From what I understand it has only been showed in Canada.It doesn't have a US release date. The website for the movie is
This never goes away for me. The first case I covered for this site was the Bernardo/Homolka rapes/murders and it never left me. This is one story I just couldn't leave alone.She's a rapist and a murderer and belongs in the worst black hole of a prison cell there is.
And where is she? Enjoying life on the outside,as free as the rest of us. Christ.This case makes me want to vomit. I never got over it.I've investigated hundreds of cases since then and none of them have make me as hard and bitter and angry as this one did. This is the defination of injustice and Karla and Paul are the pictures of evil incarnate.
You know, I watched the MSNBC special report on this case again the other night, and I am still amazed that Karla is out walking free, when those girls are lying cold in their graves. She was just as bad as Paul...worse since she assisted in killing her own sister. I hope she has a miserable life on the outside.
You know if this had happened in the states the disgusting pair of them would be on death row. I am working on a piece about them for a major magazine and if they publish it it will be the equivelent of me hitting the lotto jackpot.I don't give a crap about the money or even the by-line.I just don't want this skank to have anywhere to hide from what she's done. She's been rumored to have been turned down twice for a US visa,and has been turned down twice in Canada for a name change. God,keep that scumbag out of our country. If she doesn't wind up being the victim of vigilante justice she'll re-offend. I'd bet my last dime on it.
I think you are right, Anna. How could everyday sex with a willing partner ever give her the same thrill that rape and murder gave her? She will re-offend...I'd bet money on that.
About 6 months after that article went to press,I got an email from the cousin of Kristen French,one of Paul and Karla's victims.He thanked me for writing it and said he hoped it would send the message loud and clear that these...I can't even call them humans,I'm sorry.....he hoped people would know the truth about what they did and not buy Karla's baa baa bleating about being a victim.He spoke of being a pall bearer at Kristen's funeral and I was filled with respect for this quiet and brave young man.
I'm not letting her hide from this.She has been quoted as saying she wants,"A nice quiet life with a husband and children..."You want a nice quiet life,Karla? Good luck getting one while I'm still working on this case,you sick piece of trash.
I encourage everyone to see this movie when it gets a distribution deal in the US. This woman is going to re-offend and I don't want it to be at the expense of one of the teenage girls in my neighborhood.
I could go on and on about this but you get the idea. She is evil incarnate.
I live in the states and gained interest after seeing the movie. I had not heard of the case until then and I am looking forward to watching it again. I would like to read the article you wrote as well.
Dmnckray,if you look at the side bar on the left of our home page,you'll see a column of titles. My Paul and Karla piece is under the "Judicial Injustices" section and the title is "The Evil Within:The Twisted Minds Of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka". I'm pleased to still be generating interest on this case,I can't tell you how strongly I feel on this.Anyone who would help a man rape and VIDEOTAPE their little sister on top of it is beneath my comtempt. I truely feel this woman will re-offend and the fact that she has a boyfriend that is in prison for killing his girlfriend illustrates that she has no concience and has no understanding of the word "morality" and even less for "illegal".
Just saw on the website for the movie that it will be released on DVD format in the US only on April 3,2007 for $24.95.
I would have liked to see it on the big screen,I think a large audience would have been great exposure for Karla and brought awareness to the fact that she was let off very easy,IMO.
Nevertheless,I'm glad to see it coming out,I'll buy it and I will make sure,as I always have,that anyone asking me,that this is the worst case of injustice I have ever seen.
I'm waiting for my copy too. If you get yours first,don't hesitate to post about it here and how it is.I'm especially interested in seeing Laura Prepon as Karla. I've heard she gives a credible performance.