This chick will never go away. And since I really think she's a dangerous person who will never be rehabilitated,I'm going to keep pubiclicing her information so she never has a chance to get away from the unspeakable and disgusting things she's done and I'm quite sure she'd do it again.
Of other note,in the link,scope out the dude in the pic.It's supposed to be her baby daddy but he looks scarily like Paul. Check out the link.It will bring you up to date on Ms.Homolka.
This is just awful! Poor Karla was a battered woman!Paul Bernardo beat her within an inch of her life! What's wrong with all of you?
Everyone says oh she's so evil,no no that's not whaat happened! She was so abused and living in fear so she did what she had to do out of fear of her life!
I can't believe you believe she's the same kind of murderous scum on the level of Diane Downs or Casey Anthony. Not to mention she did 12 years for her participation in the crimes.
You guys have been brainwashed by the media. Good Lord.
Jeffrey Dahmer was abused as a child also... does that mean he should have caught a break as well? This is a very tricky issue. When abuse victims become the abusers. Does it make the abuse and what they went thru any less horrible? No. At the same time, because they were abused does that mean they then have the right to abuse someone else? No.
DelRay............for God's Sake!!! I can see an abused woman doing some things that others may never do. However, I REFUSE to believe the awful things she did was include her own sister? Give me a break!!!!!!!
I've been brainwashed by the media. That's priceless.
Nobody is disputing Karla was a battered wife.Those pictures say it all,and those aren't even the worst ones.
Karla engeneered the rape of her own sister because Paul said since Karla wasn't a virgin when they met,he deserved one. And the one he wanted was Tammy.
You can't honestly believe her battered wife defense after having heard so much about what she did on the tapes. The unofficial diagnosis on her was that she was a hybristophiliac,which is a person who is sexually aroused at the sight of someone inflicting pain on another person in a sexual situation.
I would recomend reading Steven Williams book,"Invisible Darkness" to get the truth of what these two degenerative scumholes did. Seriously,I can't believe you bought into her bull.
LOL Nikki yeah I'm still rolling from that one,I've been brainwashed by the media.I've been getting published since 01. You retard,I am *part* of the media! I must have brainwashed myself!
I bet I can make money off that! Whoa! DUDE!
Look no matter which way you cut it,they had videotaped themselves raping underaged girls one of whom was Karla's sister.All 3 wound up dead. If you can't figure it from there,*you're* delusional,and I mean it in the nicest possible way.
People who viewed the video tapes said she seemed to be enjoying herself and was only doing what Paul told her to do part of the time. Also she didn't "come clean" until she knew the hammer was coming down on them anyway. She was given a deal before they knew what happened or she would have gotten a lot more time.
Hi Peckerwood,welcome to our coner. Anna is my name,I am one of our 3 moderators,along with Navywife and Jillybean. Hope you'll come back and enjoy your stay.
I agree with what you've said,had the crown seen those tapes,Karla would have been in a worla oh hurt. The tapes they made before her were proven the I'd like to think the Canedian authorities would have given her an equal or at least possiblility in 2299. This case was horrid. Karla had several attempts to free the girls,particularly Kristen French but the sad reality was,she did not. The Crown really messed this up and I believe they are going to have problems down the line for this. From what I understand,she is now married to her former crimimal defense lawyer's brother and living in the French Canadian island of Guadeloupe with her 3 children.