So it's that magical time of year...the mistletoe is up, the stockings are hung by the chimney with care, in some parts of the country the snow is falling, or will fall, and.....the thieves are out in full force.
This time of year robberies, burglaries, and thefts skyrocket. Not only at your home, but at your car as well, especially in busy store parking lots. Myself and hubby have already been the victims of a theft.. though it sure wasn't done by rocket scientists. Our lawnmower was stolen....wrong time of year to steal a lawnmower hahaha. And the joke's on them... our lawnmower was on it's last wheels, and we were going to ditch it come the spring anyway. So take the proper precautions both at home, and while you're out Christmas shooping for me and Annarocket :)
Anyway, enjoy the holiday season folks (including those of you who bombard Anna with stupid emails about me being a "racist." If you have a problem with me, have the balls to email me about it, not go running to anna like a little tattle tale preschooler.)