I married a man in prison....I'm also young, think I'm pretty good looking, have great self esteem, and have a great life and job!! Don't lump all women in with the stereotype. I think I break that one!!
When you get down to it looks dont have anything to do with anything really. But you'll learn that with age. There are alot of good looking men sitting on death row, did their looks matter? It doesnt change the fact that they are the ugliest humans on earth. I dont know anything about you or your situation though so ill leave it at that.
I think inmates resort to all kinds of behavior when they think they have no options left. For some,what do they have left? They know they will mostly be incarcerated for the rest of their natural lives. So honestly,what's a handful of crap to them?
And some go further,like the guy that killed Jeffery Dahmer while he was in prison.I remember reading he was pretty much regarded as the King of the Crap Throwers in that prison for taking Dahmer out like that.
I hate to say it but that man did the tax payers a big favor in eliminating Dahmer. I am not a big supporter of capital punishment but after confessing because he could not do otherwise Dahmer really should not have any rights or even the comforts of his cell.
Somebody was going to take Dahmer out.His crimes were so notorious and he was so matter of fact about the whole thing,that it was only a matter of time before someone said,all right,that's it. Game over,Mr. Dahmer.
Hahaha @ King of Crap, i could never be a corrections officer im too much of a chicken and id literally puke if i had sh*t or other body fluids thrown on me.
You seriously could not pay me enough to be a corrections officer. You have seen those videos of them being killed inside? And there was one horrible episode here in Arizona where they held a female officer hostage for several days.....yeah. No thanks.
Anna, ROTFLMAO, when I first saw the thread title (Does anyone have a message for Scott Peterson? Here's where you can send it!) the first thought that came to my mind was ... damn, when did the post office start delivering mail to Hell? Jill
I also got myself involved romantically with a man in prison. Unlike some who have posted here, I was at a low point in my life and very lonely. I did not acknowledge that to myself at the time, of course. When I realized how far things had gone, I somehow rationalized it and thought I was different from other people for this or that reason. The bottom line was that I did not know this man before he committed his crime(s) and I believed all sorts of things he told me even though I had never met the man. Looking back the whole thing was totally dysfunctional. I later found out that he had lied... duh. You know the prisons are full of men and women who are innocent - LOL!!! All this to say that many of these men and they don't have to be sociopaths are very manipulative and use women for anything and everything they can get. While I never provided financial support, I did "waste" two years of my life on a man who could offer me nothing that I really needed. I just became very comfortable in the denial.
Holly, It's too bad that you "wasted" those two years, but you can look at it from the glass is half full perspective and say that maybe those two years were growing years for you and you realized during those growing years all these things about yourself. And perhaps those things that you learned about yourself is going to protect sometime in the future - so technically it's not really a waste - it was a learning process that simply took two years . Jill p.s. and BTW, welcome to the board!
It's been a greatly heated debate here as to the nature of prison romances/marraiges lately. You know,good hearted people always want to belive there is something reedemable in everyone locked up.
Most unfortunately,that is not always the case. True,there are some that have been incarcerated who do not belong there.[ FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE!] But there are also some of the most twisted schemes coming from the ones who are truely guilty and have nothing to lose. Manipulating women is their form of entertainment
Well, I can only speak for myself. I could make assumptions about others because of what happened to me and I am quite sure those assumptions would be about 99% true. I cannot even blame youth, which seems even more sad in my opinion. At least, I did not forfeit having a family and things like that while waiting for some guy to get an appeal or something like that. I did get a lot of insight into the games those men play. My convict even shared stories with me about his buddies and how they would play girls and have different ones on the line. Somehow, I convinced myself he was different. I try not to think of it as wasted time and yes, I have learned a great deal. I had to take a close look at myself and what motivated me to get myself involved in a mess like that to begin with. I did read here about someone who says she is great looking, has a great life and that sort of thing. I used to think and say the same thing. The only difference was I knew in my heart it was questionable or I would have been more open about it. I would have never told my family or shared my life with those I work with and looking back now I realize it is because I knew the choices were questionable and said a lot about how I felt about myself. The bottom line was I was lonely and wounded and fearful of rejection by a real relationship. Such relationships are not satisfying. I speak from experience. I could never be satisfied with someone I was not with - period! All that so-called emotional mumbo-jumbo is just I smoke screen you put up for yourself more than anyone.
Hi Holly,thank you for sharing your experiance with us. I'm anna,your friendly neighborhood board moderator.
I'm sorry that your relationship with this person cost you so much personally and privately.I can't imgaine what that would be like.However,it seems though you have come through it a stronger person,and learned from it too.