In this forum you will find comments emailed to Justice Junction in regards to the anniversary of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Feel free to post your own comments along with those that have been emailed in.
How can OJ look at his children after what he did to their mother? How can NBC and other networks pay him for interviews about the murder where he is obviously lying to the audience? He must be laughing at us all. It is disgraceful! If Martha Stewart were Black, would she have been found guilty? I think not. In the US, it came to the point where justice is color-blind. This anniversary is sickening. I'd rather concentrate on the thousands of brave American soldiers who gave their lives to defend our once noble country. M.S.
Recently, O.J. is again in the spotlight. I know this only in passing since I can't stand to see or hear him. I can only imagine the horrible effect upon the families and friends of Nicole and Ron. I send my sympathy to those friends and families.
I have been second guessing myself about something for years. I have been haunted by the questions, could I have done more? If so what?
To explain, let me begin at the beginning. I live in Sebring, Florida. As I watched the trial on TV, I shuddered in disbelief at the gross incompetence of Marsha Clark and Chris Darden. As one critical example, I watched them take a pivotal piece of evidence, the gloves, and turn it into a defense advantage. The insanity of having O.J. try on a dried, shrunken glove, and over latex at that, is beyond stupidity. ("An executive from Aris testifies that due to the blood drying on the gloves, they had shrunk a full size.") Of course they did, not to mention they dried distorted in the process. I still literally cringe when I think of the court room scene and the glove thing. How can anyone be that stupid?!
As you already know, evidence of O.J.'s guilt is more than abundant, but for years, I have wondered what the outcome would have been if the glove evidence had been understood and handled correctly.
"A key piece of evidence which, in my opinion, has been overlooked by the prosecution, is Nicole's dog. This dog, an Akita, is a family dog, a family pet, fairly big and more than likely protective."
What you say, has considerable merit, but there is another dog which played an even more important part: O. J.'s dog.
"The bloody right hand glove found behind Kato's guest house. The glove, defense team claimed, had to have been planted because as they claimed it was wet with blood when it was found."
Prior to the trial, all I heard about the case were few news sound bites. One was about the glove being found behind the guest house. This made no sense from a perspective of O.J. entering the property at this point, therefore, did not make any sense from the perspective of planted evidence either. Even if someone wished to plant evidence, this would not have been the place. It made no sense. What did make sense?
The first question that came to mind was "Was there a dog on the premises." At the time, I did not know. In a news sound bite about three days later, I got the answer: Yes, there was a dog on the premises that night; and apparently free to roam the grounds. Mystery solved. It not only explains the location of the glove, but the sounds Kato said he heard.
Here's the scenario I envision that explains the glove thing without confusion or contradiction. After O.J. returned home after committing the murders, he got out of his vehicle and started walking or running toward his house. He pulled off the glove with intent to put it in his pocked and destroy it along with other clothing. He missed the pocket entirely, or else it hung, then dropped off as he made his way to the house. He was not aware that he lost the glove.
The dog came along and picked it up as dogs are prone to do, especially with human scent on the glove. I have not only seen this happen many times, but by sheer coincidence it happened during the O.J. trial. I left a pair of wet leather work gloves laying on my lawn to dry. I forgot to being them in. The next morning, after a night without wind, one was lying about a 100 feet away in my neighbors yard. There is no doubt that a dog or some other animal transported the glove.
So, O.J.'s dog picks up the glove and is casually carrying it around. The dog hears a noise behind the guest cottage, maybe a raccoon, or an opossum. He goes to investigate the noise with the glove in his mouth. After he arrives behind the guest cottage, something else catches his attention. He drops the glove and pursues the new interest. His interest in the glove never returned and it was left (by the dog) where is was found by police,
Based on much past experience, I have little doubt, if any, that this is the way the glove arrived at the rear of the guest cottage. I have little doubt had the glove been tested, it would have revealed dog saliva andor teeth marks. Had this scenario been established in court, or even offered as a plausible explanation, all the BS about the glove being planted evidence would have been shot down in an instant.
