So, I ran across a very sad update of an old case last night. Back in the mid 1980's a U.S. Marine, Chris Brown, was brutually murdered by his wife and her lover (he was stabbed 27 times.) Chris and his wife had a daughter, who became the center of a long and nasty custody battle between Chris's parents, and his ex wife after Chris's murder. Custody changed back and forth, and at one point the child's mother kidnapped her from her grandparent's custody and went into hiding. Ultimately, the grandparents won permanent custody, they found their missing granddaughter, the child's mother went to jail for a long time, and the case seemed to stop there (a lifetime movie was made of this case, starring Patty Duke and Martin Sheen, it's called A Matter Of Justice.)
While researching something else on the net last night, I ran across an update of this case, and sadly, the heartbreak for this family continues. The little girl who was the center of this case is now all grown up, and unfortunately, has gone down the wrong path just like her mother. Growing up, she was never allowed to see her mother or her mother's family, and I guess that made her all the more curious, and eventually she went to meet her mother and mother's family, and things just went downhill from there. She herself has been to jail numerous times, for everything stemming from drugs, to writing bad checks, and is currently in an Alabama jail along with her boyfriend. Sad to see that her father's family was put thru so much, and went thru so much in order to ensure she led a better life, and in the end, she wound up just like her crazy, jailbird mother.