Oh Gawd Heather!!! Is the neighbor guy completely out of the picture now or do you still have to deal with him on some level? I sure hope not. The realization has been dawning on me quite recently that it is small things in the beginnings of relationships that do us in. Small things just like you describe. The objectifying with compliments, little put downs, little lies and head games. I think as soon as someone starts saying, "you don't see things correctly," when things don't feel right, trouble is here and ahead. I wish I had known these things 30 years ago. It would have saved me a lot of trouble. Personally, I think and have thought for a long time that these issues should be addressed in school. Interpersonal relating should be on the cirriculum from day one all the way through high school graduation. The kids who need special attention in this area could be given the help they need instead of peeling off into clicks and bullying or suffering at the hands of bullies. Interpersonal relating is the great leveler of the playing field.
OEJ and Kansas Granny, hey there! I love the Justice Junction message board. Intelligent discussions are taking place and real information being shared and distilled. OEJ, you are correct that Dalzell was shocked at what was revealed in his courtroom those 3 weeks in April which resulted in Lisa being released, and all parties referred to the U.S Attorney's office for investigation. It's important to understand that the issue of Lisa not exhausting all of her state appeals had been raised in the first day of the habeus hearing. The district attorney at that time, Joseph Madenspacher, had not tried the case. He had let his assistant take care of it. John Kenneff. Naturally, because Dalzell had granted wide discovery to Lisa's new attorneys, who were from Philadelphia, not Lancaster, they were not intimidated by the investigators there, and they got reports from every source who had anything to do with investigating Laurie Show's murder.
For example, the autopsy report. There was more than one. The one obtained by the doctor who performed it, and the one that was altered and used by Kenneff. The autopsy was not even that important to Stengel. If I could post the transcripts from Lisa's original trial it truly would shock you. I read them in Tina Rainville's office in Philly where I spent 3 full days reading everything about Lisa's original trial and her state appeals, which were denied without comment and which she did exhaust. Like I told you before....during the time Lisa was free, the Attorney General invented another State remedy to be exhausted right before the appeals court overturned Dalzell's decision. That's how determined they were to bury what happened in his courtroom. We will have those transcripts back up on the site within the next week....and they will be more easy to access.....they are a must read. There is a reason Dalzell called it "the worst case of prosecutorial misconduct in the english speaking world". It is. But here's the shocker.....and having lived there for 2 years, I can tell you from experience, what happened to Lisa, happens to hundreds of people in Lancaster! Dalzell didn't know what was going to transpire by granting one girl a chance to prove her claims of innocence.
Even Tina Rainville said that she was skeptical about all the claims Lisa was making. How could a place be as corrupt as she was saying.......but she listened to Lisa. Lisa told her where to go to find original documents. When Tina and her assistants began gathering information, they discovered Lisa was right on every count. It was Lisa who told them that Smokey Roberts had an unedited video of an evidence search where Yunkin's bloody sneaker was found. It had Laurie's blood on it. Kenneff tried to claim Lisa had worn them that morning. So, when they found it where she told them Yunkin threw them, they edited that part of the video out.
You see, OEJ, if this misconduct was something Lancaster's finest felt guilty about, because it was wrong and out of the ordinary for them, they would have destroyed their blatant evidence of wrongdoing, the conflicting reports, the destruction of evidence........just business as usual for them.....they were caught like deer in the headlights when Tina Rainville came to town.
They destroyed Yunkin's sweatpants the first day she came to gather files and documents. Rainville knew immediately that the sweatpants they produced when she asked for those admitted into evidence at Lisa's 1992 "trial", could not be the same. They were not x-tra large, Yunkin's size. They had no blood on them. They were Lisa's size, now. Stengel bought the theory that Lisa had worn Yunkin's clothes, but now a real judge was going to find out what happened. You bet these guys were sweating bullets. Lisa's attorneys left no stone unturned when it came to discovery. They were thorough. They became convinced that Lisa was telling the truth. Meanwhile, the Lancaster papers were already trashing Dalzell. Just like they had done with Lisa in the days after Laurie's murder. Depositions were taken and while the papers were calling the whole thing an "outrage", the ones who convicted her were totally freaking out. They knew what was coming, and all they could do was trash the messenger, the message was on it's way. They called Dalzell biased before the hearing even began. I read those articles at the Lancaster Library on microfilm. They were fascinating. They accused the judge of having a crush on Lambert because she was a "shameless flirt". Avoided at all costs, was the truth. The truth that was about to make Lancaster County more than just a place to tour "Amish Country".
heather thanks for he coment that justice junction is place where civil conversations and things getting shared i believe thats what we all here have tried to acomplish here. just reading these last couple of post in this thread something jumped out at me that i find hard tobelieve.is very strange in deed. but first i must i hav not made it to your site and read up on lisas case.have had a lot of things going on in life. havent had the time to get to it.actually im thinking might just read the book again i read before on this case was overkill the name.of book who was author. going to lancaster .com is also on my things to get to list.i find it very strange indeed that stengel-this is a judge right. saying autopsy not important to trial.just doesnt sound right to me dosent leave me with much credit in that jugesinterpretion of case.also want to adress oej and you are right on the nail head with youre perceptions of interpersonal interactions in relationships there are several behavorial things that one can determine if a personmostly males are abusive to women. and if these were taught to young girls in school would save many lives. i think.signs to look for he might be abusive if he pushes for deeper comitment early in relationship. is he talking lets live together orr get married soon after neeting like only after a few dates.if he trys to keep you from family and friends. can be overt or insubvert way not sure if thats the word im looking for one of you writers help out . what im trying to say he will flat out tell you you cannot go to your parents home for sunday dinner. or every time you plan an outing with them his car breaks down so he has to use yours.leaving you with no way to go. he is manipulative.makes you think your going crazy because his actions dont match his words.he throws a temper tantrum like a 3 tear old when you say no to something he wants.is extremly jealous of any other male in your life wheather its your cousin or just old highschool friend.calls his mother or any woman a bit##.does not show respect to woman in general. thre is a book that i found described this behavior . is men who hate women and the women that love them by. dr. susan forward.
OEJ, your posts are just getting better and better. You think I'm bright, but I think you're brighter. Please keep telling more about how you feel. It's incredible the way you put a thought across. So clearly, so succintly, and I feel you have experiences as well.
You know what I'm talking about. I can tell. Here's what's going on since the restraining order.
The week that I knew I had to get one was precipitated by his following me around the neighborhood wanting to ask me just one more question. That would end up being, "What happened to the Heather I fell in love with, the one who loved to cuddle, the ....blah blah blah.." I had explained to him so many times that his comments and behavior and his paranoia about being asked questions about his past, coupled with his insults disguised as "jokes" had all added up to one important fact. I no longer felt safe or comfortable around him. Period. Things got weirder after that. Much weirder. One day he called me. I was reading a book. He was going to work but wanted to see me. I went over there. He wanted to have some quickie sex. I was not in the mood. It wasn't like he was needy in that department. That part of the relationship was creepily, in retrospect, quite adequate. God, it gives me the creeps to think about how he was so good in that department. With intentions, not true passion. The whole thing was about him and controlling me. I know that now. Anyway, I went over to his apartment and told him all about the great book I was reading, HOLLYWOOD INTERRUPTED..by Mark Ebner and Andrew Brightbart. I highly recommend it. He was so disinterested and kept trying to get me in his bed. He had one hour to get to work. I just told him, let's wait till tomorrow, I'm really into this book. He said nothing, just walked me home. I didn't hear from him for three days. He always had insisted I call him at work before I went to bed. I always did. Now, he wasn't picking up his cell phone. This went on for three days, and it was unlike him. I know now, it's called "the silent treatment". Putting you offguard, making you the one trying to figure out what's going on. After three days of no contact, a "friend" of mine came over and said, "You've got to go over there. You've hurt him badly, he's been drunk for three days."
I looked at her like she was nuts. She looked at me the same way. These a-holes will make friends with your friends, and make you look like the nutcase. She convinced me to go over and talk to him. I did. Big mistake. He was completely drunk, lying on the bed, talking about how my book was more important to me than he was. He said, this is all your fault. Then he called me an a-hole. I left wondering how I ever thought he was worth getting to know to begin with. I'm not proud of this story. It says a lot about me as well as him. Justice Junction has become, unexpectedly, my place to unload. To share what I know. To somehow share knowledge and experiences that might help others avoid these predators. They are everywhere. Women are gone and we don't even hear about it. If the coroner, like in Lancaster, pronounces a woman dead from natural causes, it's his call. He is the one with the ulitimate power, in many cases. This is so hard to write because what I know about Lancaster is so horrifying. The obituaries in Lancaster are not published online. Recently, they publish selected ones. I know why. When I moved there, of course I read the paper every day. All three of them actually. I knew of course that all three papers came from the same source, by that time. But I knew I had to find out how this whole system worked.
For two years, I did nothing but go to the library and read archives of Lisa's case, Christy Mirack's murder, the schoolteacher who was found beat to death, raped and strangled in her apartment exactly one year and one day after Laurie Show's murder. I spoke to her mother when I moved to Lancaster. She told me her daughter had been dating Robin Weaver. She begged me not to tell. At the time, I didn't. Now, I'm telling you that. I don't care any longer about saving Robin Weaver. Christy's mom feared for her safety. The week after her daughter'sbody was found, the investigation stopped. Now, here's an excerpt from the Federal Hearing, to show you what I'm talking about. I'll start a new reply because I feel guilty taking up so much space here. hjj
Yes, just a superficial search of the case shows an unprecedented amount of bashing on a federal judge. I finished reading the closing arguments you have on your site just moments ago. I did not get the impression that juge Dalzell was trying to be malicious or unlawful. He tried to find precedents to guide him. He was careful, thoughtful, and compassionate in his feelings toward both injured families. If the bashing is unprecedented it is only because the case itself was unprecedented. I don't think Judge Dalzell could have lived with himself if he had not granted the Petitioner's motions. In the case before him, innocence of first degree murder had been established satisfactorily for him and over ninety allegations of prosecutorial misconduct were presented. With so much poisoned evidence that would never again be allowed in a court of law, I don't see what choice he had other than flatly denying the petiton...which he could not do.
.......just business as usual for them.....they were caught like deer in the headlights when Tina Rainville came to town.
The prosecutor brought up this point that "they shot themselves with their own gun" as being exculpatory. Either he has a point or it is business as usual as you point out. Mostly, he berates his investigators and his case as being sloppy in order to explain the conduct. Obviously, there is a great deal more for me to read and I thank you for providing the documents. I'm just blown away the transcripts from an entire hearing are just flat not available.
Has Dalzell spoken publicly about his opinion on all this?
Unfortunately, I do know what you are talking about. It sounds like atlantagirl does too. Well, here we are. I don't know how it happened, but I'm glad it did.
I could have written that story about the more than adequate in the bedroom companion who likes to put on the pressure. I don't like being pressured. but I do like being swept off my feet. The sad part is, I think the only reason I do is because of all the TV I watched from the time I could comprehend until about the 6th grade when it was too late to undo. Ah, romance. We should have been taught about healthy romance instead of fairy tale roles. All of us. The world would be in a lot better shape. It sounds like you were little more then narcissistic supply to your love interest. They are very good at what they do including making you feel guilty for falling for it. Knowledge, not self-blame.
