's a cautionary tale I think we all can learn something from.
A friend of mine was telling me about the "April Fools Day" prank her daughter's friends pulled---and actually got HER MOTHER to participate.
Said child thought it would be funny to pretend that they had been missing....turned up as a kidnapping of some sort.The Mom actually called and text friends and parents wanting to know if they had seen her kid and a friend of her kid's.
Predictibly it went nuclear,a missing child and 2 in this case.And the kid's Mom just told everone it was a harmless prank,just be cool.
WTF?! If that happened to me,I would have the entire state looking for her.The crap that would hit the fan from here to Vancouver.And FYI,if someone had gone to the cops before the kids spilled it,someone would have been in trouble for filing a false report.
I'm appaled on another level that a grown woman would agree to do something so ignorant! WTF is wrong with all those people? Are they on dope?
I'm printing up some of the emails I've been getting,with my ankle broken,I have plenty of time so email me! [I know I'm gonna regret that! LOL no,just kidding,I love you guys!]
Yo Rocket,
Jules here. At first I thought,you gotta be kidding me.A grown ass woman decided to go along with a crazy stupid prank possibly something you can get arrested for! And the rents? Was the mom on meth WTF?
Call me,Crankypants.
Haha J.STFU or when I get this cast off.....
No,I'm srriously not making this up.And the people involved were just as stupified as I was.Like,didn't you know how unbelievably badly this could have turned out? And what kind of message are you sending to the kids? Thank God YOU don't have any,Jules! AH HA HA!!!!
Follow up on this..... unfortunately, no, the mother, her daughter, and the other kids involved in the prank remain clueless. Some of the kids weren't punished at all... the ringleader got her cell phone taken away for a couple of days, but, that's it. The mother still doesn't see why so many other kids and parents were upset by this. I pray she never finds out how hard it really is to really have your child missing.
Man! I'm appalled by this whole thing and have discussed it with quite a few people to see if I was off the mark.Sometimes I get a little....cranky.
But everyone agreed this was ridiculous.Grown ass adults? Really? Someone should call CPS on her.I'm really not kidding.And the parents of the other kid? WTF? The level of ignorance here is stunning.
The parents of the other kid are the reason the other kid is so screwed up... jailbirds and druggies, and they are in and out of her life. It's weird. She's being raised by her grandmother who is a wonderful, stable, normal person. She just can't seem to control her granddaughter no matter what she tries. Oh well. These 2 girls will wind up pregnant and flipping burgers in the next couple of years.
Man,I hate to hear that.And to give up on a kid that young.That's sad.
I never really had to blackball any of my kid's friends but if any of that had gone on,OMG,LOL. I feel sorry for anyone and everyone in my path. Wow.LOL.Just thinking about myself in that situation and the forcomeing nuclear holocaust that would come,oh man.
Yep.... the mom of one of the kids actually thinks it's funny. Her words. Because according to her "nothing happens to our kids round here." Talk about ignorance.
I guess technically without mens rea [proof that a crime has been comitted] she can't be charged with anything. I'm not sure anything really could be done. What's the saying? You can't fix stupid......
Why the heck is stupid crap like this still happening? Are we not learning anything from any of the news that faking a childhood abduction IS A VERY VERY BAD IDEA?
Or an adult abduction? Or anything of the sort? I have to rant peoiple,I'm sorry but this is insane! What the world would make you think this is funny? Give yourself one minute. Seriously. If you were walking through a public parking lot and saw someone being forcibly shoved into the trunk of a car what would you do? Just kinda shake it off like,oh just some kids being dumb? Or would you [as I would] genuinely freak the heck out and get involvd even if it was at my own peril. I'm sorry maybe I am getting old,maybe I'm just being a hard ass and I need to lightnen up and take the stick out but I find absolutely nothing funny in any of this trend I'm becoming truely sick of.One of these days one of these pranks is going to go madly BADLY terribly wrong,someone's going to wind up dead and we'll see how darn funny it is.
I for one am NOT looking forward to that day,and mark my words,that day is coming. I'm just disgusted wiyth the lot of it all.