From ABC News: Judge Micheal Bohren has decided to delay the start date of the trials of Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier who are accused of stabbing their friend 19 times allegedly to please internet character Slenderman pending a decision from the court of appeals on whether to try them as juveniles or as adults. Their next court date [pre-trial hearing] has been set for September 30.
At this point, the case is being appealed so that if ruled upon, it will be sent back to be heard in juvenile court, obviously what the accused want since it would cut the punishment time down to what I think is ridiculous-- the two only being held in a juvenile facility until the age of 25. For attempted, pre-meditated murder! And that's exactly what it is. They planned it for months. That's what that means! And under Wisconsin law, anyone aged 10 or older who is charged with first degree attempted homicide is considered an adult! So what in the HELL?!? Should they not be tried as adults if they are being considered by law adults? That would be the logical thing to do. but as usual, it isn't up to me, and as usual, that's probably a good thing.
Here's your link from ABC News, and it's got some great video.
Did you read that there has been a copycat stabbing in the Slenderman case in Indiana? A teenager stabbed her mother to death after reading one of those Creepypasta stories off the same website as those two girls.
Pete Campbell, Detroit
I didn't know that. I've been on break form the magazine while I had my gall bladder out so I haven't been doing anything but I looked up what you are talking about and it's not quite the same thing. This case isn't about Slenderman. [side note:my BFF calls him Thunderman haha!] But I digress.
What you are talking about is the case of a 12 year old girl who stabbed her stepmother to death because a Creepypasta charecter named Laughing Jack told her to do it. Because of her age, her name is being kept out of the media. I've got a couple of links for you.
Honestly, what in the hell with this crap. I wouldn't let my kid be influenced by this nonsense when she was 12. She never had unsupervised access to the internet. I also want to say, for all the people giving the parents hell about listening to heavy metal and reading Steven King, give that a rest. I did that too, and my kid turned out amazing. So your theory about the parents being into something dark is ridiculous. Of course that is a possibility but we don't know that for a fact. Great email Pete, thank you!
Do you guys ever feel like we are too slow in the judicial process and it takes too long to bring cases to trial? It seems like it to me. The right to a timely trial in front of a jury of my peers has never been an issue for me just seems like it takes forever for some. Like this case.
It was announced in the press that FX's American Horror Story is trying to buy the rights to the charecter Slenderman for it's next season. When I read that I was like, oh holy GOD! You can't be serious! But I've watched a couple of seasons of that and it is wicked cool horror and probably would make a great series if someone hadn't almost been murdered over it by a couple of deranged 12 year old kids. Then another report comes out that says NOT! So who knows.
From I should preface this with the warning that Blumhouse is a horror culture site. Movies,lit, comics and that sort of thing. I like it but it's probably a ton of NSFW and if you think it might freak you out, you should probably avoid it. Actually, if stuff like that freaks you out, what are you doing here?
ANYWAY.....from Oscar nominated filmmaker Irene Taylor Brodsky comes a new documentary called "Beware The Slenderman" premiering at SXSW this week. I'd give my finger [not my middle one] to see this premiere, no joke. I bet it's going to get one hell of a lot of attention considering an attempted homicide was inspired by the fictional Slenderman. The poster infers that the charecter is the reason for the crime. After it shows at the festival, you can see it on HBO's streaming services, who released this art for the film. I can't wait,y'all.
This documentary is getting the buzz. I know it could be from the topic or possibly the director but after reading some of the reviews, I don't think so. It just sounds like this is an important subject and an important film. I've gone on at length about this subject because I really believe in the things that I think may have contributed to this.
But according to one review, the parents of one of the accused say they regret giving her an iPad and they never let her have hours of unsupervised access to the internet behind closed doors. WTH?
Here are a couple of good reviews for you and a link to a Q&A with the director that talk about the substance of this film that I think are going to make this a must watch for all parents, with good advice about this whole thing. As one kid interviewed says: if you don't know who Slendeman is, you're living under a rock.
