I would like to add there are State and Federal laws against systematic harrassment of persons with disabilities if said harrassment is based on the disability. According to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), if a decision has been made that a person with a disability has in fact been harrassed whichever law, State or Federal, that carries the higher penalty is the one that is enforced.
Upon entering the room my partner was at her right side near her head, he observed her move her head. To make intubation even possible, one of the paramedics pulled her away from the far wall by the ankles. The only other time we moved her was after she flatlined, we turned her onto her right side to examine for other stab wounds. The medics hooked her up to a cardiac monitor that showed a faint ventricular rhythm, non-life sustaining.
This murder occurred 13 years ago. It's not always possible to remember every detail.
quote: Originally posted by: one_eyed_Jack "I would like to add there are State and Federal laws against systematic harrassment of persons with disabilities if said harrassment is based on the disability. According to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), if a decision has been made that a person with a disability has in fact been harrassed whichever law, State or Federal, that carries the higher penalty is the one that is enforced."
Yes, I understand it's hard to remember everything. I was just wondering whether the earlier statement that Laurie Show moved and had a slight pulse was correct.
You've said repeatedly that Dalzell's hearing was illegal. Is this a crime he committed? What are the penalties? Fines or jail time?
Dalzell had a case overturned concerning another woman (big surprise) and another one of his "champion of the underdog cases" overturned by the same court that overturned his decision to go beyond the scope of his authority in the Lambert's case.
Was his illegal ruling in Lambert's case a "crime", "penalties", "jail time"? Federal judges - like Supreme Court Justices - are appointed for life and cannot be removed from the bench. After Dalzell's involvement in Lambert's case, there was a movement in Pennsylvania to have him removed from the bench irrespective of this appointment for life.
When he could not be removed from the bench, the US Congress passed "LAURIE'S LAW".
The "penalty" Dalzell has for what he attempted to pull is that his name is forever attached to rulings which have been overturned - and therefore he has the stigma of being DEAD WRONG in Lambert's case.
The other "penalty" is that no matter how long and hard anyone hangs onto Dalzell's ruling & transcripts, they have not one ounce of legal bearing on anything and can never be cited in litigation.
According to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), if a decision has been made that a person with a disability has in fact been harrassed whichever law, State or Federal, that carries the higher penalty is the one that is enforced.
I guess I'm totally lost as to what this has to do with Lambert's case. Would you kindly explain? Thank you.
From Judge Dalzell's opinion concerning the Kleinhans' testimony in the original trial:
"To hear Ms. Lambert's version, there must have been a great deal of shouting, bumping, swearing, crying, screaming and general commotion in the condominium. This was followed by, according to Ms. Lambert, her 'escape' from the mayhem inflicted by Ms. Buck. As part of this 'escape,' Ms. Lambert related that she went half way down the staircase and sat. Then, supposedly, Mr. Yunkin ascended the steps, swore out loud when Ms. Lambert told him that Ms. Buck was in the condominium and went in after Ms. Buck.
Mr. Kleinhans testified that he heard no such commotion. Nor did Mr. Kleinhans observe three individuals. Nor did Mr. Kleinhans observe anyone the size of Mr. Yunkin. Nor did Mr. Kleinhans hear any screaming, fighting or doors slamming, other than the initial entrance and exit.
Given the court's view of the condominium and Mr. Kleinhans's description of the layout of his condominium in relation to the Show condominium, his testimony is very important. By his clear factual statements, the likelihood that such a commotion, as described by Ms. Lambert, took place is extremely slight at best. Mr. Kleinhans testified as to what he heard and as to what he did not hear. He offered no opinion and offered no interpretation of the events he related. He was found to be extremely credible by the court sitting as factfinder in this case. His testimony was in direct conflict with Ms. Lambert's version of the story at trial. Her version would have involved a kind of 'noiseless mayhem' and this simply is not a credible story. Mr. Kleinhans was directly below, was paying attention to what was going on and remembered very clearly what he heard and what he did not hear. The lack of any commotion, crashing, shouting, stomping, yelling or other related noises renders Ms. Lambert's already incredible story completely incredible."