This is cozy. I'm glad you came Heather. I'm glad I did, too. I thank everyone for having me. Atlantagirl, you are one heck of a good analyst.
atlantagirl.....hi there. You know what I love about your posts? Well, lots of things, actually. You know a lot about the Butt's case. More than most, I suspect. I'll address that in a moment. But let me give you a compliment, if I may. The book that I wrote about my life for two years in Lancaster was written in a month. It all just poured out of me. And, your posts, which have no paragraphs are exactly like my unsubmitted manuscript. No paragraphs, just the feelings, the knowledge pouring out of you without regard to structure. I want you to know what a great writer you are. You probably don't know that. Let me tell you something. Homer's Odyssy, one of the most famous books around, was also written in that style. It's a sign of true genius. Many great writers do that. My whole book about Lancaster has no paragraphs at all. I couldn't care less about proper structure. I just wanted to get the truth out there. So many women were disappearing, found dead, no suspects, I couldn't believe it. People born and raised there think it's normal for people to die "unexpectedly for no reason" from natural causes. I know it sounds like I'm trying to call myself a genius because I wrote my first draft book without paragraphs. I'm not a genius. What does that mean anyway? Hitler was a genius....and yet responsible for thousands of murders. It seems these days that genius means who can get away with the most.....there is a strange disregard for the epidemic spreading around us which is every man for himself. Look at all the reality shows. Fear factor, The Bachelor, The Intern, it goes on and on add nauseum. My devotion to my website has brought me so many insults, mostly by people from Lancaster.
Lisa has tons of fans outside the county, because the Federal Hearing was a landmark case. It's on the books in legal circles as still being the hearing that exposed the "worst case of prosecutorial misconduct in the english speaking world". Nothing has changed that. That's why I bought the transcripts and posted them on my site. You can't buy any transcripts from the court reporters from Lancaster. Court reporters by law, own the transcripts they transcribe from any case, and they can sell them to anyone, reporters, people like me who want to post them online...etc. Lancaster doesn't play by the rules. They tell you to "get the hell out of here", if you even ask to read them. Buy them? You don't dare do that after asking just to read them. It's clear they feel immune to the rules.
Incredibly, everybody was cleared in the "investigation" Dalzell instigated, and for good reason.
The Butts murder and Kevin Hailey's influential family do not want to be linked together. Kansas Granny, you wanted to know why I think Walraven and Sam Rich might be linked. In Lancaster County, I learned about the Drug Task Force. They hired drug dealers to snitch on whoever had the most assests. As you know, drug busters now seize all items they suspect were bought with drug buys. The Drug Task Force has nothing to do with stopping drugs in a community, it's about which dealer they can hire who can bull**** his way into the lives of drug dealers and then turn them in, and still keep going. There is a fine art in doing this. Kevin's connections make him the perfect guy for the job. He has no skills, right? His mom is a joke, and also a criminal, that would be Kathy, correct. My guess is this. Kevin is a long-time snitch for the Drug Task Force. Jerry Walraven is retired, correct? Not exactly. Jerry would like to be retired, I have no doubt about that. When unsolved and still active murder investigations are kept alive, and we can thank ourselves for assisting in that regard, Walraven can't really retire, and Sam Rich is getting richer no doubt, yet further referred to as "the bad sam". I'm glad I exposed him here on Justice Junction. My knowledge about Lancaster's Drug Task Force, gives me greater ability to see through the bullcrap in the Butt's case. Why hasn't the Attorney General taken over? That's the creepiest part. He's obviously in on it. Wants to keep it quiet. And that's why we need to keep talking about it. It's about murder, massive drug dealing, and a total disregard for local authority. The good cops are long gone from Cass. Co.
That is truly sad. Kevin is not so important. His father and uncle are, however. I'm going to the Jameson site for the first time. I'll get back here to my home ....
You know, you mentioned a problem in Lancaster county with death certificates. Our infamous Mr. Jones, god bless him, mentioned the other day that there is quite a bit of problem with death certificates in Cass County, too. He says they are all suspect. He can't post about it very much over there or over here at all because he gets too angry and screams at people. If he gets real mad, he'll just tell the forum owner to stick it up her a--! He's got piles of documents and won a lawsuit against them over the wrongful death of his son, but I have never gotten all the details. I wish he would open his own forum because I have so many questions I'd like to ask him about Cass County. He went to the evidence room to pick up something relating to his son's case, and guess what was in the evidence box? A copy of the video taped crime scene of the Butts Triple Homicide. Whoa!
Oh yeah...Dalzell's ruling was a landmark case. A great one, too. He may be kicked around by malicious gossip and legalese criticisms, but at the end of the day, it is still one of the greats. I have to admit, my heart skipped a few beats when I first heard of it because of the Spirit behind it. I loved what he said to the prosecutor when he argued that Dalzell should rule on crimes committed by the Petitoner that weren't before him. I'll put some of my favorite quotes in the next post...stay tuned:)
My friends ...You need to know... since I've been back, I have been unable to post the transcripts here. I can't delete spelling errors when they happen,and have no idea why that is....
I'll be back tomorrow. I love you all. Let's unite in the common good. That means, when the going gets tough, it means, we are getting somewhere.
May I just say in closing here tonight. We need to keep talking. I know it's having an effect.
We are making somebody nervous. It doesn't matter yet, who that is. Hopefully it's more than one person. I suspect it is. If our conversations bring Butts and Lancaster together without they are wanting that, it means we are winning the game.
Do not underestimate the power that exposure has on evil. Evil thrives on the darkness. Truth thrives on exposure.
The truth wins in the end. There is no ulterior motive. Lies, lose in the end. I'll be back tomorrow and I want you all to know how much I admire you...how intelligent you all are, and how I respect and admire what we are learning here. We have the power to change what is happening. I truly believe that. Together we can instigate change. We are all tired of the bull****. We have all added our personal experiences to this very public message board.
I gave up on how one becomes a registered member on the Jameson site. I don't care anymore. My life is so much about women who are dead and their killers still walking the street, I'm almost embarrased to talk about how little else I care about these days. I'm not crazy. I just truly know what my purpose on earth is, after reading about Lisa Lambert. Some call me a nut, not in my right mind. But , it's the dead women who speak to me. I know that sounds crazy, but please, hear me out. I feel pain for the women who died for no reason. In Lancaster County, there are so many, the ones whose deaths get reported as "death by natural causes" become the ones we never hear about.
I have so much more to say.....and I don't care who calls me crazy, because when Lisa Lambert calls me on the phone, her voice is so strong, she knows what I went through, living in Lancaster, and we both are united in keeping alive the corruption that was such a threat to a county who had never been exposed to the light of truth......Dalzell is my hero. He is a hero to so many whose voices might never been heard. I'm going to bed now. I'll be back first thing in the morning. We have so much to do. And we have the ability to do it
The above link is to the 1998 PCRA hearings in Lancaster, presided by now Federal Judge Lawrence Stengel. There's always two sides to every story and Tabitha's story as well as the entire contents and decision on that hearing are posted on that link. Ms. Johnston was not a resident of Lancaster County when this tragedy occurred and only resided in this county while the Habeus Corpus and PCRA hearings were in process. She is from California.
I was a witness to this tragedy, walking into the scene shortly after it had occurred. It was a morning I will never forget and memories that will probably never go away. It is equally upsetting to read lies, innuendo and slander about my hometown from a woman who is not a native here. She claims to love Lancaster County while spewing hatred for it's residents/legal community. The people of the county are not perfect. Yes, this county's has three newspapers owned by the same family. Yes, our law enforcement officials aren't perfect. The murder of Laurie Show was the most horrendous crime the East Lampeter Twp. Police Department had probably ever investigated (followed by the murder of Christy Mirack).
Ms. Johnston did not mention the weird accusations made by Lambert's defense team of Rainville & Greenberg. That team accused the local law enforcement of removing Laurie Shows' body from our county morgue and returning it to the crime scene for altered photographs to "frame" Ms. Lambert. That is virtually impossible and was proven to be false. The "team" also accused several police officers of sexually violating Ms. Lambert prior to the murder which was proven false - one officer was on his honeymoon during the alleged assault and proved this by producing a receipt from a store in Virginia Beach.
Tabitha Bucks story, IMO, is the only credible story. This woman is not appealing her conviction nor is she whining from behind bars. She sincerely apologized to the family of Laurie Show, during her testimony, for her involvement. She also refused to change her testimony, at the request of Lambert's counsel, in order to cut herself a break in prison time. Tabitha is spending her time in prison teaching other women. I've recently been told that if anyone has a chance for a reduced prison term it would be Tabitha. Tabitha's story is a long testimony. I will attempt to display her story on this forum in it's entirety.
Tabitha Buck's testimony in this hearing marked the first time she has testified under oath in a courtroom about the events of December 20, 1991. Previously she testified in a deposition as part of the federal proceeding but was not called as a witness. We discuss Ms. Buck's testimony in this section because it is relevant to Ms. Lambert's involvement in the killing of Laurie Show, it is relevant to the extent it corroborates or disputes essential facts which have been called into question by petitioner, and it is relevant to the core issue of Ms. Lambert's petition: that she is an innocent woman wrongly convicted.
Ms. Buck first met Ms. Lambert and Mr. Yunkin in September 1991 while riding "the loop" in Lancaster.(74) (N.T., PCRA at 6617-18.) Ms. Buck was 17 years old at the time and was attending Penn Manor High School. She, Michelle and Lawrence "hung out" through the fall of 1991. (N.T., PCRA at 6618.) In the fall of 1991, she became aware of difficulties between Michelle and Laurie Show. She recalled Michelle saying that she did not like Laurie and referring to her several times as a "bitch." (N.T., PCRA at 6619.)
On the evening of December 19, 1991, around 10:30 p.m., Michelle came to visit her at the apartment she shared with her mother. Lawrence was outside in the car. Michelle was "very upset" and "went on and on about wanting to get Laurie back. . . ." (N.T., PCRA at 6620.) Ms. Buck described her as "crying and ranting, raving, she was upset." (Id.) Ms. Buck testified, "I asked her what she was going to do. She said, I'll kill her." (N.T., PCRA at 6620-21.) Michelle told Ms. Buck that she wanted her (Buck) to go with her to see Laurie the next morning. Ms. Buck was also told to "wear [her] hair up, to not wear any make-up and not to wear any fingernail polish." (N.T., PCRA at 6622.) Ms. Buck testified that she knew Laurie Show "by sight" because they rode the same school bus when Ms. Buck attended Conestoga Valley High School. (N.T., PCRA at 6623.)
