This website was created to make a difference in people's lives... to help those who have been denied justice finally get it. Annarocket and I are both crime buffs as I'm sure many of you are...I watch alot of the crime shows (the fictional dramas, the "cop" shows, and the heartbreaking true stories of missing loved ones, of loved ones who have been lost and found, but denied justice. ) I can't help but notice that many of the cases I've been keeping up with FOR YEARS, have yet to see any kind of closure or justice. As 2013 begins, I'm asking for everyone to take a new look at these "old" cases... to see if we can help these families find what they've been looking for and denied for so long. I'm posting links to the cases I've been following...if you know of a case I haven't mentioned (and if I didn't mention it, that doesn't mean anything, so don't go running to annarocket playing the race card again), and want to bring fresh attn to it, post a link to the case in this thread. Let's make 2013 count for these families! These cases are in no particular order.
Jennifer Kesse, disappeared in Jan 2006, from Orlando, FL
Tara Grinstead, high school teacher/beauty queen, disappeared in Oct, 2005 from Ocilla, Ga (there is some evidence to suggest her case and Jennifer Kesse's case are related.)
Tonetta Carlisle, 15 yr old (at the time) kidnapped in March 1989 in Chattanooga, TN. She has never been found.. her kidnapper commited suicide without telling law enforcement where she was.
Christa Helm, actress, murdered in Feb 1977 in Hollywood. One of the biggest coverups in Hollywood ever. Remember that brutal crimes and justice denied can happen to celebrites and their families also.