I don't know what to make of this. My observation of what happened so far is that there was quite the struggle in the Show apartment. When asked about this, another poster said that Mr. Kleinhans did hear the sounds of struggle above. According to his testimony, he heard footsteps to the apartment, entrance to the apartment, a thud and a scream, and then later, exit sounds and observed two figures of roughly the same height leaving the area with hoods on. So is it the neighbors testimony that he was only able to hears sounds outside of the Show condominium? According to Tabitha Buck, there was a terrible struggle inside the apartment. Did he or did he not say he was able to hear sounds from above on a normal basis?
I believe in a book written about the Laurie Show murder, the witness described seeing two figures of "about equal height" running away from the condominium complex. (Sorry, don't have the book...checked it out from the library a long time ago).
I do recall from the book that at some point in time during a judicial proceeding, Lambert had to stand up close or near to either Yunkin or Buck. The main point being that Lambert & Buck were about the same height but Yunkin was much taller.
I'm a little confused as to what source you copied the above. Was it "Dalzell's" opinion or was it "Stengel's" opinion?
Selene - Lambert was brought to Buck's trial with the purpose being to compare their height's for that particular part of the testimony of the neighbors.
In my post above, I said the quote was from Dalzell's discussion of what occurred in the original trial under Judge Stengal.
My comment concerning the ADA was in reference to statements made about Fauxreal's disability Bipolar disorder. This has nothing to do with Lisa Lambert's trials, appeals, the seeking of relief, prosecutorial misconduct in Lancaster, or the crime of murder against Laurie Show. If fauxreal did in fact share that she has this disability, using it against her to undermine her argument is, at the least, poor debate to refute her argument. To introduce this on this message board is to say, "don't listen to her, she's crazy." For another poster to join the first poster to essentially say, "That's right. She said so herself" (paraphrasing here) is called "mobbing." If these types of tactics are carried to several different message boards it is called, "harrassment." Harrassment in general over the internet is illegal in many states and there are even more severe penalties if the harrassment is against a person protected under the ADA which has both State and Federal protections. Please debate fauxreal over the merits of the case and please do not attack her personally.
quote: Originally posted by: one_eyed_Jack "In my post above, I said the quote was from Dalzell's discussion of what occurred in the original trial under Judge Stengal. My comment concerning the ADA was in reference to statements made about Fauxreal's disability Bipolar disorder. This has nothing to do with Lisa Lambert's trials, appeals, the seeking of relief, prosecutorial misconduct in Lancaster, or the crime of murder against Laurie Show. If fauxreal did in fact share that she has this disability, using it against her to undermine her argument is, at the least, poor debate to refute her argument. To introduce this on this message board is to say, "don't listen to her, she's crazy." For another poster to join the first poster to essentially say, "That's right. She said so herself" (paraphrasing here) is called "mobbing." If these types of tactics are carried to several different message boards it is called, "harrassment." Harrassment in general over the internet is illegal in many states and there are even more severe penalties if the harrassment is against a person protected under the ADA which has both State and Federal protections. Please debate fauxreal over the merits of the case and please do not attack her personally."
Selene wrote: "I went to the site Kate put a link to and looked for posts (of which there seemed to be hundreds) made by yourself. No one accused you of any mental state. YOU, yourself posted that you are bi-polar. Kate merely reiterated what you had posted about yourself."
OEJ - please carefully read all of my statements before accusing me of harrassment. There are always two or more sides to every story/situation. This case is very complicated and has taken many twists and turns. Heather is a very intelligent woman but biased in her opinons.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned recently. LML admitted to being in the condo at the time the murder was committed. In the state of PA, that admission makes her an accessory thus her life sentence for murder. She chose a trial before a judge instead of a jury in order to avoid the death penalty.
Dear Kate. I have not accused you of harrassment. I have only defined the term. I think my post is very clear about that. I think the most that could be said is in relation to the style of debate wherein a poster, your post in this case, uses another poster's disability in order to debate the merits of the Lambert case. In other words, it appears, and correct me if I am wrong, that your are trying to exploit fauxreal's admission of disability to embarrass and discredit her research. Whether this is a campaign, I cannot say.
quote: Originally posted by: one_eyed_Jack "Dear Kate. I have not accused you of harrassment. I have only defined the term. I think my post is very clear about that. I think the most that could be said is in relation to the style of debate wherein a poster, your post in this case, uses another poster's disability in order to debate the merits of the Lambert case. In other words, it appears, and correct me if I am wrong, that your are trying to exploit fauxreal's admission of disability to embarrass and discredit her research. Whether this is a campaign, I cannot say."
