A. As it continues on, I think it, to me, makes sense-----the reason she was so scared, she is talking about Tabby having blood on her hands as she continues on.

Q. I thought you said reading it today you have no belief what it means.

A. I am confused.

Dalzell: You are under Oath.  I really want you to tell the truth. If you don't tell the truth, you understand that is perjury, don't you?

A. I understand, sir.

Q. Do you want me to read you your deposition answer?

A. Fine.

Q. "As you sit here today and read that sentence, can you understand what it means?"

Your answer: "As I sit here today I'm going to say No."  This is your testimony, isn't it?

A. That is what I said, Yes.

Dalzell: Is that your testimony today?

A. I think as you read it in totality, it does make sense on what is going on. She is explaining why she was scared.

Q. You didn't tell me that at your depositon.

A. I said, as I sat there and read it then it didn't.

Q. You asked no follow-up questions after she made this alleged statement, correct?

A. Correct.

Q. Even though is was totally inconsistent with two prior statements that you recorded that evening concerning what Lisa said she was wearing, correct?

A. That would be correct.

Q. There came a time when you had Lisa Lambert sign the statement?

A. Yes

Q. And you were present at that time?

A. Yes.

Q. And it is your testimony that you asked her to sign across each page, correct?

A. Yes.

Q. And you had her use a red pen, correct?

A. Yes.

Q.And your explanation for that is that you always use a pen contrasting with the ink you were using if such a pen was available.

A. Correct.

Q. And your reason for doing that, you told me, is that it is very obvious to a jury that the statement was signed if it happens to be in a contrasting color, correct? You don't remember that the red pen you gave Lisa to sign with was a felt-tipped pen, do you?

A. No.

Q. You can't remember any other situation in which you used a felt-tipped pen for the signing of a statement?

A. That's correct.

Q. The truth is, Detective, that you had to use a red felt pen because you knew that it would impossible to detect later whether the signature was written on top of or underneath the statement, didn't you?

A. No, sir.

Q. The truth is, Detective, that you started the handwriting on page 6, with some innocuous questions that are typically in a form about whether she was treated well or had anything to eat, so you could continue on on the next page and then have Lisa sign a page that was largely blank, didn't you?

So much for Solt's so-called statement.




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I just finished reading Dr. Charles Larson's testimony from the Habeus hearing. I would recommend to anyone interested in whether Laurie Show could have spoken anything at all to read his testimony from the first day. His specialty is the physical structures that make up speech in the human anatomy. He explains quite clearly how Laurie Show could not have spoken any intelligle words either with or without her carotid artey cut. The only noise she could have made is a buzzing type sound.


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OEJ.....hey there, I've been missing you!  My friend Orville had some very nice things to say about you the other day.  He called you intelligent and very nice.  I agreed heartily.  Just thought I'd pass that along.  Actually, he said, "very intelligent".

I am so very impressed that you made it through Charles Larson's testimony.  It was detailed and lengthy and yes, most definitely proves that Laurie Show could not have spoken. She was bleeding profusely from the back and neck for over 12 minutes, maybe up to 15, depending on which report you read. The main relevant fact lies within the major arteries that were all severed, the vagus nerve, carotid, all the way to the hyoid bone. I was there the day he testified at the 1998 P.C.R.A. hearing and Stengel just looked bored and alternately irritated. Michael Baden testified as well and made it very clear that Hazel's testimony about "cradling" Laurie,which by the way, she never told anyone about until Savage convinced her two weeks later, to say that, could never have made the severed cords simply go back together making Laurie's speech possible. Baden testified that these cords in the head and neck are like thin baloons once the blood is gone, which it was by the time Hazel arrived, and cannot just reconnect themselves as she suggested with her "cradling" theory.

Larson's testimony and Baden's testimony, coupled with the fact that Hazel Show never told anyone on the scene that day or for the next week or more, that her daughter ever spoke to her, telling her who killed her, proves, without a doubt that it never happened.  Hazel's hatred for Lisa Lambert was no doubt intense, but what is truly sad is that man who killed her daughter, Lawrence Yunkin, had also brutally raped her daughter, and had the true motive to keep her quiet.  Which he effectively did. Hazel Show lost all credibility when she changed her story in 1998, one year after her dramatic insistence on telling the truth, even stopping the proceedings to do so.  She has known all along that Yunkin lied about everything. She found his earring on her floor, something investigators should have seen the first day.  They didn't even bother to collect hair samples, and you know full well, as anyone would, that in her struggle with Yunkin, surely she managed to pull out more than a few hairs as she yanked that earring out of his ear. No doubt, he was behind her, ready to draw the knife across her throat when she reached up in a vain attempt to stop him, pulling out the earring in the process. That's in fact why the earring BACK was found in her hair during the autopsy.  That also was never produced at trial, and disappeared from the evidence room which Renne Schuler was in charge of.


