A man in Alabama was beaten so badly he's in critical condition. He's a white man who was beaten by a mob of black people, because he fussed at their children for playing basketball and blocking the street...with women and children present. During his beating, it was repeatedly said over and over again "now that's justice for Trayvon."
I seriously doubt this is the only example of the racially divided violence that is resulting from Trayvon Martin's death. However, this is EXACTLY what his family has repeatedly asked NOT to happen. Way to have respect for the family's wishes people.
WAKE UP! How is beating a man half to death justice for Trayvon Martin? It's not justice in any way. It doesn't change what happened to him, it doesn't help convict the man who killed him. It's not justice at all, it's racial ignorance at it's best. This is 2012, not the 1950's... it's sad how little we've progressed since the days of JFK and MLK... both of whom preached about racial tolerance and acceptance.
I feel ya Anna... but you know there are people out there who think this is the best kind of justice that Trayvon can receive. Ignorant fools, people who think like that are no better than George Zimmerman.
This is an important topic and I'd like to see it stay up. A lot of us have been angry and swearing,me included,all threads have been heavily edited,yes,my own included. No more name calling,it is over. Let's act like we have some sense and yes,I am guilty. We can't change the world unless we change ourselves.
This weekend Zimmerman had his bail revoked when the court discovered he had not been forthcoming about his finances. He will be incarcerated untill a trial can determine his guilt or innocence in the death of Trayvon Martin.
I saw this while doing my crime crawl through the seamy underbelly of the net and wanted to freashen up this topic because no matter what happens,Trayvon is still gone from us and Zimmerman is still waiting to find out his fate. The reason I liked this linky dink was because it has a great time line of the crime and a clear view of the back of Zimmermans head which has many people asking questions about the validity about the injuries he did/did not sustain at the time. I urge you to take a look. We can't keep having these things happen and then just look away.
From the state that found Casey Anthony not guilty,noone is going to be held accountable for this crime. Under the "stand your ground law" if the person felt that his/her life was being threatned, they have the right to respond with deadly force. I'm annoyed with the people saying that only God and the victim know what happened that night. I'm sorry,but George Zimmerman knows what happened too and it really is a miscarriage of justice that we are going to stand idly by and watch as Zimmerman walks for this.
I merged a thread or two and did some editing, but I saw this today. Frankly, I'm surprised I've not seen something like it sooner! Not sure this dude has a lot of supporters and friends, but you never know. There's people everywhere that believe he acted in self defense in the murder of Trayvon Martin.
From The Orlando Sentinel: George Zimmerman, the man who was acquitted in the death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin, was injured in what may be called a road rage incident, after being shot in the face. Few details have been released and both parties have retained council. [big surprise there].
Since the death of Trayvon, Zimmerman has been involved in several disputes with the law including threatning his estranged wife and her father with a firearm, in 2013 threatning an ex-girlfriend with a shotgun and a charge of aggravated assault/domestic violence but was later dropped when the accuser changed her story.
What a piece of work. How many times is this dude gonna skate for all this tomfoolery? Freakin sociopath. Truely makes me ill. Here's your linky dink
This thread has been edited several times because it's been full of arguing and I can't have that. It's sad that we can't have a peaceful discussion. Back when the website was up, we had a lot more users and people used to get really heated, me included, and this topic went nuclear as hell. So having said that....
This morning, George Zimmerman is being accused of retweeting a tweet of a follower [Twitter user @SeriousSlav] who sent out the message "@TheRealGeorgeZ Z-man is a one man army" along with a photo of the corpse of Trayvon Martin. [The photo has since been removed and only appears pixilated]
I don't get it. Are you proud of yourself Zimmerman? What the hell is wrong with you? Killing another person isn't something I'd be proud of doing, and I certainly wouldn't want attention for having done it in any capacity. But to kill an unarmed teenager and to practically throw it in the face of the public, with no regard for the loved ones of the person you killed is unacceptable on every level of humanity. How do you think your loved ones [assuming you have any left at this point] would feel if the shoe was on the other foot? Imagine your parents seeing your dead body lying in the grass in the media....and some smiling ass laughing about it,as if it was some big accomplishment to end your life?
I've not ever been an advocate of censorship in any form, and I'm sure as hell not going to start now. But I don't believe in promoting your evil deeds either. Social media has made us all celebrities in our own minds and I can't say this is a good thing. I'm @annarocket on Twitter, and I'm glad that enough people complained so the image was pulled and now you're only going to see a shadow of it unless you're really sick and dig through some of the worst of the internet. Still, there's something to be said for the way karma works. When she catches up with this sociopathic and inhumane monster, I've no doubt she will act without hesitation and we will all be satisfied.
What is this guy's major malfunction? Can someone please step and explain this to me because i seriously do not get it.
So, I guess George says it was all a big mistake and he didn't mean to send that tweet out because in his words, the image was blocked and marked sensitive, and he didn't click on it to see what it was before he retweeted it. He doesn't apologize for it, but says that he holds his Christian values "very close" and would never do anything like that. Ever.
But he admits to making fun of Obama saying if he had a son, it could have been Trayvon. I guess that's cool.