I was wondering if anyone has heard anything new on this case lately? Last I heard was Trenton's mother, Melinda Duckett (who police were growing suspicious of) killed herself after appearing on Nancy Grace. And Trenton, that I know of, has never been found. Has anyone heard anything new? it's been a long, long time sice I've heard anything in the news about this case.
I can't believe it's been 2 years since this happened.Trenton was never found and as we all know,Melinda Duckett killed herself after that horrific Nancy Grace interview. I was in the hospital with diverticulitis and I called my fiancee to bring me my laptop LMAO [he didn't]
So it looks like they [the parents of Melinda Duckett] are taking CNN to court and naming Nancy Grace as the trigger because of that interview. I'll see if I can sniff out a transcript of it.
Said it before,gonna say it again,my favorite movie has a great quote,"The media controls millions of minds with their buying and selling of fear."
And they really do.Think about it.This case is the perfect example. Nancy Grace was pretty convinced Melinda Ducket knew where Trenton was and on the air went after her in a full scale interrogation. For those of you who didn't see it,man,you missed out. It was brutal.I wasn't suprised she killed herself.
Would she have done it without the media on her like that? It's your call.I think she eventually would have been charged,so......yeah,I think she would have.The media just moved her date with that shotgun up.
Saw this on a crime blog. An image inhanced photo of Trenton Duckett who has still not been found. The mother, Melinda, shot and killed herself. There are theories that an interview with Nancy Grace pushed her "over the edge" if you will. I looked for that interview and couldn't find it. I don't know if it's because of litigation issues but I did find this video which discusses litigation against Grace in Melinda Duckett's death:
And here's the inhanced photo of what little Trenton would look like today: