Dear Justice Junction, I read your story about PJ Bourgeois and I am as outraged as the person who wrote this article! I have a hard time understanding the parent(s) of these children that are harmed so often and in such violent ways. I look at my daughter Justice four years old every time I hear one of these stories and think to myself what could she possibly do that would be so bad that I would hurt or even kill her? NOTHING!!! I'm just as outraged that his killers are not behind bars, or that this innocent child was not buried for five months due two the fact his father wouldn't allow it! What kind of system do we have when an innocent child is murdered, his murderer can postpone funeral arrangements and be allowed to attend his funeral? I just don't understand it. I'm both happy and sad for PJ Happy that he is in a safer place nothing or no one will ever hurt him again. Sad that he had to leave this world after only a short stay and in such a violent manner. My heart aches for this little boy as If he were my own. I won't just sit back either I plan to do just as you suggested so unlike PJ other kids will get the justice they deserve. Thank You for your time. PS: I will call the following people in my community and encourage others to do so as well: My senator, my congressman, and mayor.