This is so very important,I can not stress it enough. This story was reported in Las Vegas,on what I believe is their NBC affiliate,channel 8.
Five year old Giaovanni Kopystenski was with his father,Alex at a drive through Walgreens pharmacy when the child found a gun in the car and shot himself in the head,killing himself.
If you own firearms,people PLEASE,for the love of God,secure those weapons.I prefer a gunsafe at home for handguns and a locked case for shotguns or hunting weapons. I do own 2 handguns and even though there are no small children in my house [or ANY children] there is no room for error in the margin.I also have a permit to carry a concealed weapon but the key here is responsibility.
This kind of things drives me insane!! WHEN will gun owners with small children learn to keep their weapons locked up and secured where the kiddos can't get to them? These accidents are co completely avoidable abd preventable!!
I get so frustrated because this could have been prevented so easily.
It makes responsible firearm owners look like gun crazy psychos that don't take responsibility and that just isn't the case.
Please take the time to secure your weapon!! Do you want to be the next news item like this because you wanted to be a badass and drive around with a loaded handgun?