This week marks the beginning of National Crime Victims Week.Every day,we go about our business and pray we won't be the victim of a violent crime.But this week marks the remembrence of those that have lost their lives and those that have to live without them.Here are some addresses of organizations that we here at Justice Junction support.
Parents Of Murdered Children 100 E. 8th St. Suite 202 Cincinnanti,OH 45202 888-818 -POMC
The National Organization For Victims Assistance This organization provides information and referrals for victims of crime and disaster 24/7 1-800-TRY-NOVA WWW.TRYNOVA.ORG
The National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE WWW.NDVH.ORG
Thank you everyone.We love you guys,and this week,remember everyone who's been taken before us.
Over the past year,approximately 17,520 people were murdered. That's two people every hour.Last year there were more than 300,000 rapes reported.That's 34 rapes per hour.This past year there were also more than 300,000 sexual assaults on children.Again,34 per hour.And that's just what was reported.We can only imagine what has not been reported.
National Victims Constitutional Amendment Project [NVCAP] NVCAP is an organization supporting the adoption of an amendment to the constitution recognizing the fundimental rights of crime victims to be treated with dignity and respect by the criminal justice system. NVCAP 789 Sherman Street Suite 670 Denver,CO 80203 800-529-8826
The Ron Goldman Foundation For Justice The Ron Goldman Foundation wishes to empower victims of violent crime and positively empact the lives of survivors who start each day with pain,grief,trauma and injustice.
The Ron Goldman Foundation PO Box 1096 Canyon Country,CA 91836
I'd like to remember that every victim is somebody's loved one.Let's try and take care of each other.