Ms. Buck testified that Michelle and Lawrence picked her up on the morning of December 20, 1991. (N.T., PCRA at 6623.) Michelle appeared to give Lawrence directions from the intersection by the McDonald's on Lincoln Highway. (N.T., PCRA at 6625-26.) Lawrence dropped them off on Oak View Road by a field. (N.T., PCRA at 6626-27.) Ms. Buck understood that Lawrence was going to go to McDonald's. (N.T., PCRA at 6628.) Michelle told him to pick them up in 15 minutes. (Id.) They then walked across the field toward the condominium complex. (N.T., PCRA at 6628-29.) Michelle was looking for the condominium and was not sure of the correct number. She then located the condominium. (N.T., PCRA at 6629-30.) They went to the bottom of the steps and Michelle told Ms. Buck to go upstairs, knock on the door and ask for Hazel Show. She did so and Laurie answered the door. Ms. Buck asked if Hazel was home and Laurie said, "No." (N.T., PCRA at 6630-31.) Michelle told Ms. Buck the night before that Hazel should not be there because she had called and arranged for Mrs. Show to be at a counselor's appointment. (N.T., PCRA at 6631-32.)
At that point, Michelle made her way inside. Ms. Buck then described:
Michelle apparently pushed Laurie back some distance. They were, like, in front of the kitchen area or the living room area. And they were holding each other's arms wrestling, like, arguing, yelling. At one point, Laurie, I guess, broke away from Michelle and came toward me and I remember Michelle saying something about don't go, stop or something and -- oh, I did have sunglasses on. I failed to mention that. And Laurie grabbed my face, pushed me somehow and knocked the sunglasses off and Michelle was behind her and she had a knife and they were in the corner there where the door meets the wall, the hinges of the door, I guess.
(N.T., PCRA at 6633-34.)
Ms. Buck then went on to describe Laurie's attempts to escape:
A. . . . Laurie coming at me, moving me. I was right there inside the doorway.
Q. Okay. Do you know what Laurie was trying to do when she came toward you?
A. My guess is she was probably trying to leave.
Q. Okay. And could she leave?
A. She didn't have a chance.
Q. And why not?
A. Michelle was on her.
(N.T., PCRA at 6636.)
Ms. Buck described the knife as a "large kitchen knife" and described how Michelle ended up huddled with Laurie in the corner near the front door. (N.T., PCRA at 6637-38.) Laurie had grabbed the blade of the knife and Michelle pulled it out of her hand. As a result, Laurie's hands were cut. (N.T., PCRA at 6638.) According to Ms. Buck, Laurie then got away and went into her bedroom. Michelle then "grabbed her by the back of her hair when she walked through the door and she cut her hair." (N.T., PCRA at 6637-39.) Ms. Buck recalls seeing Laurie with a phone in her hand and was uncertain about what happened to the phone. (N.T., PCRA at 6640.)
Ms. Buck then went on to describe more of a struggle in the bedroom. When Laurie was on her knees facing the bed, Michelle hit her in the back of the head with the butt of the knife. She hit her more than twice in this way. (N.T., PCRA at 6641-42.) Michelle then handed Ms. Buck the knife and attempted to put a rope over Laurie's head. (N.T., PCRA at 6642.) Apparently, Michelle told Laurie to stop struggling and to cooperate because "it would be a lot easier this way" and then she put the rope over her head. (Id.) Laurie then began to struggle and reached for a pair of scissors. Ms. Buck moved the scissors out of Laurie's reach. (N.T., PCRA at 6643-44.)
Ms. Buck testified:
Q. What happened after you moved the scissors out of Laurie's reach?
A. Michelle told me to cut her throat.
Q. Michelle told you to cut Laurie's throat?
A. Uh-huh.
Q. What did you say to Michelle?
A. I said, no.
Q. Okay. Did you still have the knife in your hand at that point?
A. Yes.
Q. What did you do with the knife?
A. Michelle took it back.
Q. What happened after that?
A. She cut her leg and told her to stop struggling.
(N.T., PCRA at 6644.)
Ms. Buck then went on to describe Laurie kicking and fighting with Michelle. She testified:
A. Michelle told me to grab her feet, make her stop kicking and I did.
Q. You did that?
A. Yes.
(N.T., PCRA at 6645.)
Ms. Buck described sitting on Laurie's feet and facing away from her. As she sat on Laurie's feet, Laurie was struggling and at some point her feet stopped moving. Then Ms. Buck got off her feet and looked at Laurie. When asked what she saw, she said, "I saw her throat cut." (N.T., PCRA at 6647-48.) She noted that Michelle was sitting next to Laurie, on Laurie's right side. She said that the throat was cut deeply enough that she (Ms. Buck) could see into Laurie's throat and could hear a "hissing, whooshing sound." (N.T., PCRA at 6648.) She then testified:
Q. After you turned around and saw that Laurie's throat was cut and you saw that Michelle was still next to Laurie, did you see that the knife was still in Michelle's hand?
A. Yes.
Q. What did you see Michelle do then?
A. When I looked at Laurie I said, is she dead? Did you kill her? And Michelle said, I don't know and proceeded to further cut Laurie's throat.
Q. Can you describe what she did when she further cut Laurie's throat?
A. She held her chin back with her left hand and cut her throat as though she were cutting bread.
Q. Okay. Did you see how many times that cut went across Laurie's throat?
A. Several times.
(N.T., PCRA at 6649.)
Ms. Buck related that Michelle had the tip of the knife and handed it to her. Ms. Buck put it in her coat pocket, picked up her sunglasses and they left the condominium. Michelle told her to put her hood up and they went back across the complex area. (N.T., PCRA at 6650-51.) She testified that they went down the staircase and headed in the direction toward the wooded area. They walked behind or in a line of trees behind the Frys' condominium, went across a field and toward the road. They ended up along the road in some bushes. Ms. Buck indicated on an aerial photograph of the condominium complex, (Commonwealth's Exhibit 5), that she and Michelle ended up on Oak View Road north of the condominium entrance. She testified that Lawrence was there and picked them up. (N.T., PCRA at 6651-55.) All she recalls about the conversation in the car was Lawrence looking over at Michelle and saying, "Blood?" (N.T., PCRA at 6655-56.)
They then went back to Michelle's and Lawrence's trailer. Michelle and Ms. Buck took showers. She recalls that she took the tip of the knife out of her pocket and tossed it somewhere in a room in the trailer. She borrowed a pair of black stretch legging pants, put on her white sweatshirt and Michelle and Lawrence took her to school. (N.T., PCRA at 6657-58.)
Ms. Buck testified about the cut on her cheek and she believes that she got the cut sometime during the events that occurred in the morning of December 20.(75) (N.T., PCRA at 6658-59.) She recalls that she took her jeans off and borrowed pants because there was blood on her jeans. She left her Miami Dolphins jacket with Michelle and Lawrence because they said they would wash it. (N.T., PCRA at 6659-60.)
On cross-examination, Ms. Buck acknowledged that she lied in her April 1997 federal deposition in that she was not complete in her answers. She also indicated that she was not truthful when speaking to Detective Joseph Geesey when he came to visit her at Muncy in 1997. (N.T., PCRA at 6726.) Ms. Buck testified that there were certain significant issues which she "left out" in her deposition testimony. These were:
(1) she did not talk about Michelle placing the rope around Laurie Show's neck;
(2) she did not talk about Michelle's feelings about Laurie Show;
(3) she did not talk about her sunglasses;
(4) she did not talk about Michelle making the last cut on Laurie Show's throat;
(5) she did not talk about Michelle telling her about the phone call to Mrs. Show the night before. Rather, she suggested that she learned that Mrs. Show would not be in the condominium that morning as they approached the front door;
(6) she left out the testimony about Michelle telling her not to wear make-up and nail polish and to put her "hair up";
(7) she left out the testimony about Michelle handing the knife to her during the attack;
(8) she left out the testimony about Michelle telling her to "cut Laurie's throat"; and
(9) she lied about wearing black stretch pants because she knew that her jeans had blood on them and did not want to admit that. (N.T., PCRA at 6732; 6773; 6732; 6733; 6729-30; 6731-32;6732; 6733; 6732-33.)
When questioned as to why she did not tell the whole truth in her deposition, Ms. Buck testified:
A. Several reasons. One, I was very scared. I had been told for a very long time --
A. I was told not to say anything to anybody for a very long time and I was left under the impression that the more I knew of anything the worse off it would be for me. And aside from that, I was extremely intimidated that day. And I don't expect many people will understand this other reason. But being a lifer and having been incarcerated a lifer for as long as I have now, I would like to see women doing a life sentence go home, get out of jail, and I just couldn't see saying certain things, even against Michelle, if this were going to be a chance for her to go home.
(N.T., PCRA at 6673-74.)
At Ms. Buck's deposition during the federal proceeding, she was represented by R. Russell Pugh, Esquire, of Lancaster. Immediately following the deposition, she wrote a letter to Mr. Pugh explaining that she had been less than completely truthful in her deposition testimony. We reprint the entire letter in the text of this opinion because it sheds light on the extent of Ms. Buck's untruthfulness in her deposition and her state of mind at that time, and it contains an explanation as to her actions. It is also significant to this court that she chose to acknowledge her lack of complete candor in a letter to her attorney without any prompting and before she was ever confronted with any inconsistencies. The deposition was April 4, 1997. The letter bears the date of April 8, 1997:
Mr. Pugh,
I have not been completely honest about what happened. Most of what I've told you is the truth but I've purposely left some things out. Some very important things. I knew how Michelle felt about Laurie. She talked about it all the time. She always said how she wanted to kill her. She would think of different ways to do it and would ask me my opinion. would tell her that her plans would work and she'd laugh. She never followed through with any of them so I truly didn't take her seriously. At first I didn't know who she was talking about when she said 'Laurie' but when she told me her name was Laurie Show and she went to C.V., I made a point to find out who it was. Laurie rode my bus and I avoided her. I never spoke to her. I doubt if she even knew my name.
When Michelle came to the apartment on the 19th, she was upset and wanted to talk. She said she was going to get Laurie because the police were after her for an assault against Laurie. She told me she had called Ms. Show and pretended to be a counselor from school. She said that Ms. Show wouldn't be at home in the morning and she wanted me to go with her. I asked her what she was going to do and she said she was going to kill her. I didn't believe her and I told her so. Then she said she was just going to get her back for dating Lawrence and for calling the police on her. I had never seen Michelle fight anyone--she was all talk so I guess I just figured she was just talking and wasn't really going to hurt Laurie. I told her I would go with her. She said for me not to wear any nail polish or make-up and to put my hair up. She said that way, if anything did happen --there would be no evidence of who was there. Again, I didn't take her seriously.
The next day, I wore an old pair of blue jeans that were a favorite of mine and my white sweatshirt. When Michelle came she asked if I had any sunglasses and I said yes. She told me to bring them. I did wear make-up and my hair was down. She didn't say anything about it so I knew she wasn't serious about what she had said.
When we got to the apartment Michelle told me to put the sunglasses on so that Laurie wouldn't recognize me. I told her she didn't know me anyway but she insisted I wear them. Once we were inside the apartment, all hell broke loose. When Laurie tried to run to the door, she grabbed my glasses and threw them in the corner. She may have scratched me then.
In the bedroom when Laurie was kneeling over the bed, Michelle handed me the knife after hitting Laurie with it. Then she pulled out the rope from under her shirt (jergo) and tried to put it around Laurie's neck. She told Laurie it would look like a suicide and if Laurie didn't give in, then she (Michelle) would get a group of pagans to sacrifice her. Laurie stopped struggling and allowed Michelle to put the rope completely over her head. Then she went for the scissors. When I pushed them away Michelle told me to cut Laurie's throat. I looked at her like she was crazy and I said 'no!' She told me to give her the knife and I did. Laurie was struggling again and Michelle cut her leg. She told her it would be a lot worse if she didn't cooperate. That's when Laurie started kicking again and Michelle told me to grab her feet. In the process of getting her feet down, she kicked me in my mouth.