And something like that would not be entirely unlike fauxreal's wholesale condemnation of the Amish and Mennonite communities as she attempts to make her arguments in favor of LML as well as gratuituosly, in any sort of discussion about what is wrong with Lancaster, PA. In this day and age, would you dare go trumpeting as fact the negative stereotypes of any other sort of religious group? Would you, for example, feel like it's perfectly OK to visit Brooklyn and then begin railing about the Hasidic community being nothing but a front for drugs, kiddie porn, and genetic experimentation due to incest and suggesting that many of the "Jews" are just people dressed as Jews?
One Eyed Jack wrote: ...discredit her research....
The problem as I view it is that posting lengthy portions of a habeaus corpus transcript does not amount to "research". That illegal hearing occurred in 1997. Seven years later, there have been volumes of litigation and court decisions. The most important one is that the 1997 habeas corpus hearing has no judicial recognition whatsoever.
Chronologically speaking, Lambert's attorney's presented the same argument they made to Dalzell in front of Stengel in 1998 (and, as mentioned, added new allegations).
By clinging to the one overruled hearing and the transcripts, the whole picture is "frozen in time" when in fact, many things alleged in the hearing and adopted by Dalzell have been proved patently false.
One specific is that the local police department was investigated by the FBI and there was nothing to make any charges about. That's not part of the judicial proceedings, but it is what happened.
Over the years, little by little the whole house of cards which Dalzell built in his courtroom has collapsed under further scrutiny.
Lambert's appeals are still pending. I am waiting to read what the Third Circuit Court of Appeals (who overturned Dalzell's decision to free Lambert) have to say on this go-around. The last judicial decision was on April 1, 2003. This is October 11, 2004. I know it takes a long time for judicial processses to reach conclusions, but I'll wait to read the latest decision to see if new light has been shed once again on the Dalzell sham.
When I read the last appeal filed to this particular court, Lambert's attorney was beating on the same drum again. Why? It made no sense to re-present to the Third Circuit Court that which they overturned.
OEJ.....Mr. Kleinhan's testimony is up on freelisalambert.com. The man is almost completely deaf, and doesn't wear a hearing aid. His testimony is rather amusing in Dalzell's courtroom because he is constantly saying, "What?', when being questioned about what he heard that morning.
Selene cannot site the case she claims involving another woman that was overturned by the Third Circuit Court. I've never heard of one like that. She seems to think it's wrong to defend the underdog. In fact, that is what true justice is all about.
Without a doubt, in Lancaster, women are most definitely underdogs. Unless of course, you happen to be in the upper eshelon of the Mennonite community there.
Most all employees in the courthouse are Mennonites. A large number of the judiciary as well.
They control much of what transpires in the courtroom there.
Kate has a hard time remembering details from 13 years ago? No problem, her words in her testimony from 1997, show how she contradicted herself......and clearly you can see that she was not treated "horribly".....her testimony is now up in it's entirety....and can be read on the first day of testimony either before or after Zeyak, her partner on the ambulance that morning.
Now that I've posted part of her testimony that morning, "a morning I will never forget as long as I live", sounds a little different, doesn't it?
Understand, please, that I am not lamblasting the Mennonite community in any way, just relating to you the power that they hold in Lancaster.
Selene, you obviously don't know Dalzell's track record. Lots of judges get rulings overturned.
Dalzell, in fact has very few of those, by comparison. It's because of Dalzell that the internet is not censored. I have written about that ruling in his Bio on my website.
You are flat-out wrong that his findings in the Habeus Hearing are null and void. They are part of the court record and will remain so, regardless of what the Third Circuit decides.
May I repeat, his decision was over-turned on a technicality......the misconduct was uncovered with witness testimony and that is still very much part of the total record of the Lambert case.
