Shortly after three eight-year-old boys were found mutilated and murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas, local newspapers stated the killers had been caught. The police assured the public that the three teenagers in custody were definitely responsible for these horrible crimes. Evidence?
The same police officers coerced an error-filled "confession" from Jessie Misskelley Jr., who is mentally handicapped. They subjected him to 12 hours of questioning without counsel or parental consent, audio-taping only two fragments totaling 46 minutes. Jessie recanted it that evening, but it was too late Misskelley, Jason Baldwin and Damien Echols were all arrested on June 3, 1993, and convicted of murder in early 1994.
Although there was no physical evidence, murder weapon, motive, or connection to the victims, the prosecution pathetically resorted to presenting black hair and clothing, heavy metal t-shirts, and Stephen King novels as proof that the boys were sacrificed in a satanic cult ritual. Unfathomably, Echols was sentenced to death, Baldwin received life without parole, and Misskelley got life plus 40.
For over 13 years, The West Memphis Three have been imprisoned for crimes they didnt commit. Echols waits in solitary confinement for the lethal injection our tax dollars will pay for. They were all condemned by their poverty, incompetent defense, satanic panic and a rush to judgment.
And we here at Justice Junction can help. We have approximately 50 t-shirts,withe the classic design that has the original mugshots of the three and the words,"Free The West Memphis Three". We are not asking you to make a donation to recieve a shirt. But funds are needed very badly to surmount the circus these men have been through legally.
What I ask from you is this:will you accept a shirt,stand up for the belief in the innocence of Damien,Jessie and Jason? Will you wear that shirt, take your picture [head excluded if necessary] to show that you stand with us? Many of our readers have long said they believe the Three are innocent. Are you one of them?
Please PM me for details on the shirt or how you might be able to help.
Sara, You are an amazing woman and I admire you from the bottom of my heart. I could not live your life,I'm too much of a wuss. Please PM me where to send you your shirt and size.We love you.
I want to say thank you to everyone who is asking about this,it is an awesome feeling to know so many people want to participate.
There has been a lot of misinformation about the case and in the other thread I will post some links where you can get some more information.
I'm going to respond to anybody who emails me personally or PM's me on the discussion board,just bear with me,there's only one annarocket and a whole bunch of you guys! Everyone seems to have decided that my private email is the best place to reach me and I believe this is so important I'll post it again, it is
I got this email today.They asked to remain anynomous so I'm going to protect that but it struck a nerve in me that I could not shake.
Dear Anna Griffy, You are promoting your website by what you are doing with the WM3 shirt project.I wish I could respect that but I do not. I believe you are doing this for one reason,and one reason only:to get attention for your narcissistic personality and the website you practically ripped away from the original owner.
I can say that I hope you bring awareness to this,"most worthwhile cause," as your favorite catchphrase but your motives are anything but pure and you are fooling noone.
WOW Anna, Now you know that I couldn't let THIS email go by without having some pretty good comments to go along with it so here is my reply and I certainly hope that the author of said email reads it - if not a member of the board, please make sure that you forward this to them.
To the Unnamed, I am the past owner of Justice Junction, the current owner of Justice Junction and will remail the owner of Justice Junction until the day that I die. If I happen to die before Anna then she inherits the website and all that goes with it. Anna has done nothing for this website EXCEPT help it to excel, she hasn't "ripped anything off" on any level. Not that I feel the need to discuss our working relationship with you on any level, I'm here to set the record straight - Anna is a very valued member of our two man operation and works her butt off for this website - the message board included. I handed the message board over to Anna for her to handle - she works with people on a much better level than I do so it only stands to reason that she'd run the board.
As for her motives, I can assure you that Anna doesn't have a mean bone in her body (at least not until you piss her off) and her motives are most assuredly pure, especially when it comes to the WM3. Anna is passionate about her work and so far past dedicated to her job that she by far exceeds the defintion of dedicated.
One more thing while I'm thinking about it, Justice Junction is a website for victims, for people to read their stories. The articles that we write you can take or leave, thats the point, we present our opinions and allow you to make a judgement call based on what we've written. If you don't like it, great, post your opinions to the board, if you do like it, great - post your opinions to the board but don't be a coward by disparaging the names of not only our staff, but our website as well. When you make comments like the ones you sent to Anna in email format, you appear to be a coward. State them in an open forum where everyone can discuss them. Why didn't you email ME with those comments as I AM (and always have been) the owner of Justice Junction?