When I got off of Laurie's feet, I saw the neck wound and heard the air escaping. In my mind I knew that she must be dead but I asked anyway. I asked Michelle, 'Is she dead? Did you kill her?' She said, 'I don't know.' Then she cut Laurie's neck even deeper. I saw her do it. That's when she said, 'Come on. Let's go.' On my way out I picked up my sunglasses and we left.
At the trailer we took showers and Michelle gave me a pair of black stretch pants to wear. My jeans had ripped open on one of the legs and there was blood on them.
Everything else I told you was true. I didn't think she would actually do it and once she did--I was scared half to death. I don't know why I didn't tell you about her calling Ms. Show. I don't know why I didn't tell you about the rope. All I know is that I'm telling you the whole truth now. This is very hard for me to do but I figure--what do I have to lose? I'm already doing Life. I know that I lied under oath at the deposition and I don't know what that will mean now. When I testify in court, I want to tell the truth. I hope that it isn't too late.
I know I've disappointed you. You believed me and I lied to you. I apologize to you for deceiving you. If you want to wash you hands of my case--I won't blame you. Maybe I'll end up dying in prison but at least my conscience will be clear. I know that I had no intentions of harming Laurie and I didn't believe Michelle would, either. But maybe I do deserve this life sentence. If I'm meant to go home--God will let me go and it won't happen without Him.
Again, I am so sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for lying to everybody including Detective Geesey. I hope that you won't hate me because of it. I feel like the world has been lifted from my shoulders but I know it will be hard for me to face you now. I am so sorry.
(Commonwealth's Exhibit 65 (emphasis in original); N.T., PCRA 6678-82.)
The court is faced with an unusual and interesting credibility assessment with this witness. She has acknowledged that she was less than completely truthful under oath. It appears that on several points she told the truth but not the whole truth. On other points, she made statements contrary to the truth. Yet, almost immediately, she confessed these lies to her lawyer.(76) Ms. Buck was never called as a witness in the federal proceeding, so it is likely that she may never have been "caught" in her lies. Her lack of truthfulness did not help or hurt her own situation, given that she is serving a life sentence for murder. To this end, it is unlikely that fear of perjury charges would have motivated her to confess her lack of honesty to her attorney. She is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole, which in Pennsylvania means exactly that. Possible perjury penalties would have little, if any, real impact on her life.
Further, her decision not to tell the whole truth did not hurt Ms. Lambert. In fact, Ms. Buck soft-pedaled certain facts regarding Ms. Lambert's involvement. Had these "lies" been for a malicious purpose, i.e., to prejudice Ms. Lambert's petition in federal court, they might carry greater weight. It appears that the "lies" were an effort, however ignoble, to help her former co-defendant. She explained this as a feeling of sympathy not so much for a former co-defendant but for a fellow "lifer."
Petitioner's counsel did a good and thorough job of exposing these various lies in cross-examination of Ms. Buck. Petitioner would have us completely disregard Ms. Buck's testimony on that basis. This is not the law, however. We frequently include in our instructions to a jury in a criminal case the maxim "falsus in uno, falsusin omnibus" which means "false in one, false in all." Essentially, this means that if a witness deliberately testified falsely about a material point, the fact finder may choose to disbelieve the rest of his or her testimony. But the fact finder is not required to do so. The fact finder should consider all other factors bearing on the witness's credibility in deciding whether to believe other parts of his or her testimony. Commonwealth v. Parente, 184 Pa. Super. 125, 130-32, 133 A.2d 561, 563-64 (1957), aff'd, 392 Pa. 38, 139 A.2d 924 (1958). See Commonwealth v. Tyler, 305 Pa. Super. 15, 23, 451 A.2d 218, 222 (1982); Commonwealth v. Joyce, 202 Pa. Super. 350, 353 n.1, 197 A.2d 226, 228 n.1 (1963).
In evaluating credibility, the court looks to how the witness testifies, what the witness says, what interest the witness has in the outcome of the proceeding and the relationship of the witness to the petitioner/defendant or others involved in the case. The court considers whether, in general, the witness's testimony makes sense. We look not only at the witness herself, and her background and history in the case, but also to extrinsic factors which impact on credibility. For example, it is proper for the court to consider whether other evidence in the case supports the testimony of the witness. If other evidence, including the testimony of other witnesses and items of physical evidence, shows that the witness's testimony is less than accurate, then these other items of evidence would have a negative impact on credibility.
One very important factor is whether the witness is willing to falsify testimony so as to further her own interests. This does not seem to be the case with Tabitha Buck. At the PCRA hearing, we had the benefit of an exchange of letters between petitioner's counsel and Ms. Buck regarding petitioner's intentions in the federal habeas proceeding. Ms. Buck received a "solicitation" of sorts from petitioner's counsel, Ms. Rainville. Ms. Rainville was writing to Ms. Buck with a request for cooperation and a suggestion that she may wish to follow Ms. Lambert's path through federal court with a federal habeas petition of her own. Ms. Buck replied, also in writing, with certain statements that provide insight to her credibility and which confirm certain statements she made in her testimony at the PCRA hearing. For completeness sake, we include the text of each letter as it was read into the record at the hearing. The letter from Ms. Rainville to Ms. Buck is dated November 15, 1996, and was admitted as Commonwealth's Exhibit 64. The letter reads:
Dear Ms. Buck,
My law firm has been appointed by the federal court in Philadelphia to represent Lisa Lambert in the preparation of her federal habeas petition. I am writing to you because I believe that we have discovered new evidence that may help you as well as Lisa. We believe that the new evidence may prove that Butch Yunkin was present, and participated in the murder. Since Mr. Yunkin was a key prosecution witness against both you and Lisa, this new evidence may meet the standard set forth in a relatively new Supreme Court case, Kyles v. Whitley, 115 S. Ct. 1555 (1995), which held that a retrial was warranted due to the prosecution's failure to disclose evidence favorable to the defense regarding a key informant and prosecution witness. Simply stated, while you will need your own lawyer to give you guidance, our new evidence might be enough to get you a new trial.
You and Lisa are no longer friends, and I understand that there is a great deal of bitterness between the two of you. Indeed, the two of you have many legal interests that are in conflict. However, we have information which may help you get a new trial, and you have information which might help prove that Yunkin was there. 1991 was a long time ago, and you and Lisa are now in a unique situation of being able to help each other by telling the truth about Yunkin's real role in the killing.
If you are currently represented by a lawyer, you should forward my letter to your lawyer, and have your lawyer call me. If you are not represented by a lawyer, you may call me collect at 215-751-2374. I hope that I will be hearing from you or your lawyer soon.
Sincerely, Christina Rainville
(Commonwealth's Exhibit 64; N.T., PCRA at 6668-69.)
Ms. Buck's response is undated, but was written in response to Ms. Rainville's letter. It was admitted into the record at the PCRA hearing as Commonwealth's Exhibit 63. It reads as follows:
Dear Ms. Rainville:
In response to your letter dated November 15, 1996, I must say that whatever 'new evidence' you claim to have discovered is, in fact, untrue. I realize that your law firm was appointed to Miss Lambert's case and you will do whatever you can in defense of her. You would even place Mr. Yunkin at the scene of the crime and try to pin the blame, so to speak, on him in an effort to help Michelle (Lisa). The truth is, however, Mr. Yunkin was not there and he did not participate in the crime. Michelle knows that fact as well as I do. I will not fabricate lies and corroborate with Michelle just to get myself off easy. You see, contrary to popular belief, I do not take other people's lives into my own hands. I don't know if Mr. Yunkin knew what Michelle was planning to do but I do know he was not there and he did not kill Laurie. I will not lie and cause him to have a life sentence for something he didn't even do. I know exactly what being in that situation feels like. I have no information that would help Michelle nor do I have any that would hurt Lawrence.
Ms. Rainville, if I'm to be granted a re-trial, it will not be based on circumstantial evidence which I know to be untrue. I resent the assumption that I would jeopardize someone else's life just to make my own a little easier. That is a character flaw of your client, Ms. Lambert, and I am nothing like her. There is only one truth. I know it. Michelle knows it. God knows it.
I will be of no assistance to you and Lisa Michelle Lambert.
Cordially, Tabitha F. Buck
(Commonwealth's Exhibit 63 (emphasis in original); N.T., PCRA at 6670-72.)
While we believe that Ms. Buck's decision to withhold portions of the truth in her deposition testimony and in her discussions with Detective Geesey was unfortunate, we do not think that this choice establishes that she is a wholly untruthful person who is not worthy of belief in any way in this proceeding. In fact, she relates aspects of the story which are consistent with other testimony in evidence and which are consistent in general terms with her letter to Ms. Rainville written prior to the deposition. There cannot be a justification for lying under oath but there certainly can be explanations which bear on the overall credibility of the person shown to be untruthful on certain points.
From Ms. Buck's testimony, we can conclude with certainty that Ms. Lambert is anything but innocent of the charge of murder. Ms. Buck's testimony is consistent with the observations made by Mr. Kleinhans, Mr. and Mrs. Fry, and with the history of hatred and animus demonstrated by Ms. Lambert during the summer and fall of 1991. The evidence as to Ms. Lambert's planning of the assault, Ms. Lambert's and Ms. Buck's approach to the condominium, their escape, and their activities the remainder of the day of December 20, 1991, is consistent with much of the evidence both at trial and the PCRA.
In assessing Ms. Buck's credibility in the PCRA hearing, we carefully considered her testimony in light of its inconsistency with her deposition. We have carefully considered the fact that she was untruthful at points in her deposition and in her discussions with Detective Geesey. We observed her as she testified and we noted the substance of her responses and the manner in which she considered and responded to questions. Unlike Ms. Lambert, Ms. Buck does not have an answer for everything. She has acknowledged that there are certain facts which she cannot reconcile, and she is candid about that which she does not remember. She was forthcoming about her untruthful answers in her deposition and in her discussion with Detective Geesey.
We firmly believe that Ms. Buck found herself in the middle of a vengeful conspiracy. We do not doubt for a minute that she was aware that Ms. Lambert intended to do harm to Laurie Show and that she went along for reasons that only she knows. She is not an innocent. But to her credit, she acknowledges that fact.
Ms. Buck has nothing to gain by lying about Ms. Lambert's involvement in the death of Laurie Show. In her testimony at the PCRA, she had the candor and the decency to accept responsibility for her own role in the killing. She knows that she blocked Laurie Show's path as Laurie tried to escape. She knows that she held Laurie's legs down while Ms. Lambert cut her throat. In our close observation of Ms. Buck as she testified and in our subsequent consideration of her testimony, we find her to be credible in her description of the murder. She has acknowledged that she deserves her sentence because of her actions on December 20, 1991. She has acknowledged her guilt under oath in a courtroom in the same courthouse in which her own PCRA petition is pending. What possible impact will this admission have on her own PCRA claim that her trial resulted in a "fundamentally unfair" conviction?
