This article came out today about the future parole hearings of the Manson family members that are coming up this year.I personally don't agree with this at all.
This is of course,up to you to decide if you would be comfortable with the release of the so called "Family" members. Remorse? Honestly,I don't think it matters if they are genuinely remorseful or not.The crimes they committed were so heinous in nature and changed American society to the point that I believe they should serve the sentance they were given,which was originally the death penalty,but overturned and changed to life in prison.
That means LIFE! The rest of your natural life in prison.I've discussed at least one Manson family member with one of our readers and I know I'm not alone in my feelings. I'd really like you to take the time to read the article and see what you think. This is something I think will impact other inmates if they are released,and the American public will not support the decision to release anyone who acted under the orders of Charles Manson.
I agree. Life means life and they should not be freed. Many prisoners use religion as a tactic for change in their sentence. I do not buy into any of that. Their crimes were beyond belief and they should all live out their lives behind bars no matter what.
The one that tweaks me off is Susan Adkins. She's got terminal brain cancer and has applied for a "compassional release". Oh by the way her husband is her lawyer.
You viciously stabbed 8 month pregnant Sharon Tate and when Sharon begged for the life of her baby,she said ,"Bi**h,I have no mercy for you or your baby." What kind of compassion is that?
Husband is her lawyer? How does that happen? I really don't understand that whole prison romance thing. How do you have a marriage to someone you are not sharing your life with? Oh, well... Didn't she leave a fork in the poor woman's tummy? She is a horrible person and deserves all she gets.
Yeah,I don't know how the hell that happened,she showed him her legal briefs?
I don't think any of them should be parole elegible. For ANY reason. Nothing they can do at this point can contribute to society and their crimes were too far gone for them to be rehabilitated.
Thank you. I imagine that lawyer husband will go away if she is not released. What would be the point in sticking around. Can't help but think of those news films of those horrible young women smiling and singing for the public. That sort of behavior is never forgotten. There was no remorse. All that religious stuff is a tactic to get support from these groups who promote prisoners and forget their crimes.
And, what could he possibly get out of being married to someone in prison? Maybe the whole thing is a publicity stunt. I know people get lonely, but come on... I guarantee you that woman has manipulated a situation she feels will give her a chance at freedom. She should have thought about that as she stabbed that poor woman to death. Oh, wait... she can blame that on drugs.
Blame it on drugs! Blame it on Charlie! Blame it on brainwashing!
The facts are clear:You murdered a pregnant woman in cold blood. Some may say I'm being harsh,and that she's served her debt to society.But had Regan not overturned the death penalty in California this chick would already be taking a dirt nap along with the rest of Manson's "Family"
Cause I'm getting really annoyed. Okay. Let's see if I get this right:person A stabs person B in the stomach [person B is 8 months pregnant] and says,"I have no mercy for you or your baby." Person A then writes the word "pig" in person B's blood on the front door.
Fast forward to today AGAIN.Manson family member Susan Adkins is asking for parole 40 years after the murder of Sharon Tate. Maybe this makes me heartless but I could care less that she has terminal brain cancer in prison. Too bad. Leave her there.I have no mercy for her....sound familliar?.......