It has been 12 years, and two weeks since the remains of Christina Marie Williams were discovered. And her case is stone cold.
Christina Marie Williams left her home on the evening of June 12th, 1999, to walk her dog. Her dog returned a little less than 1 hour later to her home, leash trailing behind him. Christina was nowhere in sight. She had vanished. Exactly 7 months later, to the day, her remains were discovered on the old Fort Ord Army base, which was approximately 3 miles from her home. Her case received widespread media attention. Her case has always hit close to home for many U. S. Navy families, as her father was in the Navy at the time of her abduction. Another sad point to note is that for most of her life, Christina had lived overseas in Okniwah and Japan as her father and been stationed there, and had led a relatively safe and quiet life. She was abducted and murdered shortly after she and her family moved to the U. S. Her mother noted in an interview that she was scared for her children to live in the U. S. since child abductions are so common here. She had no idea how true those words would become. Perhaps someday Christina will receive the justice she deserves, and her family will receive the closure they deserve.
There are more and more of these every day and it sickens me to think that so many of our children are dying at the hands of monsters who need to be locked away for life.