Before I update, let me say I'm trying to get to the emails I've gotten since I posted about the documentary Beware The Slenderman. Some of them are really disturbing because they've come from minors who really believe in this and it means that they've been reading this thread and that brings up a whole lot of thoughts I am still processing.
I promise I will get to it. I've never blown off anyone here that cared about an important topic. I won't do it now.
This update comes from Morgan Geyser,one of the defendants in this case has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital and is getting treatment. In 2014 she was diagnosed by a court ordered psychiatric test to have the early onset of rare schitozphrenia which is incurable. Her lawyer says she is showing signs of improvement and is asking for a reduction in bail so she can await trial at home while continuing treatment. The piece doesn't say this, but I wondered if the other defendant was in treatment and how her case was going.
This case us still trying to be moved out of adult court, a decision I disagree with intensely.
Hi everybody Hope you are getting ready to get your weekend on. I know I am. Planning a nice Saturday brunch with my buddy and I bought a flat of cupcakes
I'd like to talk about the emails and messages I've gotten about the Slenderman topic, and I'm not going to lie, it has really made me stretch for an answer. Many of the emails were from kids that didn't understand how I could be so, in the words of one, "be so dumb about this." That's fair. I'm a 52 year old woman with a lifetime of experiance and education that has helped me to understand urban legend and myth. The generation that has grown up tech savvy may not understand the way I and probably many adults do, that Slenderman is a fictional charecter from a story on the internet.
One very young girl asked me how could I not know that Slenderman is real? To that I'd like to say, Slenderman is real in the way that Spiderman is real, the way Batman is real, the way Pokeman Pikachu's are real. They are real charecters in stories, but not real people, nor real entities. They are figments of the imaginations of creative people and and horror stories like "Halloween" and "A Nightmare On Elm Street" are just that: stories. It is fiction. I do understand that it is frightening, I'm not denying it can be scary. I saw horror films back when I was in high school that scared the holy living crap out of me. But they were just that: fictional stories that were not in any way true and designed to be frightening, just like the case of Slenderman.
I think the email that upset me the most was the one from the young lady who said she was deathly afraid of all this but too scared to discuss it with her parents for fear they would laugh at her and make it even worse. I would encourage anyone who has nobody they feel safe talking to about all this to contact me again. I will always have time to talk to you about any of this. Please remember that fiction is just that: fiction and it will not jump out of the computer and hurt you; nor can it kill your family. I would encourage you to talk to your parents. They love you and would be more than happy to support you through any fears you might have.
I hope this has helped. I have been truly stunned by the response I have gotten from all this and I promise that I'll be here to talk about this to anyone who'd like to. Remember that we are all human, we are all afraid of something and we all should be there to support each other, parents, listen to your kids. They need you very much.
After more than two years in custody, the two girls in custody for the stabbing of Peyton Lautner, the crime that is being described in the media as the Slenderman stabbing, are seeking their release and to be placed in homes selected by their lawyers.
Both have been held on $500K bail in detention. One girl claims to have been sexually assaulted while in custody, and I'm not sure why it hasn't been reported until now. Judge Micheal Bohren was "concerned that it happened" and "concerned that it hadn't been reported until now" in a phone hearing on Wed. That statement made it sound that the assault was not recent. They are still looking to send this to juvenile court.
On Friday, Judge Micheal Bohren ruled against the two defendants in the case of the attempted murder of 12 year old Peyton Lautner and refused a bail reduction and release.
Both families have said they can't raise the money for bail [$500K] and in his ruling, the judge stated the accused would be a high flight risk and the seriousness of the crime.
This gives me some hope the state is going to do this thing right. Premeditated homicide is scary as hell and I'm thinking I don't care how old they are. They need to be incarcerated.
Raise your hand if you think this is a horrible idea. Right here, bro.
Maybe I'm just being an ass, I'm pretty good at it by now, I've certainly had enough practice. But apparently Hollywood can't leave well enough alone when it comes to this internet freak who was generated on in 2009 and the production company Screen Gems owns the rights to.
