It is Anna and Itsy your friendly neiborhood moderators here at Justice Junction.We have been recieveing some "interesting" posts concerning gang stalkings and the Freemanson Organization. We here at JJ do not condone any kind of actions against any organization.If you have a complaint against any organazition you should retain legal council before making public accusations against and making posts using photographs showing recognizable faces.Your post was deleted because it is a liability to identify people who do not concent to be photographed.
You are not welcome here at Justice Junction. We did not approve of your complaints concerning the KKK or the Masons they are inappropriate for our message board.Nor did we approve of your solitations for subjects for interviews for your little radio show.This is not a place for that.
i think your being a bit too harsh on the gang stalking subject. I think you need to open your eyes for once and actually consider that people like the freemasons are not all nice people.. heh.