Ms. Buck knows full well that, when she took the stand to acknowledge, under oath in a courtroom, that she actively participated in the killing of Laurie Show, she severely compromised any chance she has that a state or federal court will be inclined to find that she has been wrongly convicted. Her testimony will not take a day off her life sentence and will not change the events of December 20, 1991. We find her credible in her description of what happened that morning
If this was some regular weekday morning and people were gping to school and everything, where would of Yunckin parked his car tp go into the condo that nobody saw when all three were in there? When a neighbor saw two people run out where was the third? I thought they said at trial that people saw Ynckin at Mcdonalds?
Ms. Lambert was found guilty of first degree murder on July 20, 1992. She filed post verdict motions in which she claimed that her conviction was against the weight of the evidence. In a July 19, 1994, opinion filed in response to the issues raised in the post verdict motions, this court discussed its factual findings leading to the conviction and whether the verdict was against the weight of the evidence. We found that the verdict was well supported by the evidence.
Because so much of the analysis of the PCRA claims has a direct bearing on the integrity of the truth-determining process or whether any new information would have changed the outcome of the case, we include our findings of fact from the 1994 opinion:
The arguments raised by defendant are best considered in a factual context. The facts, as found by the trial court, may be summarized as follows. Lisa Michelle Lambert was romantically involved with Lawrence Yunkin. During an interlude in their relationship, Mr. Yunkin dated Laurie Show. They apparently dated on one or two occasions during the summer of 1991. The evidence at trial made clear that Ms. Lambert reacted strongly to this development and that she expressed her anger at Laurie Show to a number of her friends. In fact, a plan was developed in the summer of 1991 that included kidnaping, harassing and terrorizing Laurie Show. Apparently, Ms. Lambert was the author of this plan and she enlisted several of her friends to execute the plan. The 'kidnaping' did not happen when several of the group warned Laurie Show.
This 'bad blood' continued. Ms. Lambert confronted Laurie Show at the East Towne Mall and struck her. According to the victim's mother, Hazel Show, the victim was afraid of Ms. Lambert. It appears that Ms. Lambert was stalking Laurie Show during the summer and into the fall of 1991.
On December 20, 1991, Hazel Show received a call from a person who claimed to be her daughter's guidance counselor. The caller requested a conference with Hazel Show before school the next morning. The following morning Hazel Show left the condominium to keep this 'appointment.' While she was gone, two persons knocked on the door of the Show condominium and entered when Laurie Show answered. A commotion followed and these two figures then left the second floor condominium, walked across a field, cut through a parking lot by some adjoining condominiums in the same complex and got into an automobile. Hazel Show waited at the Conestoga Valley High School for the guidance counselor and when the guidance counselor did not appear at the time for the appointment, Hazel Show returned by automobile to her condominium. She found her daughter laying on the floor of her bedroom, bleeding profusely from a large slash wound across her neck. Laurie whispered to her mother the words, 'Michelle... Michelle did it.' Laurie Show then died in her mother's arms.
All this happened on the morning of December 20, 1991. During the evening of that same day, East Lampeter Township Police, assisted by the Pennsylvania State Police, arrested Lisa Michelle Lambert, Lawrence Yunkin and Tabitha Faith Buck in a bowling alley. During questioning by police, Ms. Lambert admitted to being in the condominium that morning but said Ms. Buck did the stabbing. Mr. Yunkin admitted to driving the two women to the location and waiting in the car until they returned. Ms. Buck made no statement to the police.
The evidence at trial clearly established a pattern and history of ill will directed by Ms. Lambert to Laurie Show. Various witnesses documented an assault by Ms. Lambert on Laurie Show at the East Towne Mall in November, 1991. There was no evidence to controvert this. Ms. Lambert threatened Laurie Show with harm if she went to the police regarding the assault in November, 1991. Ms. Lambert encountered a friend of hers in December, 1991 at the Park City Mall and indicated that she was aware that the police were looking for her on a simple assault charge. In addition, Hazel Show had confronted Ms. Lambert on at least one prior occasion and had called the East Lampeter Township Police in the summer of 1991. In December, 1991, Hazel Show went to the East Lampeter Township Police to discuss the simple assault charge. There was credible testimony at the trial to show that Laurie Show was afraid of Ms. Lambert.
All of this evidence was relevant as to whether Laurie Show would have willingly admitted Ms. Lambert and Ms. Buck to her condominium on the morning of December 20, 1991. Given this history of ill will, it is completely credible that Laurie Show would have admitted Ms. Lambert or anyone in the company of Ms. Lambert to her home at any time.
Numerous facts developed at trial provided both direct and circumstantial evidence linking Ms. Lambert to the homicide. On December 19, 1991, defendant bought a 50 foot length of rope and two ski hats at the K-Mart in the East Towne Mall. This was established by credible testimony from Mr. Yunkin and through a K-Mart receipt. Defendant took the rope with her on December 20, 1991. Defendant, by her own admission, took a knife from her kitchen at home to the Show condominium on December 20, 1991. Mr. Yunkin and Ms. Lambert picked Ms. Buck up at her home at approximately 6:30 a.m. and Mr. Yunkin dropped the two women off near the Show condominium at approximately 6:45 a.m. Mr. Yunkin was seen by the manager of a McDonald's at approximately 7:00 a.m. on December 20, 1991. This McDonald's is very close to the Show home.
It is very safe to conclude from the evidence that Mr. Yunkin was aware of Ms. Lambert's feelings about Laurie Show. Mr. Yunkin had dated Laurie Show for a brief period and then was part of two kidnapping plots in July of 1991 and August of 1991. Mr. Yunkin was aware that Ms. Lambert and Ms. Buck were going to the Show condominium on December 20, 1991. He was also aware that Ms. Lambert had a rope and a knife with her.
The Show condominium is on the second floor of a two story structure containing a number of condominiums. Access to the Show home is gained by ascending a flight of steps which are on the exterior of the building. The steps are made of metal and they are partially enclosed. A sidewalk runs in front of the building. A person going up or down the steps can easily be heard by someone standing out on the sidewalk. A person walking normally on the deck outside the Show condominium can be plainly heard by someone inside the condominium or someone outside the condominium. The construction of the condominium is such that sound travels through the walls. These facts were clearly established by testimony from Hazel Show, from the neighbors who lived in the condominium under the Show condominium and by the court's own view conducted at the premises during the trial.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kleinhans, the neighbors who lived in the condominium beneath Laurie and Hazel Show, testified that they could hear Laurie Show getting ready for school in the morning.
A physical inspection of the Show condominium reveals that at least half of Laurie Show's bedroom can be seen from the main hallway of the condominium. From the small hallway outside her bedroom, most of her bedroom can be seen. It should be noted that the layout and construction of the condominium is such that any commotion in Laurie Show's bedroom could easily have been heard from any location in the front part of the Show condominium.
The structure of the condominium and the testimony of Mr. Kleinhans with respect to his ability to hear what was going on in the Show condominium are very important in this case. Ms. Lambert indicated, in one version of the events, that she was outside Laurie Show's bedroom and that Ms. Buck was inside the bedroom struggling with the victim. This version of the story would suggest that Ms. Lambert was not in the bedroom at the time of the killing. The defendant offered this version of the facts to support her story that Ms. Buck did the killing and that she was a horror-struck bystander. A visit to the Show condominium taken by the court in the company of counsel and an examination of the layout of the condominium severely undermines Ms. Lambert's position under this version of the facts. Simply stated, any person standing in the dining room area, kitchen area or bathroom area of the Show condominium would be well aware of any struggle, commotion or disturbance going on in Laurie Show's bedroom. The condominium is simply not that big. A person standing in the hallway or in the dining area would have an easy view into the bedroom and would certainly be able to hear almost anything taking place in the bedroom.
From the physical layout of the condominium alone, Ms. Lambert's position that she was helpless and unaware of what Ms. Buck might have been doing in Laurie Show's bedroom is patently unbelievable.
The secondary significance of a description of the layout of the Show condominium is to buttress and support the testimony of Mr. Kleinhans, who lives with his wife below the Show condominium. He testified as to his ability to hear any commotion or unusual noise from the condominium above his. An inspection of the premises wholly and absolutely supports Mr. Kleinhans. The construction is such that any commotion, noise or disturbance can be heard in the condominium below. In fact, the court observed during a visit to the condominium that a person walking normally up the steps and across the small balcony to the front door of the Show condominium can easily be heard from the area below the condominium.
The physical findings at the crime scene, the testimony at trial of the defendant, the trial testimony of Hazel Show, the history of ill will between defendant and the victim and the circumstantial evidence developed at trial all lead to the conclusion that defendant was guilty of the murder of Laurie Show.
Fauxreal wrote:...that Lisa hadn't exhausted all her state appeals. She had.
REPLY: Negative. Lambert had not exhausted her appeals when she leapt to the federal court system with a habeas corpus. That point has been thoroughly litigated over and over by Lambert’s former attorney (Rainville) who was wrong all the way to the US Supreme Court. ================================
Fauxreal wrote:… All this is in those transcripts.
REPLY: That "hearing" is irrelevant. Judge Dalzell held an illegal hearing which he had no right to do. The salient judicial point is one of States Rights versus Federal Rights. ================================
Fauxreal wrote:… Lisa was forced to undergo a second P.C.R.A. hearing.
REPLY: That is a total fabrication. Lisa Lambert had one P.C.R.A. hearing after she was sent back to the State of Pennsylvania to follow the prescribed judicial steps (refer to States Rights).
Lambert had only ONE P.C.R.A. hearing.
It was in front of Judge Stengel who heard her original trial (she had elected to be tried before a judge rather than a judge and jury). ================================
Fauxreal wrote: …This hearing to prove Dalzell wrong should have been presided over by a new judge, to say the least.
REPLY: Because Lambert chose to have her original trial in front of Judge Stengel, he was the perfect choice to hear her P.C.R.A.
Judge Stengel did not have to “guess” what the jury had thought when Lambert was originally convicted.
FACT: Judge Stengel’s P.C.R.A. hearing was UPHELD by Federal Judge Anita Brody in April, 2003. Judge Brody is in the Federal Court System and has nothing to do with Lancaster, Pennsylvania. ===========================
Fauxreal wrote:… After that bizzare testimony, Stengel refused to allow any leading questions,…
REPLY: Judge Stengel followed Pennsylvania law to the letter. He was in the State of Pennsylvania court system which prohibits that line of questioning. ==========================
Fauxreal wrote:… Those transcripts were kept so secret,…
REPLY: Lambert’s former attorney, Rainville, made a big stink about virtually everything. The FACT IS THAT ALL TRANSCRIPTS ARE KEPT FROM THE PUBLIC IN PENNSYLVANIA BECAUSE OF APPEALS.
As sloppy & disorganized as Rainville’s “litigation” work is, it would not surprise me to learn that she forgot to request the transcripts. Please read Judge Anita Brody’s admonishing Rainville for her juvenile sloppiness in her filings. ========================= Have a nice day.