I tried, but maybe not hard enough. I thought about calling Clark and Darden, but doubted they would take my call, and if the did, were not likely to comprehend what I was saying and the importance of it. They just didn't grasp the reality of the situation at all. If incompetence were a felony, they would both be doing life.
What I did do was contact John Wilson, a Tampa TV anchor, doing daily coverage of the trial. On one of those days, John brought up the idea about the dog possibly carrying the glove behind the building. On this day, John had a judge as guest commentator. The judge did not respond to John's query at all. That was the end of it.
Could I have done more? I really don't know, but it still haunts me a bit and is part of the incentive in another situation. In March of 2000, more by accident than design, I became involved in the Ramsey case, namely, the death of JonBenet Ramsey, the daughter of John and Patsy Ramsey.
The evidence of John and Patsy culpability is overwhelming. There is not even the slightest hint of an intruder. Yet, instead of being in jail, for over seven years, they have ridden the publicity and propaganda to the point where John is now running for public office in Michigan; and has the lying audacity to say he was "given" a platform to do good. It is literally sickening.
Unlike my minor involvement in the Simpson case, I went all out to get out the truth: Numerous online analysis, forums posts, over 100 media contacts, including major networks, letters to the Boulder Police Department, detailed evidentiary analysis sent to Mary Keenan, Boulder, DA, and Ramsey-damning material sent to the governor of Colorado. It can't be refuted, so it is all ignored. I suspect this is also what would have happened in the Simpson case no matter what I did. Still, I can't help but wonder.
Again, my sincere sympathy for the friends and families of Ron and Nicole.
I have a question. Did anyone interview Sydney to see if she might have heard anything? Also, with Oj's deep cut, was the glove cut in the same place as the finger?
If I could speak directly to Fred Goldman today, I would express what it was that I felt in those early days of his terrible loss. I actually grieved with him even though we were three thousand miles apart and absolute strangers. As a father of three, I seemed to have felt every moment of Mr. Goldmans pain. Every time I saw him on television, I could see the hurt that he was feeling and my heart was just broken throughout the whole ordeal. All I could think of for a while was how could I ever live through that kind of loss. I even felt a little guilty for having such a beautiful son, now 21, and knowing that he (Fred) would never again see his beautiful son. Being the youngest of eleven, I was very lucky to have parents who loved me unconditionally. Which is the reason why I never wondered why I love my children so much, I was conditioned to love my children by having loving parents. I could also see my daughters in Kimberly, and how they would feel if they were robbed of their brother by a murderous mad-man. I guess if I could talk to Fred or Kimberly today, I would convey to them that Ron's death was not in vain, because it has caused me (and a whole lot of other fathers) to stop and take a second look at what I thought was a good relationship that I have with my own children, and turned it into a much richer and fuller relationship. Weather through an extended hug or listening more closely and having a lot more understanding for them. In closing, I will say that there will always be a place in our hearts for the Goldmans, and I would also thank them for enriching my life with their courage. P.D. P.S. Don't worry Fred, GOD is the one judge who cannot be fooled.
I read your evidence and know with out doubt that OJ Simpson kiiled Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman back in 1995. But I want us to go back a little further about 40 years ago to a town call Money, Mississippi 1955. A young black man was murder by two white men. As I recall the two white men were guilty of the murder and was found innocent. Four months later they confessed to the murder. It is a shame that we live in a society that is divided by race, I rememeber when they announced the verdict of OJ Simpson's trial white America was angry at the decision just like black America was angry about the verdict of Emmit Till's trial.