An important point to make here is that if Dalzell's hearing was illegal, it would not have been allowed to continue. He cited Schlup vs. Delo, in determining that Lisa's petition should be granted and the hearing allowed to proceed.
It still has the distinction of being "the worst case of procecutorial misconduct in the English speaking world", (Lisa's orginal trial)....and will remain so.
To this day, nobody has been able to site another case with so much proven corruption.
You bet Lancaster wants you to pretend it never happened. That's why I spent so much effort posting it on my site. To keep alive the perjury, destruction of evidence, altered documents, missing statements, exculpatory evidence never produced. And on and on....for three weeks it went....
Dalzell is one of the finest Judges sitting on the bench today. Judicial Watch is a religious based right-wing fanatical group. I applaud him for supporting underdogs. The only people that have chastised him have strong connections to the Republican power structure in Lancaster.
OEJ, thanks for your support. I am not crazy, I am not Bipolar, I once joked about that assumption somebody else made and am forever having that thrown in my face. These people have been calling me "crazy" for years. It indeed is an old worn-out refrain and thankfully intelligent people like you can see it for what it is. A way to distract from the real issues at hand and instead attack the messenger.
I understand it actually says a lot more about them that it does me.
Thanks for pointing that out. It is much appreciated.
Heather, how in the world do you know that the women who work in the Courthouse are Mennonite? Do they wear cape dresses and coverings? I have not seen one there who does. Are you going by their names? If so, that means nothing. There are Catholic Weavers, fundy Hesses, Baptist Stoltzfuses and on and on--name means nothing anymore. How do you know this at all, other than someone from Lancaster telling you that the women were Mennonite? And I can assure you that a real Mennonite woman would not have cursed at you as you allege when you asked to see transcripts.
If you have names to name, PM me here so it's not posted in public. I am really curious about these practicing Mennonite women who work at the Courthouse, as well as the ones in the upper eschelons of Lancaster power.
Fauxreal wrote: It still has the distinction of being "the worst case of procecutorial misconduct in the English speaking world", (Lisa's orginal trial)....and will remain so. Please refer to Judge Brody’s April 1, 2003, decision upholding Lambert’s murder conviction Page 65-71. (Titled: The Standard for Prosecutorial Misconduct, Including After Discovered Evidence, and the Alleged Brady/Gigilo Violations):
One statement stands out: “Prosecutorial misconduct does not by itself provide grounds for relief.”
I’m interested in reading what the Third Circuit Court of Appeals has to say about Judge Brody’s decision. In her lengthy and well-researched decision, Judge Brody denied the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania about the time line issue.*** But she upheld the Commonwealth’s findings of fact for Lambert’s guilt.
Judge Dalzell has the ignominous celebrity of being discussed in a law journal for being one whose Lambert-decision catapulted him into the light of erring so egregiously that public outrage sought his removal from the bench.
It’s interesting that as the years have passed, the public’s outrage has been validated while Dalzell’s attempt to rewrite laws the way he saw fit has crumbled under continual scrutiny.
***Note: The timeline issue is once again being appealed, ironically in Pennsylvania by a different felon, as I type this.
quote: Originally posted by: one_eyed_Jack "Dear Kate. I have not accused you of harrassment. I have only defined the term. I think my post is very clear about that. I think the most that could be said is in relation to the style of debate wherein a poster, your post in this case, uses another poster's disability in order to debate the merits of the Lambert case. In other words, it appears, and correct me if I am wrong, that your are trying to exploit fauxreal's admission of disability to embarrass and discredit her research. Whether this is a campaign, I cannot say."
Could you please cite the post, on this forum, where I said fauxreal was bi-polar? I recall using the term "obsession" but not bi-polar. Where have I "exploited" fauxreal's "admission of disability"?
Her subsequent comment about the courthouse employees being mostly Mennonite is ludicrous. Lancaster County is comprised of Amish, Mennonite, African-American, Hispanic, Scots-Irish, German, Greek, Italian and Vietnamese. But more importantly - they're American citizens.
Fauxreal does not like anyone opposing her views and has made that obvious.
