Defense attorneys have turned over evidence to authorities that they believe will exonorate Damian Echols,Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin for the murders of Stevie Branch,Micheal Moore and Christopher Byers.
Terry Hobbs,who's DNA was found at the crime scene had reportedly confessed to members of his family that he was the killer of the boys.
Ok, I missed the part where he confessed to the murders when I was watching Purgatory. Did he give a reason why he killed them? Couple of things that struck me watching Pergatory..... I still think he's a nutjob, but, Byars did say over and over again how much he missed his son and loved him. Terry Hobbs rarely if at all mentioned his son. I found that very odd. Another thing I noticed was that the you rarely heard from the family of Michael Moore.
It wasn't in Purgatory.Read the link.I saw it on my news feed this morning.
Byars=who knows.Both he and Pam Hobbs thought the 3 did it and now have totally chainged their minds. Pam told 48 Hours Mystery she'd caught Terry Hobbs "In years worth of lies and would not be suprised" to find he was somhow responsible.
Todd and Diane Moore=Can't really comment.Let me dig around on that.
I dug around for you haha. It seems that Todd Moore, the father of Michael Moore, and the rest of the Moore family are outraged over the release of the WM3. They STRONGLY belive in their guilt, and also believe that the HBO series of documentaries on the subject are very biased towards the WM3, and that much of the facts and truth were left out.
However the fact remains that no physical or fornensic evidence ties any of the WM3 to the murders. Physical or forensic evidence does tie one of the fathers to the murders, and he also has no alibi.
I must add this though... after seeing all of the Paradise Lost movies, I am upset that so much attention was taken away from the three little boys. They are still the victims in all of this, and they have almost been forgotten because much of the attention went to the men convicted of their murders. These men by the way didn't exactly do themselves any favors. They came across thru every film as rude, disrespectful punks who got into a crapload of trouble. They didn't take the situation seriously, until it was much, much too late, and even then they didn't take it seriously.
This has also left a very bad impression not only of West Memphis, but also the West Memphis Police Dept. Every person interviewed in the films looked like trailor trash who could barely form a complete sentence. I've been to West Memphis a few times. And while it's true some of the town is like that, not all of it is. And I am also outraged that even though the WM3 were released, the West Memphis pd has no intention of any more investigation in this case, despite a ton of new evidence that was uncovered and presented to them, over the course of the films. Such as Terry Hobbs, who was not only tied to the crimes thru physical evidence, but he also has no alibi. Why wasn't he questioned, but Byars was? I thought it was normal police prodecure in a murder case that you start with the people closest to the victim(s) But hardly any neighbors or family members of any of the boys were interviewed. The only other murder case that I can think of of this type of sloppy, botched investigating is the Jonbenet Ramsey murder case. How are they not going to do whatever it takes to solve the murders of 3 little boys?
I love it when some red hot mama does my dirty work. Really.
I actually saw that too about the Moore family.They really were smokin mad about the whole thing and I can't say as I blame them.If I lost my kid like that someone would be on death row,all for losing it on someone.
While the Paradise Lost series didn't focus on the victims,it clearly was not intended to.It was taking aim at the unbelievable scope of idiocy of the West Memphis cops,Gary Gitchell and the unbelievable shock and grief of the parents of the victims.While I would not consider the series,"Hollywood" since they were documenteries and released on HBO and then to DVD,it also was intended to make the point that if the 3 were innocent then SOMEONE was out there,guilty and FREE.
Yeah,Damian didn't do himself any favors in his trial and the other two were so shell shocked it came off as indifferent and cold.But if you were 16,17 and 18,thrown into a firestorm like that without the education and upbringing [not to mention an enormously strong legal team]to advise you of the gravity of the situation what would you do?
I just can't believe after all this other evidence was uncovered, the WMPD isn't going to do any further investigating. Guess if you want to be a child killer and not get caught, go live in West Memphis!
If the cops hadn't screwed this up so royally in the first place,this conversation wouldn't be happening.I saw one good link,let me see if I can pull it up for you guys.
That day!!! Man.I was having the worst day ever.I was in the DR's office waiting for what I thought was gonna be bad news. I'd been bawling pretty good for an hour,hour and a half at least.My phone was going insane with texts and calls and I was already in such a horrible mood I just ignored it.Finally it rang the ring tone of The One Whom Shall Never Be Ignored.
I stopped crying [okay it was more like sniviling by then] and noticed the song playing on the radio in the office.It was Journey,"Don't Stop Belivin'".