Slenderman is being made into a movie, says the Hollywood Reporter, and if this is correct, M. Night Shamalyan [I hate that guys work, seriously hate his films] has made a deal for a TNT series with a Slenderman related topic and the rumor of American Horror story is repeated here as well. I've no way of confirming any of this and Hollywood is so flaky with all the crap that goes into making a feature film and the $$$ on top of it. But does anyone think this is a good idea? Anyone?
From Today: The mother of accused suspect Morgan Geyser, Angie, has given an interview about the details around her daughter's case.
This is really illuminating. She describes how the morning of the attack, she and her husband were called to the police station thinking that Morgan was in some kind of trouble, as she and her two friends had gone missing after breakfast the morning after her daughter's 12th birthday sleepover. She describes herself as "clueless", and thought that they would be taking their daughter home that day and to punish her, they would have to cancel her trip to an upcoming Star Trek convention.
She also describes the struggle to get her daughter mental health care and says Morgan never denied care, which is something I know has been widely reported and we talked about that here. I know I didn't think about it at the time but now that I've read this, and thought about it, she's a minor. Can she actually make that decision for herself? Can her parent or legal guardian override that decision if she's been diagnosed with something like what she's been diagnosed with, which is early onset schizophrenia? Hmmm.
Then there's the issue of reform for mental health, something I'll give major props for any day of the week, because I have some pretty severe mental problems myself, and that's not a sarcastic comment. People who don't have issues severe enough to need help dealing with them don't realize how tremendously difficult it is to get the kind of help you need, if you are even aware that you need help at all. I'm not going to get all preachy here because social services isn't my bag, but NAMI [National Alliance for Mental Illness] estimates that as of 2015, half of all chronic mental illness starts by age 14, 3/4 by age 24, and is the third most common cause of hospitalization for both youths and adults age 18-44. [ ]
I'm not going to lie. My stance on this is that these two should be charged as adults and I haven't changed my mind about that. I'm stupid lucky that my kid didn't ever do anything like this and was not scared of the internet boogeyman or severely mentally ill. But the law in Wisconsin is that over the age of 10, crimes like murder, or in this case attempted homicide are charged as an adult. So where's the letter of the law here? I do feel bad for the parents. I really do. I guess I just feel a little more compassion for the victim.
AP/MSN: A Wisconsin court ruled on Thursday that the two girls accused in the case of stabbing 12 year old Peyton Lautner, most well known as the Slenderman stabbings will be tried as adults.
In Wisconsin, anyone over the age of 10 accused of a capital or felony crime are tried as an adult. Both girls are accused of intentional attempted first degree homicide. If convicted, each faces up to 65 years in prison.
It has gone back and forth between the lawyers and the court about this being a juvenile issue or an adult issue with from what I can see, the majority on the side that they need to be tried as adults. They can appeal to the supreme court but I honestly don't think it's going to do any good. The law is what it is and it looks like they are going to stick to it.
I do wonder though if it would be the same if this thing hadn't gotten so much attention, and wasn't so Hollywood, if y'all get me. The media is really on this one big time. That documentary hasn't been released to the general public yet [it's still doing the film festival thing] but the minute it is, I'll let you guys know and hook it up.
Here's an editorial for y'all about the case, and whoever wrote it [I've never read anything by her before] is of the opinion that trying the girls who did this as adults is "absurd".
Now, I know some people believe the law that is sending them to adult court is antiquated but it is what it is. I have said before that I knew what murder was when I was 12 and I sure as hell knew it was wrong.The other side of that was that I was not severely mentally ill. So where do we go from here?
I know that juvenile detention would not provide monitoring past the 18th birthday, even if the person was SMI and I think that's why I'm not down with that. They'd basically be free to do whatever, when ever. If tried and sentenced as adults they would be watched and hopefully another crime would be prevented.
You're really running that Slenderman thing into the ground. Have you played any of the games?