Jack - Mr. Kleinhans did indeed hear the commotion in the condo above his and told Hazel Show about it after she returned home from the falsely setup meeting at Laurie's high school. He went upstairs to that condo after hearing Hazel's screams. He called 911 and met the ambulance that arrived about 5 minutes after the dispatch.
i want to start tonight thanking oej and heather both for the compliments.but i want you to know i have only read down to where tabitha bucks story starts will go back later.yes oej i do know what you and heather are saying intregards toabusive men and battered women.i have had my experiences with con men.and i dont mean the ones locked up in a jail or prison i mean the ones that con theirway into your life by telling you what you want to here.presenting theirselfas being something better than they are.and i have been burned a time or to.as for my analitcal mind is just how my mind works.i have been a avid reader all my life i joke around saying i was bornreading for i truly do nt remember learning.and i read a wide variety of topics.not bragging or anything but i do have a bit of higher education.in the social scientististpsychologal field. i have always been intrigued by humane behavior. what makes one do what they do.im also a people watcher.sitting on the side observing whats going on around me.and if something interest me i read any and everything about it. for i belive if something is affecting you the more knowledgeyou have on it helps you get through it or over it and increases likelyhood of it happening again.andmy life has been touched by domestic violence no ive never been hit by a man.and let anyman im with know right of the bat i f he ever hits me it wonthappen but once.and he better not sleep for i have read the burning bed.men like that unconsellly know which women they can get away with battering and the ones they cant.i have several close friens that are battered women hence my interest in it. one is now dead. one is now disabled for life.one is my baby sister.that has been through a couple abusive relationships.and is currently with a man that is emotionally abusive to her. but she doesnt see it. and hey he doesnt hit her so she thinks hes the best thing ever.now in these friendships i also knew the abuser. and they really not so bad kinda nice guys once you know them.they have their good side.the abuse in these relationships.vary in degree from maybe a black eye or busted lip to having to be put inhospital.as for the men hes not reported. or if he is ranges from slap on the wrist to a night in jail . in the case of my disabled friend he killed himself when he heard the sirens coming.so in my life i have let friends use my house to hide out at i have helped them pack up everything they ownbefore he gets home. their stuff was packed m loaded up and moved out before he knew what was going on.so i have read extensively on domestic violence, i have also lived in the drug world.mostly as an observer.my firs husband drank and drugged. he wasnt an down and out junkie or skid row bum. some of his friends wasand when they all got together to party i was there but being more of an obsever than articapant lots of times the drunker and higher they got the less they knoticed me so i heard how they talked about their wives or women in general. i see drugs as the downfal of our society.in my way of seeing things they are the tools of evil.in the damage they do.not only to the user but to the family to the innocent bystander.the criminal system has been a big interest to me.as a matter of fact when i decided it was time to go up and get an education sochange how i was livingback then.i thought of becoming a police officer. but decided id have to bust most of my friends.and being to chicken to be a street levelcop chasing speeders and the miner law breakers. not for me i mean these guys get shot. now if i could staert out as a homacide dective .would have been diffrent.my interest in murder and serial kllers i belive started when a very small child my great grandfather read true dective magines. and i flipp through them looking at the picyures reading the headlines ect.and wondering how could a person do something like that to another person.so i go looking for answers in books.iknow a lot about a few things and i know a little of a lot of things.an heather i especially want to hank you on coplimenting on my writing. since english never was my thing was boringtome school was set up as half grade from structer other from reading conprehension. so i always made fs on one and as on the other so grades averaged out to passing.so i never was good at the correct grammer and punction of writing.but cant understand aboiut my spelling since i usually won the spelling bees in school.i just type how i talk.im a better talker than writer. lots of times i have problems getting what i want to sayacross to others i belive because i talk better when i can use my hands and expressions to convey to others what im trying to say.so being a educated person i feel self consciences about my writing abilities. im thinking you all are saying gosh i wish she wouldlearn how to spell ect. how did she get through school and get the job i had prior to my becoming disabled. i wish i could blamemy writinf deficitson my disability but i cant was this way before.reason i have no paraghraps is if im passiant about what im saying.i tend to talk faster.and cant type as fast as i talk even though ive had three time peroinds in my life of typing classs.i could type two handed. but since my disability. i noew basically only have one hand. have lost the use of other. so i type one fingered.i also have like a short circuit in eye on affected side. its like my eye sees whats there but the brain doesnt interpret what eye is telling a short in the nerve pathway.which tends to cause a little dyslexciatype errors. my brain cant keep upwiyh my mind sometimes and tendency to wander.cant put to much going in it at once.i feel as if you all are saying gosh i wish she would use a dictaniry or spell check. but truth is dictionary takes forever to look up every other word.and im too lazy to do it.computers is one of those things i know little about.i usually lose my page doing spell check.i figure i get my point across and thats what matters.so thank you lsadies you are a lsdy oej arent you.or are you a male. thanks either way.and yes heather i know about atlanta texas . i started going to school there in thrid grade.eas an outsider then and i quit school in 12 grade was still an outsider.if you werent born there or if your parents wernt from a certain family or class yoy nrvrer fit in.but atlanta was my home for many years.still call it home eventhough ill never live there again.im am very passant over the butts case. because i considered gerrie one of my close friends.when i first met her jessica was still in pampers sucking a bottle but walking around. atthat time gerrie was dating my brother in law.and for several years she sat beside me at work.we shared many a heart to heart talk. and many joints. when i was going to collage i got in the habit of stopping by her house before i went on to my house hers was on theway to mine.i feel i knew gerrie real well i knew her fears her hadheadedness. her hopes her dreams. her disapointments.but i know there are others that knew her better than i did..no i am no genus. by far.sometimes i am a rebal with a cause. and heather i dont think your crazy feeling the way you doabout the women being killed.i knoe exactly what youare saying.one of the how could a person do that toanother person isthe way women are treated as disposable products in this country.how little a womans life means to someone.to just be thrown away like a piece of garbage. so i think one of my causes isto try to restore her dignatity that is taken from her through the act of murder. not just gerrie jessica and mackydeebut all women.this needs to stop now. nowi am one of those thatclashed with mr, jones about his connecting the butts to otherdeaths in atlanta mostly because i felt he was saying gerie was working for drug task force.and that just isnt true. bso no comnnection to the bad sam.but i never looked at kevin being the link no t gerrie.could be something there is food for thought..now if anybody wants to know more about anexity and panic disordersdepressionor strokes i consider myself somewhat of an expert on those subjects.have put in hours of research reading on those topics.lol
Kate.....Tabitha Buck's testimony at the P.C.R.A. hearing was complete and total perjury. The reason she did not testify at the Federal Hearing is because she lied during that as well.
Her own attorney, Russel Pugh, sent a letter to Dalzell explaining that he could not put her on the stand, because she had lied during her deposition.
John Bowman, during his depostion when asked where he was on the night Lisa was gang-raped replied, "I have no idea". Then, a month later, in Dalzell's courtroom, he decided he was on his honeymoon. Who forgets when their honeymoon was. He had no proof that he was in Virginia Beach at that time. No receipts from hotels, no checks except one signed by his wife, where she purchased a dress.
I don't believe you have ever read the transcripts from the Habeus Hearing. Those people on the stand were under oath. At least two of them, Detective Solt, and Detective Barley, were proven to have committed perjury. Their own police reports proved that.
I do happen to love Lancaster.....it's judicial system is a nightmare. It's citizens fed information by a 3 newspaper monopoly, run by one corporation. Your beloved Judge Stengel not only allowed, but solicited perjured testimony at the P.C.R.A. hearing.
Robin Weaver had been to the Lambert household to pick up his son on numerous occasions, and knew Lisa and her family quite well. His son Kurt, was friends with Lisa's brother...Christopher. Her whole family testified to this in Dalzell's courtroom. A year later in Stengel's "retrial" of Lisa, a parody of justice unlike any I've ever witnessed, he allowed Weaver, when asked about the rape of Lisa, to say, "the first time I met Lisa was months after the date she alleged she was raped". He's a liar, Kate. His file is full of reports of abusing suspects...one retarded man had to be hospitalized he was beaten so badly.
I was also there for the testimony about the moving of Laurie Show's body. One of the employees testified to Stengel that there are security cameras everywhere that would make that impossible. The next day I received an e-mail from someone who has worked there for 15 years. In 1991 when Laurie was murdered, there were no security cameras at the morgue. In fact, he said, it was quite easy to move bodies around there as most doors were connected from the inside. There was no proof that her body could not have been moved.
Yunkin's sweatpants covered in Laurie's blood, of course were explained away by saying Lisa wore them. That baloney worked in Stengel's courtroom, but Kenneff and crew knew once they were displayed, x-tra,x-tra, large, that Dalzell most likely wouldn't buy it. So, they switched them for a brand new pair, ones that would fit Lisa.
The earring back found in Laurie Show's hair during the autopsy, was written up by the not-board certified pathologist, one of whom was Dr. Penades, among others, but never admitted into evidence. In fact, it disappeared. It matched the pearl earring found by Hazel Show which she turned over to police, and which Yunkin admitted was his.
Ever wonder why Yunkin never testified at the Federal Hearing? Same reason as Tabitha. He was a proven perjurer, and even Madenspacher refused to put his lying ---s on the stand. You'd think, since Stengel made him the "star" witness in both Lisa's and Tabitha's trial that they would be happy to get him back up there. Hardly. This was federal court, not Stengel's little playground.
These are just a few examples of the gross misconduct, and I stress gross, which took place during the weeks after Laurie Show was murdered.
You say were on the scene that day. I think I know who you are, to some degree. At least on the message boards. You've been trashing me, personally for years now if you are who I think you are. You don't even know me. You've never met me. And if you think destruction of evidence, perjury are O.K., well, what does that say about you?
Getting back to your being on the scene that morning, I suppose we all have to take your word for it, don't we? I've read your comments before about it being the worst day of your life, etc. Fine, I'll take your word for it. You never testified at any of the trials. Interesting. Only a scant few were ever called as witnesses in 1992. I don't know if any were called at Tabitha's trial in Buck's County. Interesting that she was given the option of a different venue because of all the publicity surrounding the case. Lisa was not allowed that option when Shirk requested it. When I say a scant few, allow me to clarify. I'm talking medical people who were on the scene that morning, of which you count yourself among. Correct? Well, here's a bit of testimony from Hazel Show herself. It's from the Federal Hearing. It concerns the simple yet very relevant fact that although Hazel claims her daughter, who was bleeding from numerous life-threatening wounds inflicted by Yunkin and Tabitha, the worst being her throat slashing,which was deep and severed all arteries, carotid in particular, was able to say "Michelle did it", then, "Michelle", "Michelle", then, "love you, love you". Mind you, in 1992, she testified that Laurie audibly spoke "love you, love you"...in Federal Court, she only mouthed those words.....
But here is the important point. And believe me, I feel for Hazel Show. But she does her daughter's murder severe misjustice when she assists in allowing the true killer to get off so easily as Yunkin did. As you know, he's out on parole now. The important point is that, if Laurie Show said to her mother the name of the person who killed her, why did she not tell one single person on the scene that day or the next or the next or the next. It wasn't until two weeks later, after Savage interviewed her, that a report was written up about Hazel finally saying that Laurie spoke those words. Good Lord, Kate. If Laurie Show actually spoke those words, which I believe she absolutely did not. Absolutely could not have, because she was already clinically dead, but had she spoken those words, it would have been the first thing Hazel told police. She, you, I, any of us would have immediately said, "Laurie told me who killed her". She never said that Kate. And if you were there on the scene that day, you know that. If you had heard it, they would have put you on the stand in a heartbeat. Especially Madenspacher at the Federal Hearing. So, since you make such an issue about being there that day, did you ever wonder later why Hazel never explained this?
