Perhaps one of the hardest crimes to accept is a child murder... especially an unsolved child murder.
Eighteen years ago today,in the early morning hours of August 14th, 1994, little 4 yr old Jameika Porch was abudcted from her grandmother's home and vanished into the night. Her skeletal remains were discovered several years later, in an area that police had never searched in previous years. She had been strangled. The only clues offered up by the family were that the grandmother heard someone on the stairs in the house at around 5am... but she didn't get up to check. Jameika was sleeping in the same bed as her 8 yr old cousin, and yet somehow, the cousin slept thru the entire thing.
There have been many rumors surrounding this case including a police cover up, a drug deal gone bad, and the fact that her family didn't immediately report her missing didn't help. Despite Jameika being abducted in the early morning hours of August 14th, she was not officially reported missing until 4pm in the afternoon. Her mother came to her grandmother's house at that time to pick her up, and that's when the family claims they noticed she was gone. I fail to see how no one could have noticed a little 4 yr old girl was missing for most of the day. No matter the circumstances, a little girl was kidnapped and brutally murdered, and her killer has never been brought to justice.
Here's what bothers me about this case....a grandmother and her two young grandkids are asleep in the house, and then she hears someone moving around her house at 5am... how the heck are you NOT going to get up and check out a noise at that hour, especially with kids in the house. Secondly, it was well known thruout the entire neighborhood that you could enter the house thru a window payne in the back door if you didn't have a key... the payne could easily be removed from the door. So the family thinks someone entered the house that way, and exited that way with little Jameika. I forgot to mention in the main post that an aunt was also in the house at the time. So here's my question... how can someone take a window payne out of a back door, go into the house, up the stairs, abduct a child, get out of the house with the child, put the window payne back, and yet no one gets up to check/ Surely doing all of that would have made noise. And then they don't realize she's missing for the next 11 hours or so?