This is a recently published book, that reads like fiction (check your local bookstores, I plan to go buy it tomorrow!) Trouble is, it's nonfiction. It is a true story. It's a tragic, gutwrenching, and amazing story of one little girl's tragic chidlhood events. And her undying faith in herself, her family, love, life, God, and ultimately forgiveness. I know bits and peices of her story, and I have to say, I don't know that I would be strong enough to forgive. Yet she has found the strength to forgive the men who changed her life that horrible night.
Is this yet another ooooo the priest touched me OMG! stories? I'm gettin a little little sick of this crap TBH.Mind you,I'm not saying it's not relevent,it very much is.I personally just don't won't want to hear it.
No, that's why I posted it. Don't want to give away too many details though since you haven't read the book :) But it's not another oooo the priest touched me story. I swear if this wasn't a true story (that has been confirmed. CNN is also doing a series of articles on this book, and the author, and the events in the book), I'd swear I was reading another one of my fiction thrillers. It's about a family that lives in a small town, corruption within that small town, murder for hire, and a little girl who tragically witnessed the murder of her mother and attempted murder of her father. And how she lived to tell the tale.
So I just finished the book, and ugh. I will need a day to recover from it. There are so many ways that all of this could have been prevented, these poor children could have grown up with both parents, instead of losing their mother to murder, and their father to his mental problems that resulted from the attack. So so sad. But the children endured, and both are grown adults now that have happy, fullfilling lives, which is good. But what they went thru, the daughter especially, totally broke my heart.
Hola,How-de-do and a welcome to our board,repsky912.Glad to have you aboard.
Dateline NBC did a piece on this case and I passed on it without reading it because I thought It was a wahhh bad priest bad molester story.I'll have to give it the once over tonight [my new man is workin!] so let me give it the once over and we'll give it the justice junction treatment!