How interesting to see you Mwat. I hope you've been well.
I don't know that the LAPD will be beating a path to Jason's door but that would certainly would be something to watch. I didn't see the latest in OJ-intertainment based on Dear's book that implicates Jason. This was the one that was produched by Martin Sheen, right?
I have to wonder as well, if Jason would do the Burke Ramsey thing and launch as monumental lawsuit for the insinuation that he murdered Nicole and Ron. But you have to be able to present a clear picture of yourself and it seems to me that Jason may have something he might not want to answer for on a witness stand.
OJ is coming up on a parole hearing this summer. Now, that doesn't mean he's going to get right out. There will be a 90 day period before he's released. Factors the board considers include age, gender, age at time of crime, gang activity and the like. Supposedly he's been involved in helping other inmates with educational programs and mentoring. Frankly I wouldn't let him mentor my dog....but I digress.
If Simpson is not granted parole, his next opportunity will be in 2022. We'll see. Here's your link.
OJ Simpson has been granted a parole hearing on July 20, 2017. He's served 9 years of a potential 33 year sentence for kidnapping and theft in Las Vegas. You know the one. Officials say if granted parole he will be leaving October 1,2017.
Here's a link for you. There's not a whole lot to say until his hearing... maybe I'll hunt up some true crime video on this just because it seems to be the topic of the day. But my bro is playing hooky and I have to help him out with that so I may not be back. Deuces!
I can't say I just report this stuff because you always get my opinion with it, so let us commence with the latest news in OJ Land. It has become it's own little world. Although "little" probably is not exactly how to describe it. It's been a big fat plane about to crash disaster. And the killer of Ron and Nicole still evades justice.
Today I saw a report that rapper Jay Z has released a video promoting a song off his latest cd called, "The Story of OJ". Now, it probably was less than smart to watch it in my knee surgeon's office[of course I had earbuds] but still. I'm sure I looked hella stupid because I literally had my hand over my mouth and my sunglasses on so nobody would think I was watching something offensive [he says the N word like 50 times, I hate that word!] It's an animated clip in which Jay reminds us of when OJ famously announced, "I'm not black, I'm OJ!" and gives us a short education on the inequalities in the African American community, poor or rich, house or field, everyone gets a station in life no matter the color of your skin. Make no mistake, you can be rich or poor... but you'll still be black. [I can't say he N word] With a slow trippy Niña Simone sample, check this out and get yourself some education from a different kind of mind.
I don't know how many of you guys watched 20/20 last night on ABC but it was about OJ Simpson's upcoming parole hearing this week. What he needs to have done while incarcerated, his interaction with other inmates, stuff like that. The parole board evaluates all that.The last link I posted has it.
The show points out that OJ is in Camp Cupcake up there. It's sick. He is never forced to wait in line for chow or any other services an inmate is eligible for receiving. That's cute. There's a huge possibility he'll get out in October and I hope he'll show some humility and try to build a decent life for himself.
So, looks like Thursday, right? Thursday the 20th.
For some reason, whenever I'm waiting for a hearing, a verdict or bad news, I'm reminded of a CD I used to listen to back in the day when I was a young whipper snapper called "Doomsday For The Deceiver". I can just feel this burning in the pit of my stomach, I got a bad feeling that OJ is getting out and ugh, that sucks. I really got the impression from the 20/20 that place, I believe it's called Lovelock Correctional, is a soft option for him. It's not hard time in any way whatsoever.
I looked up that 20/20 if you guys want to check it out, your link is below. Anybody taking bets? Vegas odds, Y'all......
This episode of ABC's 20/20 is focused on the deposition OJ had to give in the wrongful death trial in the death of Nicole and Ron. I'd seen it before and it really reminds you what a creep this guy is. He absolutely has no to give and the whole thing is a giant joke to him. The arrogance of this guy is stunning. After seeing this, I just have to remind myself that everything you do in your life you have to answer for eventually. I really believe that. The system, for whatever reason, has let him skate, really. It's going to have to be the universe and the spirit in charge of it to make this scum answer for it all. Here's your link to that 20/20 [it's from March 2017]
My sister took the edge off by texting me,"The Juice is loose!!" LMAO
She's awesome.
So as you can link pretty much everywhere,OJ Simpson was granted parole, to be released in October of this year [2017] I'm kind of hard pressed to say what I'm thinking. I'd like to give it some more thought and not rant off the top of my head like we're all used to.
