So I saw an ad for this show on the HLN Network called "How It Really Happened". The premise is to cover a crime and it's aftermath, trial and interviews with those connected to it.
I didn't mean to pick this one first since anything about it is sure to make you feel like CRAP since nobody ever was found responsible for the death of the victim.
Y'all know Casey Anthony. You'd have to have lived under a rock from 2008 till now not to know about this. Accused of first degree murder in the death of her 2 year old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, Casey told her parents that 31 days earlier, the nanny she'd trusted with the child had taken her and Casey didn't know where she was.
The trial was covered and it was really interesting to me cause I didn't watch all of it. All her boyfriends on the stand, her father being beat up by the infamous Jose Baez and describing in explicit terms how George Anthony molested his daughter [not Caylee, Casey] and was really the one responsible for her pathological lying and negligence that lead to Caylee drowning in their backyard swimming pool.
Now, we all know how it ended. I remember I was getting over bronchitis so I was crashed out and my x called to see if I was okay. He was the one to break it to me that Casey got away with murder.
I'll always believe that. Whatever happened, Casey was culpable. But the jury let her go.
Here's your link. It's a 7 part series so this link takes you to the first part and the rest are one right after the other.
Do you guys watch Crime Watch Daily? I do and Chris Hansen, formerly of those,"To Catch A Predator" shows where they used to bust internet scumbags who tried to hook up with underage girls is great as your host.
On Monday [October 30-2017] George and Cindy Anthony, the parents of Casey are giving an interview to Chris Hansen, their first I believe since the death of their granddaughter Caylee.
Now, I don't know about you but if you followed this farce but I did and I'm curious to hear it...I want to believe they didn't have anything to do with this and Casey lied when she blamed her father for Caylee's death. And all that talk about her childhood molestation....of course, nobody wants to believe that.
Check local listings for time. Here's a link to their spot.
Hey y'all. Did you guys watch this interview with Chris Hansen as he tried to delve into the family, namely George and Cindy Anthony. I was dying because you know Jose Baez was saying these God awful things and it was shocking that the allegations made against George.
Poor Cindy. Where the holy damn are the cops?? They dragged their heals until KABLAMMO.Dead little baby. The most precious baby. I can't help thinking I could do something......I know I'm wrong.
You can check it out at the same link in the about post.
LOL sorry! Forgot one thing about all that. Chris Hansen got all over Cindy asking her and George about what they would do if they caught the sicko who was responsible and then!! He asked Cindy if she thought Caylee was responsible. And Cindy claimed in addition, Casey had seizures and mentally ill.