Apparently this young woman--who had her own children removed from her care--murdered a pregnant friend.She cut out the 7 month fetus,which did not survive,and went on to kill the woman's other children and left them to decompose in a washer.
The link has an additional link at the top that says,"Records..."and once you read that part too,I suspect you'll be as appalled as I am.
Dear God!!!!! You talking about one screwed up individual!!!!!!! You know I ask myself pretty much daily while watching the news or on the computer What has the world come too????? It makes you not want to allow anyone near your children and family, and you sure don't want to allow your babies to leave the house. How very sad! There is no more suffering for any of them now they are with Jesus, but the brutality of the act is just sick. Sweetie Pie
You know it Sweetie,I'm with you all the way.But the topic for today is about one million more times more unbelievable.Wait till you read it.I actually can not believe they let scum like this on the street.And what happens? Look for today's new topic.You will be just as horrified as I am.