Seriously? Are you kidding me? Stop with the "The media made me do it!!" I am so sick of this kind of crap. A movie made me do it. The music made me do it. Nobody "made" you do it. I know he was still a kid and easily influenced. But 17 is way too old for this. And where did he see a movie like the one he's blaming? It was released in 08,I believe,I saw it in the theater,it was a killer flick [sorry bad pun there] and probably easily on DVD.
Where is Dad in all this? He killed Mom and like,ariticle says nothing about the father. Sad. And again,stop blaming the media. Own up. You confessed. Rob Zombie made me do it isn't an acceptable defense. That is a steaming nugget of horse hockey and I am not buying it.
I'm overweight... McDoanlds commercials are to blame. I'm suing them.
I heard about this, but stopped reading after the headline. So sick and tired of these media made me do it bull**** cases. Except for the really mentally ill who require proper medication to control themselves... most of us are responsible for our own actions.
Dad was in DC,on business. Two other sisters were away. Did you check that house they live in? Holy cram.
I want to sue Taco Bell for not being across the parking lot where I can just yell what I want,and then sue them again when I go apecrap crazy from lard poisoning.
On a serious note,he could have killed more people. It could have been much,much worse.
PS: It was 07! Not 08! And come on. I've seen that movie,have seen the director's other 2 films and I've never killed anyone. Not for nothing,I'm sure someone else wanted to! The other films by this guy are much more scary than his remake of the original which came out in 78? 79?
Every so often while I'm editing this board/blog, I'll run across a topic that never got updated for whatever reason back in the day, and this topic stands out in my mind for several reasons. One, I really hate that whole "Rob Zombie made me do it" crap. It drives me crazy because if Rob Zombie made people crazy enough to kill, I'd be in prison right now. This kid had issues that went way beyond the spectrum of that kind of excuse. I mean, we see it all the time... if it's not the music, it's the closet monsters aka Slenderman and the Babadook. Y'all know what I'm talking about.
Two, I wound up dating a guy from the same town in Texas where this happened, and he was legit psycho, he'd have to be to be interested in me. But the rate of criminals in that town and the recidivism rate is so shockingly high it's seriously mindblowing. Maybe it's something in the water.
Check out these links about how this turned out. Jake Evans was 17 at the time of his trial for the murder of his mother and his sister, Mallory. And he wanted to kill more people. Thankfully, for whatever reason, it didn't happen that way.