So,I'm looking at the usual crime and punishment stuff and I come across this. It's a website dedicated to the innocence of Scott Peterson. I was pretty involved in putting on my eyeliner so I didn't go through the whole thing but take a look.I'll look too tomorrow....hey man,it's Easter!
And I thought that I had seen it all. Apparently, he has countless women trying to connect with him thru letters. How crazy is that? Now they are trying to free him. What is wrong with people? It won't work so who cares. LOL!
It is pretty pathetic. I saw a special on the E! Channel once about women who become involved with and sometimes even marry inmates.
Richard Rameriz aka The Night Stalker married a woman he met while incarcerated.Even one of the Menendez brothers was married to a former Playboy Bunny.
You cannot get much creepier than Richard Ramirez. :) I am sure there is some sort of psychological explanation for why people do that. Nothing really surprises me anymore. I am sure it is lack of self esteem. I saw something on the news recently about a real crackpot woman who lied about having cancer and got over $100,000 in donations from people. Well, there is a "condition" that causes that, other than liar and thief. Women who marry inmates are certainly not profitting financially. It cost them money to be married to a criminal, as well as basically be married only in your mind or to someone who does not exist in your daily life.
I wrote about Ramirez for a magazine last summer and he was quite the case.He was severely epeleptic as a child,and witenessed his cousin murder his wife by shooting her point blank in the face when he was 13.
I'd like to write about why women are attracted to death row inmates.If I get to go back to school to get my masters in criminal justice,I'd like to focus on that.
Yes there are hords of women who get off on writing, supporting and marrying men on death row, they are called scumpals (penpals of scum/murderers). Their whole purpose in life is to write to men on death row, with the grand prize getting one to marry them. They totally ignore the crimes that bring these men to death row. Most are from europe but we have lots of our own scumpals right here in good ol USA. What kind of woman is so desperate that the only man she can get is a desperate killer on death row? What kind of woman thinks its a badge of honor to be the wife of a capital murderer? A demented one i say.
I wrote about Ramirez for a magazine last summer and he was quite the case.He was severely epeleptic as a child,and witenessed his cousin murder his wife by shooting her point blank in the face when he was 13.
I'd like to write about why women are attracted to death row inmates.If I get to go back to school to get my masters in criminal justice,I'd like to focus on that.
Go to and read the thread about capital murder,,you'll find all the idiot women right there, boasting about "their man" on death row. They are a warped bunch that totally and completely ignore the victims AND the crime. Disgusting!
I for the life of me can not understand what kind of fullfilment one would get from that kind of relationship.And on top of that,I personally couldn't over look crimes like raping elderly women and leaving them to die.
Someone needs to have serious electro shock therapy.I'm sorry.I just don't get it.
Well to be honest on the Pro site they are referred to as "scumpals"....penpals of scum. I mean i totally understand family and friends standing behind and supporting someone in prison. What i will never understand is women that actually THRIVE on writing death row inmates. They purposely pick out the worst of the worst, it boggles the mind.
I married a man in prison....I'm also young, think I'm pretty good looking, have great self esteem, and have a great life and job!! Don't lump all women in with the stereotype. I think I break that one!!
There is an exception to evey rule. We don't know your situation and of course every man in prison is not guilty and I firmly stand by that [see the West Memphis 3]
We are discussing women who stalk down men who have committed multiple felonies [rapes,murders,child molesters] and ignore their crimes as if they did not exist. We are refering to men who continue to proclaim their innocence when the evidence so overwhelmingly shows that they are guilty,and taunts their victims famlies by bragging about how much "fan" mail he/she gets.
Oh yah girl...I knew that YOU wouldn't lump me I get what you are saying though...Josh Bagwell's "ex"..who is in her 40's....was SOOO adamant that he was innocent...threatening me...harrassing me...anyhoo, he dumps her...not even a yr later, she was married to another man in a Texas prison...nice.
Noway was i lumping all women who know someone in prison,,,my now ex bf was also in prison. See the scumpals i was referring to seek out men on death row, for the simple fact that they are on death row. Im sure Scott Peterson has a million scumpals, these women live so that one day they can say they "know" some famous killer. Or even more sickening is when they are so proud that they married a capital murderer. They totally ignore the victims, in fact they befriend child raping murderers for example mark dean schwab (look up what that sick piece of **** did). So RN 2 BE,,in NOWAY would i ever put you in the same catagory as these social rejects.
OMG. Gambill's wife wrote to me that Josh's ex dumped him for some personal trainer dude. She also claimed Josh is now married to a meth head. LOL!!! I don't know that I believe any of it. What a bunch of losers!!!
I'm curious why Gambill's wife thinks she constantly needs to update people on his life, as well as Bagwell's life. The only info concerning them that I'd be glad to know is if they are ever killed in prison. Other than that, who really gives a crap about them??
Well, The woman I know of for sure to be Gambill's wife emailed me the other day apologizing for everything. Said she left Curtis because he threatened her life and was trying to put a hit out on her. She said she was sorry for ever believing him and now knows that he is a liar. Josh's ex just married another man in prison. Haha....I am NOT a lesbian...I like that thing that guys have WAY too much!! lol
If he wants to escape that badly, I say let Curtis and Josh out and send their worthless butts to Iraq or Afghanistan. They for sure won't be bothering anyone ever again after that.
Maybe Josh' whacko ex married the personal trainer and they robbed a bank. Apparently she and his Mom did all sorts of crazy things until she found this guy at LA Fitness of all places. What a joke!!! I agree. Inmates should have no priveleges in my mind. Not too surprised about the feces thing. I just wonder how people get this info. If I was bouncing around to men in prison I wouldn't tell everyone on a blog.
Who knows if it is true either....I have heard so many different stories coming out of the same mouth...1/2 of I can't understand anyways! We have just learned to ignore it....finally. It used to get to me...when I was being harrassed all day every day. Even contemplated getting a gun to protect myself....but it all died down. Uh oh...I probably just stirred it up once again! lol