Heather, even though you have bipolar disorder you are an intelligent person and can contribute much to society in the defense of truly innocent people convicted of crimes they did not commit. LML really blinded you, Dalzell and Rainville into believing she's innocent. Also, I do not appreciate your criticism of Judge Stengel. He is a quiet, respectful and honorable man who was recently voted as one of Lancaster County's best judges (in several categories) by his colleagues. I also believe he was considered for a federal judge position which speaks highly of his record.
quote: Originally posted by: one_eyed_Jack "Heather, even though you have bipolar disorder you are an intelligent person and can contribute much to society in the defense of truly innocent people convicted of crimes they did not commit. LML really blinded you, Dalzell and Rainville into believing she's innocent. Also, I do not appreciate your criticism of Judge Stengel. He is a quiet, respectful and honorable man who was recently voted as one of Lancaster County's best judges (in several categories) by his colleagues. I also believe he was considered for a federal judge position which speaks highly of his record. Merry Christmas Copyright December 2002 KoncernedKate"
Thank you for that clip that was reprinted from Lancaster Online Talkback of 2002. The bi-polar diagnosis was given to that forum by Ms. Johnston herself. On several occasions I have complimented Ms. Johnston, not berating her, as she has done to me on this forum. You can come to your own conclusions.
Because it's so long, here is a brief recap of "must read" pages:
Page 63 - Knocks the heck out of Lambert's petition as "barely complying" with requirements.
Page 64 - Footnote about Rainville making oral arguments to produce bank records by officer accused of rape; Rainville informed the court Bowman was no longer accused of rape.
Page 66 - Lambert alleges 157 instances of prosecutorial misconduct.
Page 75 - Cross examination of police witnesses.
Page 77 - Judge Brody starts upholding Judge Stengel's findings in the PCRA (mentions the "conspiracy").
Page 95 - Laurie Show's dying declaration to her mother.
Page 100 - Prosecutorial Misconduct.
Page 110 - The Cambridge Springs "rape".
(The above is a re-print of Lancaster Online TalkBack "Lambert Conviction Upheld"). The posters of Justice Junction can refer to freelisalambert.com, the PCRA hearing website that was posted on page 3 of this thread, and the above ruling in .pdf format from Judge Anita Brody ruling.
Thank you for your response, Kate. I did make sure to include the copywrite material at the bottom of the page as to date and ownership and quoted it here from Justice Junction as was requested.
I spoke with Lisa Lambert by phone today.. She said that she lost her latest round of appeals with a panel of three judges of the Third Circuit.
Peter Greenburg, her attorney, appealed for a hearing En Banc.
That means a hearing is called for in front of all 13 judges of the Third Circuit.
Of course, it is sad news. I don't have much faith in our Judicial System at this point. And I will keep my website up.....even if Lisa never wins any of her appeals.
What happened in Dalzell's courtroom will always have a voice.
Kate....I will just tell you this one more time if I may. I am not Bi-polar. One of the talkback posters accused me of being bi-polar. It's the "in" thing to call someone since calling them "crazy" doesn't seem to have as much paniche, if you will.
I made a joking reference to that poster over 2 years ago, and you Lancastrians have made that stick like velcro, and it's really getting old.
That's O.K. Your condescending compliments about what I contribute to society in spite of my disability, as misperceived by you, of course, are so typical of that Mennonite Mafia attitude.
Was that insulting, Kate? Only I guess if you hadn't heard the term Mennonite Mafia, is that right?
Your statement about how many different cultures inhabit Lancaster, made me almost laugh out loud. Can't do that now though, can we? Musn't think or act out of the box as it were.
Don't forget to copyright all those "compliments" of yours, you who was so horribly abused by Dalzell.....
The reason Kate copyrighted her comments, folks, is because the year 2002 when she posted that condescending compliment, I informed those posters about the book I was writing at the time....I told them I would use their posts in it. The next day they all freaked out. Everyone of them threatened me they would sue and began copyrighting everything they wrote.
The Mennonites do indeed run the courthouse.....and many other political bodies in that county.
They don't call them the Mennonite Mafia for nothing, I can assure you.
Yes, Lisa lost her latest round. I am not deterred. I, and many others from around the nation are appalled at what happened, and is still happening in Lancaster County.