Here's her testimony from April 18th 1997. Madenspacher is asking the questions, which makes it even more relevant.
Q. Do you remember talking to Detective Savage and Barley that morning?
A. Yes.
Q. And do you remember what you told them about this?
A. I remember that I was just trying to get everything out that was just going through my head, as much information as I could.
Q. Do you remember if you told them that Laurie had said to you that Michelle did it?
A. I don't think so. No one---No one asked. And I already knew it was Michelle. But I never said that Laurie said that.
So, Kate, does that make any sense to you at all? Anybody else out there? Of course not.
Here's more testimony from Hazel Show which sheds light on all the horrendous harassment Lisa inflicted on Laurie Show. If you read the Lancaster papers about this much made of issue, circumstantial but weighed in heavily by Stengel, it's as if Yunkin was never there. May I remind you all that they wanted to put Lisa to death, without one shred of physical evidence besides Yunkin's sweatpants. Stay tuned, Kate. Your trashing of me works great on talkback, but here on Justice Junction, we are having real talks about real testimony, real evidence, real miscarriages of justice.
Here's Hazel on the harassment. April 18th, 1997. Philadelphia, not Lancaster. (and I do love Lancaster,contrary to your opinion;the outrageous number of missing, dead, women mostly, and unsolved homicides, haunts me)
Rainville is asking the questions on cross-examination.
Q. Was Laurie very afraid of Lawrence?
A. She was very afraid of Lawrence.
Q.And you told police that within the first week after the murder?
A. Yes.
Q. And the incidents that you have described that you either heard about from Laurie or when you were there,every one of those incidents with Michelle, or Miss Lambert, Lawrence was there?
A. He was in the back.
Q. But he was there, right?
A. Yeah. He never said anything.
Q. And you have also talked about these incidents on talk shows, a number of talk shows, right?
A. Yes.
Q. And on the talk shows you have always described his conduct as kind of standing there smirking and smiling.
A. Yes. He definitely enjoyed the attention and the confrontation.
Q. Going back now to the incidents with Miss Lambert, when you reported them to the police, you reported that both Yunkin and Lambert were harassing Laurie, is that what you told the police?
A. Yes. They were always both together. So I would have wanted both to stay away from Laurie. It was always Michelle who did the talking. But Lawrence was always there. AND MICHELLE WOULD NOT BE NEAR LAURIE IF LAWRENCE WOULDN'T HAVE DRIVEN HER THERE.
Q. My question is just what you told the police. Did you tell the police that both Lambert and Yunkin were harassing Laurie?
A. If that is what is down, then that's what I said.
Q. This is a police report, ma'am, dated July 31st, 1991. And I'm just referring to this sentence. It's been admitted as Petitioner's Exhibit 494. And you have testified a number of times about this incident, this horrible tragedy, at Lisa's trial, at Tabitha Buck's trial....
A. Yes.
Q. And I just want to confirm that---and I know there is an impression by sitting here over the last three weeks, but there are some things I never heard you testify to before, (like seeing Yunkin's car in the complex where he said he never was) and I just want to ask you about those, okay?
A. Okay.
Q. Were any criminal charges filed or pressed because of this incident?
Q. Were any charges ever pressed by you? Did you ask them to?
A.When I got in the Deb Shop where Laurie worked, after getting a call from her at home saying Lawrence and Michelle were outside the store, Robin Weaver was there, talking to Michelle and Lawrence. I figured that would be enough.
Q. Mr. Madenspacher asked you a question about Lawrence Yunkin raping Laurie. And I have some questions about that. When did you first learn that that had happened?
A. That would have happened in June, but it wasn't until the end of July, I think John had a confrontation with Lawrence, and when he brought her home and she was very upset. She started crying and told me about what had happened with Lawrence. It was the beginning of August when police went over to the mall where Laurie worked, East Towne, and she told Robin Weaver about the rape. He informed her that if she wanted to do something about it, there was plenty of time.
Why, Kate, would Hazel not suspect that Lawrence had even more motive than Lisa, to kill Laurie. Why, when HIS SWEATPANTS WHICH LISA WOULD HAVE BEEN SWIMMING IN had she actually been wearing them, which she wasn't, and that testimony is in the transcripts too, were covered in her daughter's blood, and she knew that! Lisa Lambert had never, whether pregnant or not, ever worn Yunkin's ex-tra ex-tra large sweatpants.
If you like, I'll post Barley's testimony in Philadelphia where he admits Yunkin told him on December 20th....1991, and the report was right there for all to see, that Yunkin said Lisa was wearing purple pants, a bart simpson t-shirt, and black women's small stretch pants. And women's small size sneakers. Let's get to your buddy John Bowman, and that honeymoon he was supposedly on the night Lisa was gang-raped by he and Weaver and most likely Savage. Lisa has never been able to indentify the third monster in uniform. He was in plainclothes. If Lisa was lying, she would have made up who the third guy was. You know, like Laura Thomas, who made up the story about Lisa saying she wanted to "slit Laurie's throat". In 1992, it sounded pretty scary, right? In 1998, Laura Thomas's track record was recovered. Savage is so used to doing things his way, he forgot to destroy his own report where he tells Laura Thomas he'll clear up her long track record of making false reports of kidnapping among many other charges against her, if she would agree to testify falsely about Lisa Lambert. She did.
Is all this stuff O.K. with you, Kate? It's not with me. It's not O.K. with a lot of people. People who knew Tabitha Buck's deposition was nothing but lies. If not, Madenspacher would have had her on the stand in a minute. He didn't. Kate, do you understand, that by the time the State was ready to respond to Lisa Lambert's claims, all of which she proved, with her attorneys, were true. Are you aware, Kate, that Tabitha never even took the stand in her own defense at her trial in 1992? Does that strike you as odd? It should. The only time Tabitha Buck has ever taken the stand, EVER is at the farce called the second P.C.R.A. hearing.
Isn't that something? If she is so credible, why wouldn't her own attorney put her on the stand to defend herself? She didn't even testify at Lisa's original trial.
Kate, I've had enough of your baloney. You were there, blah blah blah. If you were, you sure weren't there for the rest of it. If you were at the Federal Hearing, if you read the papers even, you should have been able to figure it out. If not, then you just don't care if the wrong person suffers for a crime they didn't commit. But worse, when all the evidence which would in a normal courtroom, not Stengel's, convict that personh, instead he is given a plea bargain.
Rainville and Greenburg, with their astounding amount of discovered material, which proved beyond not only a reasonable doubt, but made history as to the volume; scope of misconduct,that Lisa was innocent of first degree murder. And, her charges of being gang-raped rang true as well. Here's Officer Bowman as he became a non-witness at the Federal Hearing.
heather johnston come back for Bowman's early Alzheimer's.
Selene, you are quite clearly wrong about Lisa's P.C.R.A. hearing. She had already endured one of those fruitless journeys in 1994. Check your facts. I know your posts are coming straight from the Attorney General's Office. Mike Fisher should have been jailed for allowing perjury to take place in that courtroom.
It doesn't matter if you think Dalzell held an illegal hearing, which he didn't, the fact is, the testimony took place. You are trying to act as if it never happened. Do you understand how absurd that is? Does it change the fact that documents, evidence, police reports, evidence search videos, were altered, destroyed, disappeared from the evidence room. This was all proved in Federal Court,Selene. Of course, Lancaster wanted to somehow claim the whole thing never happened. This isn't never never land, dear. It happened. Tabitha and Yunkin weren't called as witnesses by Madenspacher. Why? Because they are both liars. Their own attorneys said so. Even Tabitha in that soap opera testimony of hers, which was shocking but not that surprising....after Dalzell's exposure of Lancaster's judicial system, she was the only ace in the hole they had left. You don't think she got any relief for that testimony? Prove it. Even Kenneff said in 1997 to Dalzell that they had considered relief for Tabitha, but first had to weigh their options.
The federal hearing, selene, was real, legal, and all the documents and reports conflicted with one another. Your own posts are revealing indeed. Notice how Yunkin is never mentioned in the harassment part of Stengel's decision. It's a total lie that he merely dropped the girls off.
And you know that. Kathy Bayan saw his car that day and told Savage. He told her to forget about it, because they already had Yunkin outside the complex. Hazel shocked everyone when she insisted at the Federal Hearing that she needed to speak immediately, after hearing Savage lie about Yunkin never being in the complex. Should I post that too? Let's start with Officer Bowman, John is his first name.
By the time Madenspacher was supposed to put on his case against Lisa Lambert's claims, his own employees, officers, detectives, even experts like Dr. Mihalalkis who changed his testimony on the stand after declaring to Lisa's attorney that Laurie Show never could have spoken, and in return got a 15,000 raise had all been made non usuable. Even Tabitha couldn't help them now. Her own attorney said she had lied. Even in her dramatic and only testimony, she admits she lied. These are facts that selene and kate want you to ignore. Selene even thinks they never happened, because she falsely claims that the hearing was illegal. Selene, if the hearing had been illegal, it never would have been allowed to go on for three weeks. Think about it. What was truly illegal was the second P.C.R.A. hearing that followed the Federal Hearing. Only then was Stengel forced to deal with all the destruction of evidence, false testimony, disappearing evidence, falsified autopsy report, etc. etc. etc. Here's what happened to Bowman.
Dalzell: Be seated everyone except whoever wants to address the Court.
Madenspacher: Thank you, your honor. We have two witnesses and the Petitioner is going to object to these. They are fair objections your honor.
The first one is Mrs. Bowman who is John Bowman's wife. She would basically testify that she was in Virginia Beach with her husband(on the night he was raping Lisa Lambert) but she, we have a faxed copy of a cancelled check that was, that indicates that a purchase was made during that time period. I mean we---we only learned of this last night, your Honor, and that's why I say they have a legitimate objection.
Dalzell: Because she was on your witness list.
Madenspacher: Correct, your Honor.
Rainville: Your honor, in Mr. Bowman's deposition on February 21st, I asked him where were you on June 17th, 1991? It was the night before his deposition, your Honor will recall that the big meeting happened at the Police station regarding what would be said with regard to the gang-rape.
Dalzell: Yes.
Rainville: I think it's absolutely inexcuseable that two months later on the morning without any notice we're provided not even the original document but a faxed document, and if I may.
First, it's irrelevant, as all the checks are written on June 18th, but it appears from the backs of the checks, if those are indeed the backs from the same checks, that...
Dalzell: Oh my.
Rainville: that the checks were not cancelled until July 17th. And since that's almost three weeks to a month later, my only explanation is that the backs don't belong to the fronts or that if indeed those checks were sent on the 18th, they must have been sent through some very slow mail service.
Dalzell: Do you see Mr. Madenspacher what she is talking about?
Madenspacher: The bank sent these out, your honor.
Rainville: If the bank sent these out, they have had two months to get the original documents.
