First,I think she was a fool to represent herself.In a felony murder case? Please! That is like bandaging your own hand if you slash it open with a steak knife.
Second,I feel sorry for her kids.It seemed like she made them go one against the other and what a terrible burden for them that must have been.
Last, she full on killed him with malice aforethought and because she is a head case. IMO,anyhoo.....
You know, I just can't get past the fact that Felix Polk had sex with Susan when she was just 14 years old and a client of his. That is such a formative time for a girl, and she already had problems or she wouldn't have been seeing a psychologist in the first place. I can't believe he got away with that. Then he married his victim!
I think she probably took the knife with her when she went to the pool house, but that's not unusual for a battered woman. Only she really knew what their relationship was like and what to expect from him. I do believe that she levied the final blow in a fit of rage, and she may have been able to get off with a lesser conviction had she allowed an attorney to represent her. Maybe the jury saw her as a nut case (probably true), and didn't want her to be able and out and kill someone else. I think the conviction will be overturned because she had bad representation in court.
I used to work with women who were in prison for killing or attempting to kill their abusers. The one constant that I heard was that the first good night's sleep she experienced in years was their first night in jail.
It is a sad indication the state of affairs we have come to when the first night in jail is the first good night sleep you've had in years.That is just sad.
And I think we all feel the same way about Felix.That was wrong on so many levels we could go on for days.As a former abuse victim myself,I always have a weapon,and have a permit to carry a firearm.I think one beating and that is all you can see.A future of beatings.You aren't in a position to break the cycle when you are on the floor getting the crap kicked out of you.
We haven't heard the last of this.She'll get an appeal.