I have a 2001 Ford E350 van that was converted to a campervan. At about 55,000 miles the transmission basically blew up. This was after new brakes and new vacuum pump the prior year. The tranny guy said it just blew apart internally. The only option was a new $3100 transmission! Of course, I contacted my dealer and he informed me there was nothing Ford could do. Another quality Ford product backed by quailty service. Anyway, the tranny guy told me Ford had been trying this new transmission and it just never worked. Each year Ford would redesign it, until they finally gave up! So, my new transmission is a new pre-2001 transmission, which Ford finally went back to. My advice, stay away from Ford. You know, they used to say FORD=Fix Or Repair Daily. It still rings true!
This was my problem in 2001-the conversion van, a Sportsmobile, had to be either a Ford, Chevy, Dodge or GMC. Unfornately, I thought Ford was the lesser evil of all those USA vehicles. We have owned Toyotas for many years, mostly 4X4's. However, we do have a 1997 RAV4 that is leaning towards a lemon status do to some costly repairs, all before 50,000 miles. But, I digress. American vehicle manufacturers wonder why they still can't compete with even Korean-made cars. If this Ford van was not a camper van, it would have been sold last year. Anyway, I've contacted Ford customer service and will let you know when they decline to help pay for their mistake. (customer service? we will see)
Apparently, Ford's customer service is as bad, if not worse, than their vehicle quality. !2 days ago, I e-mailed customer service about my transmission problem. As of yet no rsponse. I continue to wonder why anyone would even consider a Ford.
Apparently, Ford's customer service is as bad, if not worse, than their vehicle quality. !2 days ago, I e-mailed customer service about my transmission problem. As of yet no rsponse. I continue to wonder why anyone would even consider a Ford.
Kenbo , Maybe the reason you haven't gotten a response is due to the Holiday Season... Ford = F- Found O-on the R- road D-Dead....... That's just my opinion...... Happy Holidays and a Great New Years!!!
Well Itsybitsy, Ford customer service finally responded to my second e-mail. I was asked to call their customer service phone to further discuss my problem. I thought this could be good. Wrong, wrong, wrong! After minutes of gathering more info, the nice lady came back and told me the bad news; too old a vehicle (2001) and too many miles (55,000). She said Ford transmissions are only good for 30,000 miles. But, she would put a note to Ford of my dissatisfaction. Boy, now I feel like Ford has upheld their 'quality' vehicle thing and their 'quality' customer service thing. So, because I had 55K on mine, I should feel pretty damn good that my transmission beat the odds
Isn't that a heck of a note?????? And American automakers wonder why so many of us are buying foreign cars. Ford transmissions are only good for 30,000 miles? How's that for planned obsolecence?
The dealer thing is a long story. We bought a Sportsmobile conversion camper van (sportsmobile.com), through their California factory. You basically order the vehicle and camper conversion through them and they deal with the ordering and delivery. The selling agent was a Ford dealer in San Fran. We opted for a 4-wheel drive conversion also. So, Sportsmobile orders the van from Detroit, it is shipped direct to the 4-wheel conversion shop in PA, Quigley's, and then railed to Calif for the camper conversion, where we picked it up 9 months later. Beside new brakes, replaced stereo, replaced door handle, and a vacuum pump in addition to the tranny, we have had no problems.
Ford's grand plan is for people to buy 2 vehicles so they can keep one running. Built Ford Tough!