Lastly, as much work and dedication that Anna has put into the discussion board has earned her the right to be co-owner of Justice Junction. Hope I addressed your issues, if you have anything else to add, feel free to pst me anytime.
I love you back,Jillay [it'd be like that if you were Irish.]
We've been through it all and then some and some ya'll will never know. But as long as my health cooperates,I'll hang.
So tomorrow [Monday] is mailing day for the FIRST BATCH OF SHIRTS!!! I'm so stoked! I had never expected to learn so much from this and talked to the most awesome people.I'm truely humbled to be doing this.
PS: We are out of S and XXL Site members got priority on those and they be gone! Sorry!
So,my BFF and I get a bunch of shirts packaged up today,except I ran out of the big envelopes. Not to worry,this is just round one. And *SOME* people,not naming any names *COUGHJILLCOUGH* needed a whole damn box! And were both wearing our Free The WM3 shirts. We went to Denny's first and before we got out of there,5 people asked me what my shirt was about. SO awesome!!
Went to the post office. Everyone was staring like I had a unicorn horn or something.We're unloading like,25 huge envelopes and they were going out to people I knew wanted to make a difference,just like us.Our readers and friends.
Mailing those shirts was the most intense experiance. I felt like I was flying,like I was speeding down the fastest car on the fastest road.Even all the times I've been published,the work and educational accomplishments I have had did not compare to the feeling that this feeling of sending those shirts gave me. And it isn't over!
I want to say thank you to Lorri Davis,Damien Echols wife,Lisa Fancher of Frontier Records and everyone at for giving us the oppertunity to work with them to try and make a difference.
When I think of our supporters and friends,I think of you. You may not have been here long but you have proved yourself to be honest and very knowlegable. And you always make me smile!
As far as the shirts. We have 14 Large shirts left. I took some today to a friend of mine that works at a record store,and some for the staff so I know they will get exposure there.They are all great guys.
If you know anyone who will support three innocent men,by all means,let us know.
So we've sent the shirts out and recieved some pics. I totally understand that some people can not send their photo for reasons of employment,and others.
But there has been so much EDUCATION. My friend Mike and I are having these hour long conversations about evidence and suspect. People I've known for some time that I just didn't know about their interest in the case. It's been amazing,humbling and an honor to be able to try to help three childern who never got justice for their slaying,but 3 teenagers who are now men incarcerated for soething they are innocent of.
Pic of people who got shirts and ok'd them to be be used for a card. You don't have to do to it.You are supporting the WM3 and that is the most important thing!
As you all know,the West Memphis Three has long been an issue that I've believed in and worked toward making a difference,first with our t-shirt project and now with something I hope you'll be interested in as well.
The website for the WM3 has put up a photo wall. For 6.00 which will go to the legal defense fund,your photo will be added to the wall and help the innocent men in jail.
Come on you guys! I know I spend more than that at Starbucks. Think about where you spent your last 6.00.Then remember you are in a place where you are ABLE to spend your money where you wish. Please visit the wall at
As always,I ask you to join me in supporting this most worthwhile cause.
Today marks the 17th year that Jessie Misskelley Jr, Jason Baldwin and Damien Echols have been imprisoned for murders they did not and could not possibly have committed. June 3, 1993 -- the day that the WMPD picked up and coerced a false confession from Jessie Misskelley -- resulted in not only his arrest but a warrant for Damien and Jason's arrests that evening. Since that day all three of them have lived in a jail or a prison cell, even though they are innocent of these crimes.
Whatever you may be doing today, take a minute to think about them. Read Mara Leveritt's latest hard hitting stories online. Tell others about this case, donate to the WM3 defense fund. Drop them a note. Let Damien, Jason and Jessie know that we're behind them until they finally receive the justice they so deserve.
Later today, please listen to THE PARAFACTOR: Live Paranormal Radio at 6pm PST. Guests on behalf of DJ&J will include Joe Berlinger, some or all of the WM3 Support Fund, Anje Vela from Skelton Key Auctions and other surprise guests. Click here to listen to the show live or streaming audio later!