What is amazing to me at this point in time is the outrageous number of absolute lies are in the Third Circuit Court's latest opinion. It's truly shocking that Judges of that stature think nothing obviously of making major false statements while professing to have examined the evidence in great detail. It's totally insane that they should be able to get away with this. 

Here's a little something I found today which is on my site but which I will post here because it further incriminates Lawrence Yunkin.

This is from the 3rd day April 2nd 1997 at the Habeus Hearing:

Dalzell: Before we resume our testimony this morning, I would like to address a matter of importance to the Court and to the parties.

We received on Monday a motion for sanctions from the petitioner regarding the blood sample of Lawrence Yunkin and the DNA found on Laurie Show's ring. (both Yunkin and Buck had extensive scratches on their faces, Lisa had none)

We had afforded the Commonwealth the opportunity to respond to that motion. We had hoped to receive it before Court, and we have not received it in writing. So, what I would like to do because the matter is of such, transcended importance to what we are dealing with here, that I will afford the Commonwealth the opportunity to respond to what the Court has found to be the exceedingly disquieting statements in Miss Rainville's affadavit.

Madenspacher: Thank You, Your Honor. I do have the written response. I understood the Court wanted it by today.

Dalzell: Why don't you respond, if you will, because I think we need to take some action right away. And the reason I am anxious to hear from you is because I know you take your obligations under Rule of Professional Responsibility very seriously and you have done so. At least so far as I have seen here.

Madenspacher: Regarding this thing regarding the DNA, Your Honor, the Court recalls in the original order the Commonwealth was to arrange to have the ring sent to Cellmark for testing for possible DNA samples.  We did that. We took the ring, packaged it up, sent it down to Cellmark, we paid for the analysis and we got the results back that there was sufficient DNA material from the blood on that ring for comparisons. A copy of that report went to the police a copy went to me and a copy went to Miss Rainville.

And I think the very date that we got the report, if not the day afterwards, Miss Rainville and I were in discussion as to what we were going to do regarding this. And at that particular time the question came up to get the blood of Lawrence Yunkin to have it for comparison.

At that time I said I would see---I will find out where he is and I will try and make some sort of contact with the state prison.

Well, he's in the State Correctional Institution in Dallas, PA., and I had a member of my office call up there to get a contact person and to find out what procedures would be necessary to have the blood drawn. I thought this was a relatively routine type of matter.

Dalzell: Yes, the stipulation and the order from February 29th and I approved it. (so, that's a full month the Commonwealth had to get the blood)

Madenspacher: That is correct. Since then, it has always been my position that Yunkin should give blood.  The problem started to develop, when Miss Rainville's firm contacted the prison. Finally we thought we had the date that was all going to be set to draw the blood, there was a witness from Rainville's firm to be present.

Then it came up that now, that he was refusing to have......

Dalzell: Yunkin was resisting.  (gosh if he was never in the condo, what's the problem?)

Madenspacher: Correct.

Dalzell: So therefore we agreed it would be done against his will.

Madenspacher: Correct. I sent a memo to Ms. Rainville on February 25th 1997.

Rainville: We never got a copy of it.

Madenspacher: It is a query. What if Yunkin refuses? I thought that was always a problem.

(if Madenspacher always thought it was a problem, then he obviously always thought Yunkin was guilty. There's no reason not to give blood if you're innocent)

And I explained to her that people in prison for 10 to 20 years, (more like 8 as it turned out)

oftentimes aren't really afraid of the contempt power of the Court, and that is something that should be taken into account. But, we did get the hold-down order at that point. And, again I consented to that. Then, for some unknown reason, I have not been in contact with the prison. The prison is really out of my hands. I have no control over what the state prison system does.

Dalzell: Well, except, Mr. Madenspacher----I understand you are saying that to me in good faith.  But I have to interrupt you there, because you are representing the Commonwealth here as well as the District Attorney's office.

Madenspacher: That is correct, Your Honor.

Dalzell: And the Commonwealth, the record will reflect, has itself appeared through the Attorney General's office in this very proceeding, but it has been content to let you defend the Commonwealth's fortunes here.

