I am normally the first one to support our men and women of law enforcement. But wow... this guy is a disgrace to law enforcement.
Mora County (NM) Sheriff Thomas Garza got into a verbal and physical altercation with one of deputies, Lee Aliingham. The sheriff demanded that Deputy Allingham release a DWI suspect... and Deputy Allingham refused. And a local news station has obtained documents that allege that this idiot sheriff told another deputy to call him if any of his friends were ever picked up for a dwi.. that way the sheriff could give them a ride home instead of to jail. Not sure if the suspect they were arguing about is a buddyof the sheriff, but why else would he demand a dwi suspect be released?
The link below you can plainly hear the Sheriff saying because he is Sheriff he can do whatever the heck he wants to do. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? Here's an idea Sheriff Garza... take a trip to Mexico and don't come back. You're just the kind of law enforcement officer they like down there.