I found this story interesting in that 2 longtime, historic foes might be on the same side in this once instance? The Ku Klux Klan wanted to join the Adopt A Highway program, and have it's name put on one of the Adopt A Highway signs in the part of the highway they'd be responsible to keep clean in Union Co, GA. The State of Ga said No Thanks, in that they feared the klans name appearing on a sign would cause "social unrest." So, a group sued the state of Ga on the klans behalf... and who was that group? The ACLU. As we all know, the KKK and the ACLU haven't exactly been the best of friends over the years. However, the ACLU sued defending the klans right to free speech and the Klans right to sponsor a sign.
So, what say you? As much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with the ACLU... I am no fan of the klan, or the ACLU for that matter. But the klan is entitled to free speech, just like the rest of us. Even if their speech is vile.
This is a tricky one and since I have stupid pnumeonia I'll look it up later [OR IT WOULDN'T KILL ONE OF YOU ALL TO DO IT!] But somewhere in the chapter of the ACLU I believe its in there charter that they work for "a right and truthful government,freee from bias of hate,bigotatory,and all forms of censorship."
Does that sound like the KKK to you? What can I say man? I DO NOT ENDORSE THIS INSANITY but you better say it while you still can.