What I found exceedingly disturbing was the prepostorous notion that---attributed to Dan Perlman of the Chief Counsel's Office of the Dept. of Corrections , who seems to take the position that the DOC is some seperate juridicial entity as though it is not part of the Commonwealth of PA, as though it is not subject to the authority of the Attorney General, which you and I both know is simply untenable as a position.

Mr. Madenspacher, I don't hold you responsible for that, I want the record to be clear there, I used to be a lawyer too. We can't always choose our clients. And your client has not helped you here. It didn't escape my attention that you were able without my intervention to get Tabitha Buck into Lancaster tomorrow. So I assume that same power would permit you to get Lawrence Yunkin in Lancaster tomorrow for a blood test. And he will submit to a blood test.

Now, if Mr. Perlman and others in the DOC insist on taking the position that he took in Miss Rainville's affadavit I will have no choice under Rule 37 but to make a preclusive finding that is the appropriate sanction here. But it is such a matter of transcended materiality to this case that I would only make that preclusive finding as a last result if the Commonwealth forces me into that position.

I can't imagine a graver evidentiary issue before me at this point.  It is just so obvious. 

Mr. Totaro can use my chambers, to make arrangements with Mr. Perlman, to get Yunkin to Lancaster, wherever Tabitha Buck is going to be, to have the blood taken.

It will take about two weeks to cook the DNA, right?

Rainville: Well, actually, Cellmark, as a favor to me, I pleaded and begged them, their normal processing time is over a month. And they said, "We'll try, but we can't promise two weeks",and that was really a stretch for them.

Dalzell: I appreciate that. They can't repeal the laws of chemistry and physics,that is how you do DNA testing.  So, if we get the blood tomorrow, two weeks from then we are still on trial.

If we get the blood tomorrow, I will not adjourn this phase until I get that evidence.  I can't think of anything more important that I am going to hear than that.

Now, Mr. Madenspacher , you can tell your colleague that if the CW does not produce the body of Yunkin for blood sampling, that the Judge will make a finding that the blood on the ring was Yunkin's. And I know you don't want me to do that.

Madenspacher:  I will make every effort to do that.

Dalzell: So with that, I will direct the CW to produce the body of Lawrence Yunkin for taking of a blood sample, even against his will tomorrow, at a site that Mr. Madenspacher and Miss Rainville will agree upon. Fair enough?

Miss Rainville: Fair enough. Thank you Your Honor.

We have another matter, unfortunately.  As we were here yesterday working out we thought the details concerning Tabitha Buck, her attorney was simultaneously faxing a motion to quash a subpoena to us.  Based on, among other things, the fact she is in prison beyond the hundred-mile subpoena power, which strikes me as peculiar argument since she is in custody and by it's terms they refuse to produce her for trial. We had subpoenaed her for April 3rd deposition. 

I'm sorry that went on so long, but I thought you might find it interesting.  Tabitha did in fact give her deposition, but her attorney, quickly after, issued a letter explaining that she gave perjured testimony and he would not allow her to testify.

I don't know if Yunkin ever gave blood or not.  I'm going to look through this mountain of transcripts, It's about two feet high on the floor below me, but I honestly cannot recall reading anymore about it.  The fact that he refused to give blood pretty much sums it up.

The prosecution's star witness indeed.  And how about the Department of Corrections even refusing to give him up?

Hey Bobula, go ahead and attack my credibility on those all important matters like how Marilyn Lewis Ware does or does not hyphenate her name. If I got it wrong how many Judges in 1998 were Mennonite and whether Stengel is or not.....knock yourself out.  I think the credibility of those who chose to protect the real killer of Laurie Show, not to mention the credibility of the 3rd Circuit Court which I've already caught and proven have made 2 (and there's more) major falsifications of MAJOR FACTS is a little more relevant.

Good for Marilyn Ware that she dumped that Sleeze ex-husband of hers.  Can you tell me, with your excellent research, just what year old Alvin B. Lewis became the Head of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission?  Perhaps he had a hand in convincing Mr. Perlman, head of the DOC in keeping, or attempting to keep Yunkin from giving blood.  Just a thought. 






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Oh really? Well, tell Mr. Orville I'm a sweet looking babe, too:;)...and thank him for me.

