Somehow I missed this one. A woman in Tennessee is on trial for her life... she is charged with murdering her newborn twin boys.
I just don't get it when a mother murders her children... especially babies. If you don't want your kids.. THEN PUT THEM UP FOR ADOPTION FOR CHRIST SAKES. There are plenty of us out there who would love to give a child a home!
Her defense is claiming she "didn't know what was happening" when she gave birth, and that her mind refused to accept the fact that she was pregnant. They further claim she doesn't recall what happened the night she killed her children and that the police detective planted the thought in her brain that she killed her twins. So I guess her defense thinks some magical fairy came into the room and killed the babies? Give me a freaking break. Yes there is innocent until proven guilty... but considering she told the cops that she smothered the babies because she had kept her pregnancy a secret from everyone and didn't want her parents to hear the babies cry, she's guilty in my book. String her up on the courthouse lawn.
What in the HELL? I have heard of young women doing this....but I can't wrap my head around the whole I'm-having-a-baby-but-just-pretend-I'm-not deal. That just trips me out completely.