So, as much as I can't stand this whole tomfoolery, and I hate thinking about this man it's very much in the news as it has been 20 years since the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. I call it tomfoolery because I fully believe OJ was the killer. I believe he did it and I believe he had help. The trial was a farce.
Moving on from my unbiased [lol] opinion, OJ is in prison now, but not for murder. For some kind of kidnapping and other charges related to his storming into a hotel room with a couple of his goons with firearms, supposedly to take sports memorabilia that he claimed were stolen from him. Be that as it may, he was convicted exactly 13 years to the day of being found not guilty for murder and off to prison he went.
This link has great info, following the lives of he key people connected to his case, lots of great video and and the times and affiliates of the documentary showing tonight I believe called "OJ: 20 Years Ago" I might have that title wrong but check out the link, it will tell you.
No matter if you think he did it or didn't, take a look at this. It's interesting. But beware my fellow crime amigos.....ya might get mad as hell all over again. No justice for Nicole. No justice for Ron.
There was one great thread about it and this really smart man had a interesting alternate theory. If I can pull it up from our archive,I'll post it because it was a great conversation.