Elise Baker was sentenced to up to 18 yrs in prison for the murder of her stepdaughter, Zahra Baker.
Zahra Baker was a 10 yr old girl left disabled by a brutal fight against bone cancer. She disappeared last year in Newton, NC. RIP Zahra. You had such a hard life. One can only hope now that you're in heaven, you will know nothing but love and happiness.
This poor little girl had such a hard life. Her mom wasn't invovled much in her life. She had such a hard fight against bone cancer that left her disabled. She had an idiot for a father (who is a felon also), and to top it all off, she really did have her own evil stepmother. Thank Goodness she was finally rescued from her horrible life and she can fly with the angels now!
I do have to say I have one problem with the death penalty. And maybe it's not the death penalty itself, or rather the use of it. I have always been on the fance of the death penalty. Simply because, while I have no problem at all seeing a murderer, rapist, etc put to death, it greatly disturbs me to know that yes innocent people have been put to death as well. The death penalty can't work if the wrong people are executed.