Well this is the first that I have heard of the whole situation in Linden on National News today. I was appalled and had to call home. You see I grew up with Colt Amox and I know that he would not do something like this. The media has blown the situation completely out of proportion trying to recreate the Jasper incident so that they can ride it out and get the ratings up. Its a shame too because these boy's lives are being affected by it. This guy wanted a ride to the party, started drinking after just being released from the hospital, and ended up in my friends face. Yeah if some strange guy was up in my face I probably would have hit him too... now bad judgement call on the jailer's part by suggesting taking him somewhere else then calling 911, but there was no leaving him for dead or such. Its a great travesty and I am saddened to hear that something like this is going on in my great state of Texas and much less to one of my childhood friends. Bad things happen to good people, and where is the justice for that?
I personally think you need to get your facts straight East Texas girl..... I live here and what went on was not as simple as someone strange getting in your face. They had that mentally challenged man dancing and stuff for their enjoyment... Give me a break!!! I live here , have lived here and I guess will continue to live here where there is no justice for a mother and her two daughters that were murdered in their own home. Now that is something to get mad about..