You guys remember this one,right? Jeffery MacDonald was in his home with his wife Collette and two small daughters when *he alledges* some hippies broke in and murdered the girls,sort of Charles Manson style.They left him alive.
Well,even some 30 years later and after the best selling [and in my opinion completely establishing his guilt] book,"Fatal Vision" Old Jeff is still trying to get a new trial.This totally blows my mind.I can't believe he would think anyone in the judicial world would think he had a snowball's chance in hell of getting out of prison,but he apparently is clinging to the idea.A court shot him down this week,but check out the link.It's got some interesting delusions on his part.
Wow.. thanks this is interesting. I haven't finished reading all of it but he's incredible. Right up there with all the other husbands that whack their entire family :(
This nutjobber was reading too much Mickey Spillane,if ya get me. He totally took a page from the Charles Manson book and then decided that he just didn't want to be married. The whole story was terribly sad.