Dalzell will always have a voice, as I've said previously, on freelisaslambert.com. It's not just for Lisa. It's for Christy Mirack, Mary Ann Bagenstose, Brenda Heist, Christina Colon, and so many other women there, whose investigations went nowhere......no suspects, suspcious boyfriends, suspicious ex-husbands, all walking the streets....
It's going on all over the country. The transcripts I have posted, show clearly just how it's done.
It's going on in Lancaster at an alarming rate. Missing women don't even get reported most of the time. The missing children's posters would literally blow you away.
One day, I got so tired of seeing so many missing children posters, just in Lancaster City, alone, I asked a young girl, she was thirteen years old, and we were both drinking our sodas outside the store, a Turkey Hill convenience store, of which there are many.....we were both just looking around and then at each other so I asked her, "Hey", She said, "Hey".
I pointed to the yet new poster of yet another young girl missing and I said these exact words to her: "You see that girl up there on the poster, it's a different one from the one I saw last week", "Yeah", she said. "They probably aren't going to find the person who got her, huh?"
She looked at me and said, "You're not from around here, are you?". Whoa. That must have been the 20th time I'd been told that since I'd moved there.
I said, "No, I'm not originally from here, but tell me something, how many of those new posters do you see in this one store every month?"....
She said: "About 10 or 15."......I had to pick my jaw off the asphalt of the Queen St. Turkey Hill parking lot.
10 or 15 new posters a month, ladies and gents. I love Lancaster County. You can copyright that, Kate. I'm not quite that paranoid. So use the above quote in the book you will never write.
Talking to the children of Lancaster is what truly opened my eyes to what is going on there.
You being an EMT might think that 10 murdered kids in one year,and those are the ones Barry Walp haven't claimed died from "natural causes"....is a bit much for one City, one County, several townships for that matter.
Maybe you don't get out of town much, but Lancaster is where the bankrobbers are having a field day, the club owners like Rich Ruoff, former owner of the Chameleon Club are getting that age-old treatment, the "shakedown" by the Mayor Charlie Smithgall......
Lancaster is a mixture of good and evil.......forget about the minorities Kate told you about...
Many of them end up in Lancaster County Prison. The people who believe in Lisa's innocence wrote me by the hundreds when my website was launched in 1998. Some of them lost their jobs because of it. Zachory Acox, particularly, was the online guy for the Newspaper monopoly.
Once another reporter saw his e-mail to me , complimenting me on the website, telling me, "you wouldn't believe the stories I see come across the wires, the police scanner, that never get written up, it's astounding, and has quite an effect on me". He got quickly fired from his job.
I felt horrible about it. I didn't have a clue what was going on there. I do now. I am not just some ditsy "outsider" who doesn't know about Lancaster. I had an outsider's perspective. There's a big difference.
For the two years I lived there, Kate, I did nothing but research. Selene, I believe, said something about my posting transcripts was not research. It's a little more thorough than all the dribble you post from the Attorney General's office. I wrote about Christy Mirack, talked to her family, they told me how investigator's literally told her mother, "Don't bug us anymore, we have no leads". Christy was dating Robin Weaver at the time she was murdered. He wasn't dispatched to the scene, like you were. He just showed up there when he heard it on the radio. He sent the other officers away. That testimony is also on freelisalambert.com.
I sat in on many of Stengel's cases. What a joke. He didn't waste time on research or extensive questioning, I can assure you. The Golden Murder trial was one I'll never forget.
I've written all this stuff down in my book. My point here is that Lisa lost this latest round, and she is going forth.
I know what was proven in Dalzell's courtroom, and confirmed to me in my two years living there. Try to expose the truth, and you will pay the price. You'll be followed, harassed, fired, unable to find employment, run out of town......and you wonder why Lisa has few vocal supporters in Lancaster. Kate nor Selene know anything about me. Or what I went through living in Lancaster. I loved the people there. Most are too terrified to tell what they know. The others have blinders on, or just don't care. They're busy putting white ribbons on their attenas for the WHITE RIBBON MARCH AGAINST PORNOGRAPHY....I wrote a great short story about that little event and it got published on the internet. Perhaps I'll post it here tomorrow if you like. No copy right necessary.
I know from experience, it's a job that requires endurance, strength and persistence, this search to illuminate the truth.