Dr. Larson gave his opinion based on both scenarios of the carotid and vagus nerve cut and uncut. Laurie's neck was sliced clear through to the spinal structure. Her speech muscles including her vocal cord was cut. One part of the anatomy of the speech center was turned completely around backwards. Air was escaping from Laurie's lungs through the gaping cut in her neck. Speech is dependant upon the air from the lungs reaching the several undamaged physcial parts of the vocal system. Not only was she unable to bring air from the lungs into the vocal center, that center was terribly damged. Any sounds were coming from the lungs through the neck wound. A surgeon would have to sew 7 different layers of muscle and dermis in order for Laurie to be able to speak. The damged areas could not have come togther just by holding the head in the correct way.

It's hard to believe that hair and blood samples were not collected and analyzed and ompared to the defendants.

According to the first responders, there was hair all over the place.


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I do wonder if the hold down order Dalzell gave was obeyed. Please do tell if you find out if Yunkin was held down and blood taken from him and the results if you know.



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Just curious here.  Didn't Yunkin have to give blood for the hearing in which his paternity rights to Lisa's baby were ended?  If I remember correctly, there was some question as to who was the baby's father.  Knowing the answer to that one might have put to rest the doubt that she was gang raped by cops.  Here's another question regarding paternity.  Just who is Lawrence's father?  It sure isn't the man Jackie married.  The answer to that one might explain the "special" treatment he got.


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OEJ and ask such GOOD QUESTIONS!  You gals are really smart!

OEJ, I am totally impressed with the way you distilled that day long testimony into a few paragraphs that are the essence of what he testified to. I wish you could have been there while Stengel sat in his cushy chair barely paying attention. It was not that way in Dalzell's courtroom the year before. As you can see by the amount of questions Dalzell asked himself, he wanted to know the truth, and in the end, he found it. 

Anotherone4truth......You are right about Yunkin giving blood at the custody hearing, the paternity hearing, I believe came later. The custody hearing,  I believe was held in 1994 or 1996.  I read those trancripts in Rainville's office in 1998, when I first moved to Lancaster.

I flew into Philly, and checked into a hotel after asking her if I could just read the transcripts from Lisa's original so-called trial in 1992.  She and her staff were most gracious and said I could read anything I want involving Lisa's case. At that point, It had all been produced at the Habeus Hearing, and was part of the public record.

She brought out into the room about 10 full boxes of transcripts, police reports, photographs; it was nothing less than astounding how much information is involved in this case. And the money, taxpayers money, that has been spent keeping Lisa in prison and protecting Yunkin, because that is the position prosecutors chose to take in the beginning, bargaining with a murdering liar, and they have had to protect that position all the way.

I spent 3 solid 8 hour days reading these transcripts.  It was then I came upon the custody hearing.  Lisa's family all testified, as did Jackie Yunkin.  The Yunkin's wanted visitation rights to Kirsten, Lisa's daughter, claiming Yunkin was the father.  They kept delaying the Judge's orders to get a blood sample from Yunkin. This fact came out when Lisa's mother Judy Lambert, gave testimony saying that they had requested time and time again for proof of paternity from Yunkin by analyzing his blood, but he had refused even then. 

Kirsten's blood had already been drawn.  As for Yunkin's biological father.  That is the million dollar question.  I hadn't known, until I read those transcripts, that Yunkin was adopted. There was almost nothing in the papers about Yunkin during the weeks and months after Laurie's murder.  Lisa, however was in the papers every single day, practically, and her life, both facts and fallacy became the talk of the town....

At any rate, in these custody transcripts, I got to the part where Jackie Yunkin testifies as to why she thinks she should have partial custody of Kirsten.  Wow.  That woman is a pistol just waiting to go off.  Talk about a short fuse.  I wish I could remember the Judge's name...I believe it was Hummer. Lambert's attorney asked Jackie at one point, if Yunkin was adopted.

She said yes.  The next question was: Who is Yunkin's biological father?  She didn't get far with her answer, and here's what happened.

Jackie said the following words: Lawrence Yunkin's biological father is Lawrence.......

At which point the Judge said and loudly according to the courtreporter...."STOP RIGHT THERE!"....and Jackie didn't utter another word to that question.   The Judge continued talking though.


Boy did that just jump out at you while reading those transcripts.  So, we know Yunkin was named after his real dad, but his true identity is something the Judge clearly did not want on record.  I asked Lisa about this and she said, "Jackie Yunkin won't tell anybody who Lawrence's real father is, and it's the deep dark secret of the family, and always has been"  Apparently not even Lawrence knows who his real dad is. In her book Overkill, Lyn Riddle had an interview with Jackie who said when asked the following.

