It is obvious that it is not part of our nature, we are the only mammals where infanticide occurs, let me be more precise, we are the only linving beings where mother's kill their infants intentionally.
Infanticide has been justified in many ways thoughtout history: socioeconomic status, behavioural characteristics, lack of education, no respect for infant life etc. It has been occuring for thousands aand thousands of years. Should we not have evolved throughout history and we have, then why didnt infanticide just dissappear? One of the most important things in nature is precisley NEW BORNS, they are our future.
That is why social services have come about to help with domestic violence which is a very taboo subject. That is why nothing was ever done about it in the past, family life was seen as private and parents were left to make decisions about how to raise their chidlren. Now our ltimes have changed and we have become well aware of the issue. Some parents are simple just not capable of raising their infants correctly beit for lack of education or whatever, innocent beings with just a few days of life should not have to bear such torture.
My question to you is why does it still occur and what can we do to stop it?
Well Ari you brought up a very important but also a very sore subject to the mother's of precious children that in no way can understand such horrendous acts done to the gift of life that God has granted.. Now take the woman that stoned her children and said God told her too, and stand her up and lets chunk some rocks at her.. And then there was Andrea, well seems to me she took alot of time to drown all 5 children and layed 4 of them on her bed and covered them with the sheet and left the other laying in the tub. Her ummmmmmm I say drown her! Susan Smith, who drove her two babies strapped in car seats into the lake via the boat ramp , well lets put her in a car with a faulty seatbelt and roll her off in the lake, that woman listened to her babies scream as she walked away ... I'm sorry my dear Ari but to me the punishment that these supposed mother's do not fit their crime.. Just because you can give birth , doesn't mean that you are a mother !!!!! As for what we can acctually do: let me think on that ! Welcome to the forum!
I think that in the Yates case she had serious mental problems. It has been documented that she had been under the care of a Dr. and on medication for some time and she just broke down and lost it.
Susan Smith was just a murdering skank. She may have had issues but wasn't psycho like Andrea Yates. Susan just wanted to be free of those poor babies and she didn't hesitate to get rid of them when she thought it would be to her advantage. I know she was abused but I don't think that is an excuse.
The cases that puzzle me are the teenage girls that hide their pregnancies and then kill the newborns after they deliver. I don't believe in abortion but I would be foolish to say that it isn't an option. And adoption is always an option as well. It is a sad state of affairs. I pray someday we won't have to read about things like this.