This is just exasperating now. I'd be completely shocked if there was any resolution in this crime and buy everyone reading this a steak dinner because I just don't believe it ever can be solved.
The new DA in Boulder,Colorado is going to take a "fresh" look at this and see if his office should keep it or they should turn it back over to the Boulder police.I think we all know what happened with the BPD the first time,so if I was the victim's parent,I wouldn't be all hot and biscuit to do that.I think I'd rather have the DA's office keep it.At any rate,check it out below.
Hasn't the mother died? I don't think this will ever be solved either and that poor woman died never knowing the truth. As a mother of three girls, I have to wonder what attracts people to pageants for little girls, trying to get them to grow up too fast.
I totally agree with you on this one. Those tiny tot beauty pagents are sick.
And you're right,Patsy Ramsey passed away from cancer and anything she knew,she didn'f tell.This has always bothered me tremendously [I am the mother on one of one daughter] and I hate to think of how that poor baby suffered.
I have never thought the parents were responsible, but something always seemed off about them and how they handled things. They seemed to be hiding something. One would think a mother would protect her child no matter what, but I have a close friend who was a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of her father. When her sister finally "told" and the whole thing unraveled, her mother stood by the father, saying the three girls were lying. He ended up in prison and the children went into foster care. My girlfriend later reconciled with her parents, but her mother supposedly "never forgave" her for testifying against the father. The whole thing was so impossible to believe if you did not know the people. In this case, the offender was a horrible man and obviously very controlling. How did I get off on all of that... Sorry...
So I'm channel surfing between loads and I come upon a Biography channel "Notorious" special about the murder of JonBenet.
First,that's a big ass house.How could they possibly know what was going on in a four story mansion in which they didn't use the security alarm? Second,they didn't say if the younger brother has been interviewed since the initial one at the Niwhot Child Advocacy Center. His room was right across from hers and acording to the grandmother she would "scream bloody murder" if pulled out of bed.
Last,they say the Ramsey's have been eliminated as suspects by the new method of touch DNA.Someone school me,but but didn't both John and Patsy both touch her tiny body,thereby leaving DNA on her? Or Is this new method means to show there is no other DNA on her? I wish more than anything whoever did this would be caught.
I haven't read that one, but read Pefect Murder, Perfect Town by Schiler, I believe. Have you heard of that one. I am fascinated by this case too. I used to wonder if the brother was involved.
I did read Perfect Murder,Perfect Town. And the Steve Thomas book titled "JonBenet",and that was a real heartbreaker.I think he had some good ideas but the BPD wouldn't let him do what needed to be done. I don't know if you read the Ramsey book,The Death Of Innocence [mine was a gift while I was in the hospital] but either those people are the world's best liars or they simply had no idea who killed their child.
When you say,"the brother",do you mean Burke or John Andrew?