MSN: A man who calls himself "The Reverend" called 911 to say he is the father of the human race. Self styled Satanist Robert Renyolds, who legally changed his name to reflect his position in the faith he created [called Renoldsianism in this article].
At the time of the call, he'd committed no crimes. He just,you know, just wanted to chat up 911 about devil worship and being the Father of mankind. You know. That kind of . Sorry. This is killing me,seriously. I'm having a really hard time with this. But I digress. We'll get to my opinion in a minute.
The Reverend lives in an assisted living facility in Scottsville KY, where he shared a room with his 71 year old room mate, Gary Glueck, and being that he was a Satanist [of any kind] I suspect they might not have seen eye to eye occasionally. The Rev wanted to listen to "easy listening Satanic" music [I don't know WTF that is so please spare me the Marilyn Manson jokes....I see them coming!] and they had a dispute over that and he stabbed his room mate with an ink pen, then strangled him the cord of a lamp.
He had a pretty active social media presence that has probably been axed by now. But it details his invention of a drug called Zexifor that allows gay men and the impotent to reproduce and how he gave birth to an invisible infant that he's planning on meeting up with in 20 years.
While the Reverend was open to be interviewed by the media, his family declined comment.