This really takes the cake. I thought this scumbag wife beating piece of crap was out of my hair,but no.
A website has been posted asking for donations for OJ Simpson's appeal,claiming he is "no longer a wealthy man".What? I'm sorry but am I supposed to CARE that you need $1 million dollars [that's what they figure an appeal will cost] to defend yourself in a case you were so very obviously found guilty?
Some of you would say,"Anna,wouldn't you want people to help you if you were in legal trouble and had no money?" To them I say,if I was guilty and found guilty,I'd sit down and shut up.Simpson's been skating for years. He had this coming.I'm going to post a link to the story and from there you can view the website,but I'm not posting the website address itself.I'm not giving these morons any more publicity than they are getting now. Just re-reading the ridiculous summary of why they think OJ ["A fallen American hero"]deserves your donation "however modest" is really making me angry.
I do believe that somebody got the date wrong....this was originally supposed to have been published on April 1st. Shame on them for putting it out early...
"My Candle Burns at Both Ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light." ...Edna St. Vincent Millay
I mean,what the HELL,right? I looked at the board of directors and found that it is only two guys,and the only case of injustice they seem to be fighting is this ridiculous OJ Simpson thing.I didn't see anything about cases like Tim Masterson or the West Memphis Three [THERE'S some freaking injustice for you].
Just The Juice.Our "Fallen American Hero". Spare me!!!
Yeah,he had a ghost writer named Pablo Fenjaves write all this crap about how HYPOTHETECALLY killed Nicole and Ron.The project got shelved when the majority of America collectivly drew a lynch mob on the publisher.
But since the scummy OJ hasn't paid his fines that were awarded to the Goldman and Brown families the court awarded the manuscript to Fred Goldman,who published it. I'd grab a copy ASAP.If you weren't convinced he is trash,you will be after this!!!
Thank you for the compliment. I first got published in 2001 and I love it.
The OJ thing.....his kids are making money off that book.Someone emailed me and told me that the family of Nicole Brown Simpson is recieving a portion of proceeds and the children she had with OJ are her legal heirs.