Blake Fitzgerald and Brittany Harper decided to take that stupid rap saying "ride or die" literally. I supposed I've used it once or twice but I'm usually being a sarcastic jerk [duh] There's nobody on this planet that could talk me into going on a cross country crime spree, stealing cars, pointing guns, robbing people and threatening people in their homes. The media dubbed them "The new Bonnie and Clyde". And when the media gets involved....
Starting in Southwest Missouri, and ending up in Florida, these two really did it up right, I'll give them that. Cause if you're gonna do something that's gonna get you 20 to life, why the hell not just go berserk? They even pimped themselves out on social media which I thought was hilarious. How stupid can you be, am I right? Let me just get my selfie game on point, since, you know, the AP,CNN and Rolling Stone are all gonna sling me for a hot minute. If you're gonna do something hella illegal, Jesus man, the point is to NOT get caught! What the hell are you doing writing stupid poems and posting your picture on Facebook?!? Not that I'd know of course. I've never been caught doing any such thing. Are you kidding? Me?! That's rich.
I spent something like 40 minutes reading this piece, I really paid attention to it because I wanted to get to the reason this all happened and I didn't get one, damn y'all! They gave some namby pamby excuse about how Blake had possibly failed a UA and was on probation [we all know what happens to you then] or that he possibly stole a large amount of cash from a family member but it's hard to believe anyone would do anything this stupid for those kinds of reasons. But who knows, people do things for all kinds of reasons. The law caught up with them.Check this piece out.
Speaking of the law, I had the pleasure of seeing my cousin Bill and his lovely wife Debbie [he's the law,man but he's one of the good guys] after a long absence since they live in God knows where, a million miles from me where it snows like,90% of the year. It was awesome, beautiful people. Let's not let so much time go by before next we meet