I have a question about Time Warner Cable (New York City). If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. I had a past due amount so they shut off my cable. I told them that I wasn't sure if I was going to be staying at my current residence and asked them to put the service in stasis until I know. They told me that they couldn't put it on hold until I pay the past due amount. So I told them I'm going to cancel my service then & where do I turn in my cable box / modem? They said that I can't cancel or turn in my cable box or modem until I pay my past due amount.
They said that I would still be charged for the cable box. I thought that meant the equipment charges, but they actually charged me for services. So for the last month I have not had any cable or internet service transmitting into my apartment and yet they are charging me full price for both. This has to be some sort corporate extortion. I couldn't cancel, they provided no service to me and still charged me --- for nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Micky my suggestion would be to go ahead and pay your past due amount and get that cable box turned in because untill you do, you will keep getting charged.... Do you have your original paper work when you got the cable ? I would be willing to bet that if you look real good in the fine print you will find where it will explain this to you... If you don't you will continue to owe them. I had the same problem but out of Shreveport La. When my son was deployed and until I got that box turned in they continued to bill him and he was over seas in a war zone.... So that is the best advice I can give you.
I do have all intentions of paying the "legitimate" past due amount. However I do not believe that they should be charging me for services not rendered by extorting me to pay the past do amount before I can halt any subsequent charges. There is nothing in their service agreement that justifies this. I should be able to turn the box in or put my account on hold without further incurred charges. In a few days they will adding those phantom charges, from non-service, to my "legitimate" past due amount. I hope someone can offer a legal alternative or precedent on this issue.