Remember that John Bowman said in his deposition he had "no idea" where he was on June 17th. He suddenly remembered he was on his honeymoon, and scrambled to get evidence of this which obviously even Madenspacher was embarrassed about.
This testimony took place on the last day of the Habeus Hearing. Madenspacher had 3 witnesses, one of which they didn't bother putting on. Where was Tabitha now? Where was Yunkin? The state could not put them on. They both had already perjured themselves.
As to Selene's now quite helpful proof about how the state made their case against Lisa, cutting the deal of the century with Yunkin....."he was never in the condo complex"...even Tabitha was allowed to lie about that in 1998. But, Selene, perhaps you missed this moment in Philadelphia.
Madenspacher is questioning Hazel Show.
Q. Tell us what you observed when you were driving up that road to the condo?
A. As I testified to the other day, I remember that I saw a brown car with Lawrence in it and he looked directly at me and the expression on his face was that of a child caught in the cookie jar. And, I saw him push a blond-haired person down in the front seat, and a dark longer-haired person was in the back seat.
Q. Other than Wednesday back in the Judge's chambers, this is the first time you've ever testified regarding that, correct?
A. Back in 1992, Detective Savage had come over to go over some information and he had told me that a neighbor lady, (Kathy Bayan) had notified him that she thought she saw a brown car with three people leaving the condo. When he said that, it jogged a memory of a brown car and i said: "I think I saw a brown car". Then he was telling me that all the other witnesses had Yunkin outside of the complex, on Oakview Road. He told me not to dwell on it.
Dalzell: Mrs. Show, can you see on this map of the complex the "x" up there? That's where Mrs. Bayan said she thought she saw Yunkin's car, what we now know is Yunkin's car. Is that where you saw his car? That you now remember?
A. Yes.
Selene, and Kate. So much for Stengel's decision that you thankfully put up here on Justice Junction. Even Hazel Show makes them not only false, but she was told by Savage to "forget what she saw". It wasn't jiving with his falsified reports. He even told Dalzell he thought Ms. Bayan was disturbed. At the 1998 retrial, Stengel thought he may be right. Good God.
Tell the truth and get called disturbed. I truly can relate to what Kathy Bayan endured.
But I won't let Selene or Kate pollute what took place in Federal Court. You can't put the cat back in the bag, Selene, by falsely claiming the Habeus Hearing was illegal. Lisa's original trial was the one that was proven illegal.
By the way, since her original trial in your opinion was so just, how about getting those righteous and rightfully obtainable under normal circumstances, transcripts up on this site. Up on any site for that matter. Just find the court reporter, Selene, and you can buy them from her. I have read them. Have you? It wouldn't cost much. It only took Stengel 7 days to spare Lisa from death. What a noble deed. Where was Tabitha then? Any answers?
Those transcripts would horrify anyone reading these posts. I suspect you know they will never ever in a million years be made public. Oh sure, you've got Tabitha's testimony. The only time she said a word on any stand, period. Anybody with a brain about defendants who don't testify in their own behalf,knows why. If they are guilty, as she is, they don't make good witnesses. But if her perjured and beyond dramatic testimony were true, why didn't she testify at Lisa's original trial?
Only freelisalambert.com has all the testimony from the Federal Hearing. I bought them myself from the court reporter. They are tax-payer funded publicly available documents. I had no problem purchasing them whatsoever. Thats as it should be. When in Lancaster, I once very politely just asked to read them and was told, "You have no right to that information, now get the hell out of here!". Think I'm lying, Kate. You go down there and try to not buy them, just read them. Perhaps you have. If so, your continued belief in Lisa's guilt means only one thing. You haven't read the Federal transcripts. If you haven't, you don't know what this case is really about. For Selene to act as if it never happened is like something out of Peter Pan.
Trust me, dear readers of all these newbies eager to defend a justice system they refuse is corrupt to the core, you won't see any unedited transcripts posted from Lancaster. Just the excerpts they want you to read.
Atlantagirl....forgive me. I'm reading your post now. As you can see, our placid and fruitfull discussion has been interrupted by the posters from Lancaster or who defend Lancaster without understanding what goes on there, when it comes to investigations and how they are handled, and who love to slam me endlessly,have arrived here. I knew it wouldn't take them long.
I like your writing and I'll be back tomorrow so we can exchange ideas.
And Selene, about the transcripts. I wasn't talking about the public wanting them, I'm talking about Stengel not releasing them back in 1998 after the P.C.R.A. hearing was concluded. Complete farce that it was.
I was living there at the time Selene, I suspect you are not from Lancaster. Or Philadelphia. Tina Rainville and Peter Greenburg, her husband had to get a court order to obtain the transcripts for themselves, understand? You have no idea what you're talking about. Stengel refused to turn the transcripts over to Lisa's attorneys. Why? There is no reason. The transcription takes place daily and should be available within 2 working days. Stengel wouldn't turn them over for 6 months! Check your facts, dear. When a higher court ordered him to turn them over, whole sections of testimony were missing. It made front page news in Lancaster and Philadelphia.
Plus, you are wrong about transcripts being made public, and not if there is an appeal. Perhaps Pennsylvania is that way. I wouldn't be surprised. The point that is relevant is this. Court hearings conducted under the law, have nothing to hide from anybody, especially the public. We fund the courts and they are designed to protect our Constitutional Rights.
If they have something to hide, then what is it? Nothing was hidden from anybody in Dalzell's courtroom. Lancaster County releases only those portions of transcripts they want you to read. It's totally ridiculous. Were you there when Robert Reed plead the fifth ammendment 59 times when asked about his participation in the investigation of Laurie Show's murder? I was.
Where are those transcripts Selene. For you to call Tina Rainville's litigation sloppy, claiming she didn't even ASK FOR THE TRANSCRIPTS makes you truly look ignorant. The transcripts were not only asked for back in 1998, a higher court had to be called in to get them. Go back and do your homework before you go insulting Tina Rainville. Read the Lancaster newspapers from the spring of 1998. You'll find what I'm talking about. Until then, stop spewing baloney. Stengel should have had those ready the first week after the second P.C.R.A. hearing. Instead it took him 6 months and a court order. And you call Tina Rainville sloppy? Get a grip.
Or, continue. I'll be here to challenge you. Let me know when you get those transcripts.
I find it amusing you say they aren't available if a case is on appeal. Not in Federal Court, dear.
Fauxreal wrote: It doesn't matter if you think Dalzell held an illegal hearing,…
REPLY: There are judicial processes which all must follow, including Lisa Lambert. Lisa Lambert chose to leap from the State judicial processes to the Federal Judicial processes prematurely by filing a habeas corpus with Judge Dalzell.
The issue was thoroughly litigated that States Rights precede any Federal intervention. Lambert’s attorney(s) lost that round as well as every other avenue they have attempted.
Indeed, thanks to Judge Dalzell’s illegally held hearing, there are now thousands of pages of litigation and judicial decisions which uphold States Rights before a convicted felon can move into the Federal venue.
The Federal Court which overruled Judge Dalzell made that point crystal clear.
Lisa Lambert’s attorney(s) has/have already lost at the US Supreme Court. These are not my “thoughts”. They are the facts.
Simply put, because Judge Dalzell chose to intervene when he did not have the authority to do so, anything which happened is moot. It was illegal to do what Judge Dalzell attempted to do. Judge Brody upheld the one and only P.C.R.A. hearing which Lambert had in front of Judge Stengel. ==================
TABITHA BUCK: During Lisa Lambert’s one and only P.C.R.A. hearing in front of Judge Stengel, he (Stengel) had to consider that Buck had not been “completely truthful” in her deposition. Her “untruthfulness” was omissions of what she knew, not contradictions. In Judge Stengel’s lengthy (over 300 pages) decision upholding Lambert’s conviction, Stengel thoroughly discussed this point. ==================
JOHN BOWMAN: The hotel receipt from his honeymoon is part and parcel of the many hundreds of exhibits in the total record. ===================
MIKE FISHER: He has been nominated to a judgeship on the Federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals, a position superior to that which Judge Dalzell holds. ===================
LAWRENCE STENGEL: He has been nominated to a judgeship of the same rank as Judge Dalzell. I believe (but am not certain) that Judge Stengel’s nomination was approved.
The Third Circuit Court of Appeals is currently making a decision on Lambert’s case. She is on her final trip to the US Supreme Court whether she “wins” or “loses” this round. ---------------------------
Thank you, KATE, for posting relevant portions of the valid court records. It is appreciated.
And one more thing I noticed after reading all the "selected" portions you were allowed to post.
That was the second P.C.R.A. hearing for Lisa in front of Stengel, not the first! Lisa endured the first one in 1994. I read those transcripts, Selene. Stop calling that a fabrication.
I resent that comment, vigorously. Stengel was not the perfect candidate to preside over a hearing that itself was in dispute. If he was so sure of his verdict, why not let another judge decide?
Stengel being the judge after Dalzell exposed his original verdict based on the "worst case of prosecutorial misconduct in the english speaking world", to be the one to give Lisa another chance, was completely ludicrous. The whole nation laughed about that one. Read the articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer. Of course the original judge is going to defend his first wrong conviction. I was there for his verdict. It took up a whole newspapers worth of copy. It was nothing but a denial of the perjury he allowed to take place. A denial of the corruption that shocked the outside world.
I've got all the testimony here, Selene. So, by all means, you post what you've got, and I'll do the same.
Fauxreal wrote: (Re: P.C.R.A.) Lisa endured the first one in 1994….you post what you've got, and I'll do the same.
REPLY: Why bother posting what you have on a pittly little chatboard? They’d better be faxed to Chief Justice Rehnquist of the US Supreme Court so he knows all about the cast of thousands who have conspired to keep Lambert in jail.
Any faxes to Rehnquist had better be done quickly though. He’s 80 years old and is thinking about playing golf pretty soon.
Maybe a better plan is to fax your transcripts to Lambert's current attorney. He's running out of arguments on his way to the US Supreme Court.
FACT: Lisa Lambert skipped over having her case heard by the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court when she appealed to federal Judge Dalzell.
Hi Atlantagirl. I'm a woman. I know the name is confusing, and a lot of people do think I'm a man until they read more of what I write.
I didn't know how you knew Gerri, so thank you for explaining it. I just can't believe someone would do something so horrible to her and her kids. Things like this seem to be happening all over the country everyday, and I find it quite chilling.
I still remember when I began to read. It was one of the most liberating times in my life. My father made my life a misery and reading set me free. I could escape into a book, but I had to hide my reading at nights because my father would beat hell out of me if he caught me. I became interested in why people do such horrid things to other people when I was a kid and I never did stop wondering and trying to find out. I would say I have been a student of human behavior. It is always a process and the reasons for behavior can be difficult to pin down. Fortunately, we do have some signs to watch for when it comes to abusive behavior as you have so clearly pointed out. I agree with you, too, that drugs and alcohol has been a scourge on the land. I ran with the wild kids for awhile in my teens, but as I got older and assumed the responsibilities of raising my children and trying to start a decent life for them, I kept falling prey to kind words from possible husbands. Abuse had already been normalized for me in many forms, and it took years of self-blame and working toward knowledge to escape the worst of it. I can't say I have entirely escaped it, yet.