This makes me want to bash my head against a cinder block wall but not because of why you'd think. I'm honestly not hot about that. I really think if it didn't have all the intense baggage with Nicole and Ron, there's no way I would have gotten so mad so fast and stayed mad so long. If this was Tim Tebow giving me some story of how it was all some massive misunderstanding, I might not be so suspicious. And I wouldn't care if he got out.
But it's not Tim Tebow's Trials and Testimonials. It's the story of OJ as told by the white media [FX's The People Vs. OJ] the black media [Jay Z, ESPN 30 for 30] and as usual, the public is overreacting. Putting this in perspective, it seems simple: John Doe does 9 years for the same crime and most of us are ok with that. But because so many people [myself included] believe OJ is a murderer it's hard to separate the two things.
The bottom line is he was found not guilty of murder. And he was granted parole for what happened in Vegas. I mean it when I say I hope he can start over. I don't know if that's possible. But I hope so.
I've been trying to get over some pretty severe knee surgery so I've been out to lunch on planet Percocet. But no drug imaginable could fill my moral indignation and infuriating sense of holier than though because OJ's out.
I don't really know why this drives me into such a high state of piss off. Probably that getting away with murder thing he skated by on......
First I'm not mad. Then I'm mad. Like, make up your mind Rocket, you're being a dumbass.
But this isn't my opinion, this really just happened
TMZ [the Hollywood gossip side job of former celebrity lawyer, Harvey Levin Is reporting that OJ Simpson was thrown out of Las Vegas nightclub Clique at the Cosmopolian Hotel Lad Vegas and slapped with a lifetime permanent ban from all the affiliates.
OJ had been drinking but he denied causing any fighting or trouble. Okay! Okay.
Then it goes into how the Goldman family being fake.....their foundation a sham. I just watched them, oh man. You should read their book, it's really good. They are trying to hold someone responsible for their son's murder. Cops DGAF! I probably would lose my mind. I dislike victim blaming. And this is the worst kind.
This link is a little less gruesome than some of the others.
OJ Simpson is in some kind of hush hush foolishness with the comedian Sasha Baren Cohen [you know who I mean. The guy who did Borat and Ali G.]
Now, I got this from the local news and I saw it on another site, then it was on Vanity Fair. Apparently Cohen paid OJ $20k to film some scene for his new film.
This is not like like an official memo from the Pentagon. But read through and see what you think.
I don't know if you guys heard this but remember when Judith Regan had the initial rights to the book,"If I Did It"? They wanted to air an interview with OJ to coincide with the release of the book, which wound up never happening because people were so hella mad about the whole thing.
Guess what? Fox is now planning to air the interview and both the Brown+Goldman's are ok with it. I don't know how. I really want closure for these people. But what I really want is for someone to be held accountable for these deaths. I'll dig up the trailer....
Here's that trailer I was talking about last night for the so called "lost confession" interview that Fox is airing on March 11. I think that's a Sunday. I'm going to look at an OJ related link and I'll confirm that date for y'all.
How do you feel? Is everybody down with this? Really down with this thing? I feel like its okay if you're not down because you're not alone.
I don't like it but I'm going to watch it. Maybe hate it. I don't know because I think he's lied about so much, how can you know if he's lying in this? Don't forget this is from 2006.
So...tonight on Fox are the "lost" ".interviews" of OJ's when Judith Regan was all hot and biscuit to air it and Fox said oh hell to the no!
Yet here they are. And I have a feeling they make him look like the narcissistic creep he's always been. Come tweet with us! It is on at 7:00 pm here in AZ but you'll get it. I'm @annarocket and hope to chat some crime with y'all!!!
So....what did you guys think of that interview? I just sat there with my homegirl Laurie going what the living hell is this.
This is definitely what the families wanted everyone to see. He came across as a narsisstic jerk. He blamed Nicole for aggravating him, he referred to himself as a victim and trashed out Nicole's reputation.
Massive scumbag, but I didn't expect anything else, to be honest.
Someone asked me why I hadn't posted a link to the interview. I'm sorry, I guess I was just kind of annoyed and this got so much press you guys would look it up yourselves.
I'd like to see an interview with his kid. You know. The kid who some people seem to think is the real killer of Ron +Nicole. Don't think *I* think that, I just would like to see him on the spot.
Anyway, ask and ye shall receive. Here's your link for the "lost" interview.