Since we can't swear on this website, I can only refer to this lame excuse for a mother as a capital B.
A mother with two disabled children, one of them being 19 yrs of age, decided she couldn't care for both of them anymore because it was just "too much to handle." Ok, I can maybe understand that much of her story. The rest is just beyond my comprehension.
This mother decided that instead of taking her to daughter to a hospital, or perhaps the police, ya know, somewhere safe where she could explain the situation and turn over her disabled daughter to people who could care for her, a much better idea is to drive from Illinois where they lived, to Tn, and abandon her daughter outside of a bar! Yeah, great idea you idiot. Why does God see fit to bless morons like this with children in the first place?
However, because in the great state of Tn 19 yrs old is legally considered an adult, this mother can't be charged with any crime according to law enforcement. Here's the link to the story:
WTF? Karma. It comes for everyone,and a heaping helping of it will be headed her way for this. Lord,I would not want to be her on judgement day. I can't even believe someone would do that and have no legal ramifications. That is ridiculous.
PS: there's always the icon when you really need to cuss,Lovey!
I just want to know what kind of crack she was smoking... I mean really. If she decided she just couldn't financially or phsyically care for two disabled kids... ok. I could understand that part. Some people are in that kind of situation. But if that's the situation, then for crying out loud, take your kid to a hospital, or a police station... driving them out of state to a freaking bar?? Oh, and she picked Tn because she thinks TN has the best health care in the country... HAHAHAHA.
i wouldn't say it's horrible... but we're by no means any better than most of the rest of the country. there are a couple of states with worse health care than ours, but, not many.
Yikes. That's not good at all. I mean,what the hell? And I'm still wondering why there isn't there any kind of leagal ramification against this woman? I know 19 is much the age of consent but being handicapped and ditching the poor girl? MESSED UP! GRRRR.