I profiled this case when it happened and I was angry about it then.Seeing this,I was happy she's being re-evaluated.
Majorie Knoller,who was convicted of manslaughter 2 after her presa canerio dog Bane,attacked and mauled to death a woman in the vestiblue of her apartment bulding,is being re-considered for her conviction to be changed to it's original verdict of murder 2. The judge threw the jury's verdict out after they came back saying she had no way of knowing the dog would kill someone.
Excuse me? But I have to say that's a bunch of CRAP.There was so much evidence about those dogs being dangerous it wasn't even freakin funny! GOD!!!
The California Att. Generals office will take over prosecution of the case.All I can say is I hope they do a better job than the original Judge.What an absolute moron.Complete and total freaking idiot.
This poor woman lost her life because this woman and her psycho husband,who is doing time for manslaughter in the same case had these two dogs they had no business owning.It's a sad situation and the pair of them belong in jail for 15 to life for murder.
Read my original article,"Ferocious:Marjorie Knoller and Robert Noel Build The Perfect Beast" in the section Preventable Tragedies.See if you agree.
The punishment in this case has just not been hard enough. I don't agree with her sentance of murder being thrown out. She should have been sentanced appropriately then. We wouldn't even be talking about this now.