i agree with you jill on this issue i do believe oj got away with murder.largely in part by the race card that was thrown into that trial i beliede the race thing as a red herring. and really had no place in this caes.this murder was a case of domestic violence that ended the same as hundreds of other domestic violence cases.only diffrence was this one was committed by a well known wealthy man. where most cases of this type are committed by the average man.i do not thimk ojs race got him off as much as his wealth did.if he would have been a poor black man he would most likely be en convited.or even a poor white man he would been convicted.that is my opion anyway.i believe when i woman says she is afraid that her abusive husband will kill hr some day. that people nedd to belive nichole did believe.i had never thouht of the dog and glove theory but then again i never believed the glove was plantedthere. i just thought that was where oj entered intohis property.i wonder to this day what his children were told and what they would have to say aif questioned .as for sentence is shame if usa justiveis colorblind. i think stats support that justice is color blind in many cases reason there are more poor black men in our prisonsis it really because poor black men actyaly commott more crimes or is it because they do not getdquit defense council.if oj would have been poor he would be in prison today i am sutr regardless of his still talks the loudest in our courts of law.the evidence was there for conviction.the number one piece of evidence was the past abusive behavior in the marriage of oj and ninichol.
It has always been a thorn in my side that OJ beat Nicole and got away with it in addition to her dying at the hands of him,I really believe he is guilty of her murder and the murder of Ron Goldman.
I don't think it is right that he has been able to avoid paying the restitution he was ordered to pay in the civil judgement by not working. That just makes it all the worse.
right on anna i agree with you100%is so downhearting to know that nichol lost her life and ron lost his simply for being in the wrong spot at the wrongtime.and nothing has been done .toward the resa tution.court much was he ordered to pay do you know?
For a long time I thought OJ was framed.I was reading on here and on Crime Library, and I have changed my mind. I do think he did it and his money got him off. I read a direct quote from Johnny Cochren and he said "if OJ had been poor or a white man, he would be in prison right now". Now that is a sad situation. What does that say about our American Justice? I really pray nearly everyday, that Scott Peterson's trial does not turn into another OJ and I am afraid that is where it is headed.
Thank you also for the time every one puts in to these stories. I really do appreciate it all!
I know it was a very large sum of money but he only has to pay from income that he made after the judgement. He has said he will never go back to work to pay Fred Goldman and that really makes me angry..........
Thank you for your comments, Anna and I work very hard at writing the articles that you see on Jusice Junction and keeping it up so that people have the facts, ALL of the facts and can make informed decisions on their own. You are very welcome!
daniel i never believed oj was framed to have been framed the whle police dept and airlines people and hotel staff would all to be in on it to be a frame up too many would be in conspricy against o j . and i dont think a conapricy that large would have held together long enough to frame him.if you can read nicole brown simpson the private diary of a life interrupted by faye d. resnick with mike walker publise house dove books. this book i believe tels the story of nicholes marriage to oj. describes a marriage that is a classic case of domestic violence and describes in o.j. classic sighns of an abusieve man. and classic sighns of a abused womans thinking. explains batterd wife syndrom.also read men that abuse. im sorry i dont have that book here in virginia with me it is packed up and in storage with my belongings back in i cant give you the authors name nor publising could do a searc on net on batters .thats the name of book not men that batter not men that abuse.if you know what to look for these men do all share similar traitsand so do the women that stay with them.i think you will be fasnated on what you will learn. in reading these two books. you will see how it all come down and why it come down.
Hi Jillybean, I am new to this forum. I believe as you do the simpson did the murders. I cannot figure out for the life of me why anyone gives him any air time at all. All he does is lie and make the people that is interviewing look stupid. Everyone that has interviewed him just lays down and let him tell all of his lies and wild tales about the murders. He won't be interviewed by anyone that is going to ask questions the hard questions, like , if you are innocent how could you score a -22 on your lie detector test? Or any questions like that.
Have you read recently about the ex-agent or promoter that has come forward with some of the belonging's of simpson that he had hidden from the court, civil, to pay the judgement to the Goldman's and the Brown's. He is saying that after the civil trial before the sheriffs deputys got to simpson's house to take his belonging's, several of his friends came and took tons of it away and have it stored all over the country. This guy said that the IRS is looking at simpson also for supposedly selling memorbilia and not turning it in to the IRS.
I also think it is an injustice that he is not made to pay the money he owes the Goldmans and the Browns. I think federal laws should be changed so states like Flordia cannot make laws to protect double murderers.