What are your thoughts on juvenile offerenders receiving life sentences with no possibility of parole? I read an article last week about boys as young as 14 who committed horrible crimes and the controvery around how to sentence them or if it is possible for rehabilitation. Any thoughts?
Here where I live in Arizona,there was a case recently where,I believe he was 8,shot and killed his father and his father's roomate.He was not punished appropriately,IMO,because they threw out his confession due to the fact he had no lawyer/parent present.
This happens all the time.But on the other side,there are 14 year olds going to adult facilities,which I don't think is right.They should be in a juvinile facility untll the turn 21,then transferred if they are in for life.
All the way around,it is a sad day when a child comitts a crime and decisions like these need to be made.
This subject is very troubling to me. Maybe because I am a parent and can relate differently now. I have to wonder how a parent would feel if their child did such a thing and then received no punishment. I don't know if I wod be okay with that either.
It's a whole different ballgame when you're a Mom,isn't it? My daughter is 22 but you never stop worrying.
As far as juvinile offenders,I really think it depends on what they did and they all need to have a psychiatric evaluation before they start throwing sentances around.