Apparently the delicate palates of the fine,upstanding inmates don't like the cuisine being serving to them in the prison in which they are incarcerated.Complating of roches in it and that it it is food you would feed a kindergardner,a suit is being brought against the Florida correctional system because the food isn't good enought.
Might I make I suggestion? STAY OUT OF JAIL.You get to eat any thing anytime you want on the outside.And one more time suggestion:having your wife that is ALSO is an ex-felon be your spoksperson probably isn't the swiftest move in the book.Wise up,pal.You've got some some serious issuses and if you want to get anywhere when you get out,you might want to think long and hard about what you're going to do to make changes in your life.
We all know how I feel about Columbine.If just one kid had known what those two miserable social miscreants were planning,and had gone to the Principle,none of that would have happened.No deaths,no trauma,nobody in pain from losing their loved ones.
Cut to today.One troubled young man began to plan such an event with some friends.It was pretty close to coming into fruition from what I understand.But he changed his mind.For whatever reason something touched his mind.He went to the Principle and told on himself.Of course he was he going to be punished.But should he have been given a harsher sentance than the rest,including the ringleader?
I don't think so.Obviously he needs a great deal of help and seriously psycological intervention.But he saved the lives of possibly hundreds of people and I don't believe he's going to be rehabilitated in a prison.Damn. He's just a kid people.A really,REALLY messed up kid.Disagree? Read the link:
We are almost all familliar with the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal. Three young men were accused of raping a woman that was allegedly performing at a party the team was throwing.The charges were eventually dropped when the woman changed her story several times and the DNA didn't match up.
End of the story? Ha.Ha ha.Of course the 3 accused sued Duke and Prosecuter Mike Nifeong wound up losing his position over his misconduct in the handling of the case.
End of the story? Ha. Ha ha. Now there are the rest of the team--get this--38 players suing Duke University because of emotional distress that the season was cut short and it caused them "other injuries".Huh? Like what kind of other injuries? I can't even take this stupidity seriously.If you have the money to send your kid to Duke and money for a lawyer,you need to shut your piehole and let your kid learn a lesson:maybe you shouldn't go to parties where there are lots of booze and strippers. Check up on it here:
No matter how your personal feelings are on pornography,everyone has a right to their own opinion,as long as the people involved are consentinting adults. It there are no laws being broken,such as magazines like Playboy,then I say mind your your own business and let they do the same.
Unfortunately,some sick and misgusguided people can't seem to let that be the letter of the law.Take the woman in the story in the link.She used photoshop images of her 16 year old daughter's head and posted on nude pictures on the internet to make money.The girl found them and told her father,who went to the the authorities together.
This is the most disgusting abuse of a teenage girl I think I've ever heard heard of.What the HELL was this woman thinking?! My GOD! I am beyond ranting,I absolutly can not think of an adaquate punishment for this this filthy,vomitious putrid excuse for a mother. Read the link below and see if it makes you as mad as it mad me.
While reading the usual crime sites this morning I saw an item that made me unbelievably sad. A 15 year old boy was shot in the head while in science class by another classmate.
Bad enough,right? It gets worse.This kid shot the poor boy because the young man had just outed his sexual identity as gay and was wearing feminine jewelry and boots.This young man's name was Larry King and he just wanted to be himself.He knew what he was.He knew what his gender attraction was and he did not want to hide.
For that,he paid with his life.I don't know that his parents could have done anything to keep this from happening.Most likely,they could have not.Could have the school officials? Most likely,they could have since they have a zero tolerance policy against firearms in school zones.Hard to say since hindsight is always 20/20.
Mostly,this is just a sad and heartbreaking crime.The shooter,Brandon McIrnerey is being charged as an adult and with a hate crime.Incarcerated and hopefully thinking about what he did,the look on his innocent victim's face I pray haunts his every waking moment. Please join me in offering your condoloncences to the Family of Lawerence "Larry" King.
When you hear the word,"F.B.I",what do you think? Most people think of the big bad guy trying to blow up a plane and the FBI are the men and women trying to catch them. I know I think of the 10 Most Wanted List and what the people on it did to get themselves there.
But today,I saw this article about the FBI catching 14 Americans and several dozen others from Austria,Canada,England and Germany and putting a stop to an international crime ring that had over 20 victims.The crime?
A child pornography ring.
Today I say thank God for the FBI for putting a stop to this senseless,vile crime that should have the most harsh of concequences for the disgusting producers and the sick consumers.There can be no punishment too harsh for either one.
This is Rocket's Rant and remember,before you do it for yourself,do it for someone else,it'll make it real.
The court system is long noted for the ability of the victim of abuse or harassment to obtain an order of protection and presumably be safe from bodily harm.
Unfortunately in this next case,the victim was told her former husband/abuser was being released before incarceration to tend to personal business [no,I am not kidding,click the link] and in a panic she ran to get a temporary restraining order.Unfortunately,it was a holiday and she couldn't get one.
Less than two weeks later,she was found dead,shot in a motel room in an apparent murder-suicide with her former husband.
In the case of abuse,I am aware that there are false accusations made all the time.But unfortunately,there is an alarming amount of domestic abuse and the courts carelessness on this one cost this poor woman her life.I know that not everyone can be saved.But you know what? I think that sucks.
This is Rocket's Rant and remember,before you do it for yourself,do it for someone else,it'll make it real.
Haven't been ranting much,but not for lack of subject to rant on! I've been swamped with work for the magazine...but I've been pretty disturbed lately by the amount of child killings.They aren't "abuse got out of control" situations [not like that is any better] but these are just out and out killings.
Today's subject is a prince of a guy who took his toddler son out to the middle of nowhere in California [the same county Scott Peterson is from....they must grow them cowardly there] and proceeded to beat,stomp and kick the child,aged 2 to death.
He was unrecognizable upon finding his poor little body.
When people saw what was happeneing,911 was called and the man,Sergio Aguilar screamed the boy was "trash" and "filled with demons".Upon his refusal to stop beating the child,who police thought was roadkill at first glance,an officer shot and killed him.
I get so mad hearing stories like this.That poor kid.I can't imagine what the mother is thinking,and what the hell is wrong with society that we are turning out these monsters who would kill an innocent child? And you know this moron would have plead diminshed capacity,insanity,the twinkie defense or any other thing he can think of. Good thing his ass is dead and the tax payers don't have to pick up his slack. Read about it at the link below.
This is Rocket's Rant and before you do it for yourself,do it for someone else,it'll make it real.
This literally gave me a stomache ache. Commerce City,Colorado: a police officer and his wife [who was a former police officer] were found dead in their home in what is believed to be a murder-suicide.The man,36 year old William O'Shell was the main suspect in a child abuse case involving the couple's 3 month old daughter.The child had suffered broken bones,fractures.
I can't think of any explination for any of this that would be good enough.He was supposed to serve and protect and look how it turned out! While there are other family members being investigated in the abuse allegations,I don't understand why the couple would take themselves out if they were in no way responsible.That doesn't make any sense to me at all. You can read about it at the link below,and if you are a praying person,for the love of God,pray for that child.
This is Rocket's Rant and before you do it for yourself,do it for someone else,it'll make it real.
Anna I have a big ladel and a big ole pot I want to get you stirred up about the Caylee Anthony Case and most especially about her mother Casey..... How bout it????? Donna