Lawrence Yunkin's biological father saw him on the day he was born in Coatesville, PA. March 12, 1971 and a few times after. The twenty-five year old steelworker wasn't ready for a family, not even the blue-eyed boy with hair so blond it hardly looked like it was there. He had married the boy's mother Johnie Mae Haines when he was twenty two and she was eighteen.

I should point out that Lyn Riddle's book is full of both facts and lies.  It is selective to an extraordinary degree with regard to trial testimony.

Now, back to the custody hearing transcripts.  Naturally, when I read how the Judge stopped Jackie from saying Yunkin's biological father's last name, I eagerly read the rest of the testimony. 

Lisa's mother went into great detail about how she had let the Yunkin's have supervised visits with Kirsten at a local playyard that was privately owned and enclosed behind a fence. She related how, when Jackie kept insisting that Judy Lambert let them have her on weekends, unsupervised, and Judy Lambert refused, Jackie would pound her fist on the picnic table where they both sat and yelled "Well then we'll take you to court, damnit!".....Kirsten was absolutely terrified of Jackie Yunkin and eventually began to cry uncontrollably when it came time for another horrid "visit" with the Yunkins.

Judy Lambert and Leonard, her husband had sole custody of Kirsten, and were not required to let the Yunkins visits at all.  As Jackie became more incensed, and Kirsten terrified of her, the visits stopped.  Soon, the Yunkins filed the lawsuit aiming for custody of Kirsten.  The lost the case. At the end of the hearing, the Judge issued a ruling.  The Yunkins are not allowed anywhere near Kirsten for the rest of her life. Yunkin was not ruled out as the father, but it was sketchy on the paternity issue because he kept refusing to give blood.  Much like he did in the segment I posted above.  The sample he gave at that was destroyed before the Habeus Hearing.  Obviously, Weaver and Bowman have always steadfastly refused to give samples of any kind so outraged that they would even be thought of as rapists.  Yeah, right. 

The most shocking part of Judy Lambert's testimony at this hearing was how she described Yunkin's brutal treatment of Lisa and his penchant for "little girls". If you read the 29 questions, in fact, in one of them Lisa asks him: "Have you ever cheated on me, except for all the little girls?".  Lawrence Yunkin is a child molester. He has never been convicted of this, but Lisa and others have testified watching him pull down his pants and fondle girls as young as 11 years old.  One girl he gave a ribbon to and made her tie it around his erect penis. Once Lisa was no longer afraid of Yunkin, and far beyond his spell, she felt safe to describe what life with him was really like.

The Judge took all this into account and listened carefully.  While Jackie was on the stand, she brought cancelled checks in as evidence that Lawrence was making "child support" payments from his prison account to Lisa's parents, in an effort to make it look like he was a caring father who loved this girl.  Lisa's mother pointed out that the checks did not begin coming until after the Yunkin's filed for custody.  Lisa reminded the Judge that Lawrence's parents had wanted her to get an abortion, even offering to pay for it.  This was in the beginning of her pregnancy.  The few checks Lawrence sent, came from money his parents had sent him in prison.  Yunkin's parents even sent Lisa checks in prison the first few weeks she was incarcerated after Laurie's murder, until Kenneff told them to stop. At Yunkin's attorney's insistence.

So, who is Yunkin's biological father?  Maybe Bobula can check that out for us. 

It's definitely a very important clue.  And without a doubt, a well-kept secret. 

I took Savage's testimony, he was the last witness, and Alvin B. had coached him well, to bed with me last night.  In it, is some very disturbing and relevant facts about another sweet young girl who was murdered one year and day after Laurie Show. 

Christy Mirack.

I'll be back in a bit with that testimony.  It's really interesting and very informative.

The Lisa Lambert case is about so much more than most people know. 

Savage, Bowman, Weaver, Kenneff, Schuler, Chief Glick, these guys are not just bumbling rinky-dink hayseed investigators.  It's a little more serious than that, I'm afraid.  




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And just to clarify, when Jackie said Lawrence was adopted, she of course, meant by Barry Yunkin.  What was interesting is that when Lambert's attorney asked for proof that Barry had adopted Lawrence, she could not produce that information.  She simply claimed it was unavailable.

Bastard: Something of irregular, inferior or dubious origin.

I think it's safe to say that Lawrence is a murdering bastard. 


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