Allie, Coral Gables,FL
What's up, Allie. No, I haven't. Are they interesting? My computer isn't really built for gaming and I don't have my Xbox anymore so it isn't a thing for me. I could ask the dude that lives next door because he's always playing something on his Xbox but it would probably drive me crazy in 10 minutes. I read somewhere that Slenderman is in a version of Minecraft and I keep meaning to ask my little nephew about it.
Hit me back and let me know if I should check it out. Hook a sister up, yo.
MSN: One of the co-defendants in the Slendeman stabbing has pled not guilty by reason of mental illness.
Morgan Geyser now aged 14, has been appointed two new doctors to evaluate her condition.
Now, I know what you're thinking: that Rocket girl's gonna go all Rocket girl and rant about doing the crime and doing the time. And like Nine Inch Nails say, kinda I want to. But honestly? You have to be seriously mentally ill to believe in the internet boogie man and that he's gonna come into your house and kill your family. But being a parent myself, and the parent of a daughter who grew up in the internet age, well's very hard to be objective. My kid wasn't severely mentally ill. Even with the butt load of issues I have and that's no joke, I don't believe in any of that crap, my dude is more creeped out by the Blair Witch Project than I ever was.
I guess the only thing I can say is in conclusion, the law in Wisconsin is that age 10 and above, you catch a capitol charge, you're an adult my friend. Get yourself a good lawyer. You'll need one.
Fox News: The second suspect in the "Slenderman Stabbing", 14 year old Annisa Weier has pled not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect to an attempted homicide charge. Two doctors have been assigned to evaluate her condition and submit a report by October 6th.
Weier's attorney stated that she was no longer trying to have the case moved to juvenile court after exhausting all legal avenues. Moving forward in adult court both girls would be sentenced to a mental facility if found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. If they are found guilty and the not guilty plea is not accepted, that's where it gets sticky. I have to look it up because I'm not too sure where we go from there but I don't think it's good.
From the Chicago Tribune: The two girls accused of trying to stab their friend to death for the attention of becoming "proxies" of the internet spook Slenderman are requesting their trials be severed and they have them separated.
Lawyers for Morgan Geyser and Anisa Weier have filed motions to sever saying a joint trial would confuse the jurors. Both girls have made statements implicating the other. Both have also pled not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect and are to appear in adult court November 11 for a status conference.
On the one hand, I think they might be right to sever...not because I think it will confuse a jury but because I think the chances for a fair trial are better. On the other, the crime was committed together, a joint trial would lead to a more clear picture of the facts and possibly give the jurors an easier time making a decision.
So, this is from yesterday. I was dorking around online before I crashed out and I saw that the trailer for the documentary "Beware The Slenderman" has been put up all over the place with the release date on Monday January 23 [2017] on HBO.
You know the case. You know what the media has reported. You've seen my yammerings. You probably have your own opinion. But whenever I watch something like this I try to go in open mindedly and with the spirit that I'm going to learn something I didn't already know. And there is so much we don't know about what was going on in this situation that lead to these two young girls to actually believe a fictional charecter could step out of a computer and kill their families.
Here's your link to the trailer. Have a bangin Sunday.
From Crime Watch Daily: A judge in the case of Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier has ruled that the trials of both the accused are to be severed and it has been estimated they will begin in the spring of next year [2017]. Lawyers for Geyser also asked that her confession be thrown out, and a change of venue.
That totally doesn't suprise me. All that talk! There is no way they can get a fair trial...maybe that's just me thinking, but who doesn't know about this? It's been blasted from here to the end of time. I remember when it first came up, I got called stupid for not knowing who Slenderman is and that was by a bunch of 11 year old kids! That was actually kind of funny but nothing else about this is.
Hopefully this will turn out okay and justice will be served. Here's your link.
This is disturbing. The whole thing is disturbing but for some reason this makes me really uncomfortable.
From Fox News 6: The father of Anissa Weier testified in court yesterday [Thursday December 22,2016] that his daughter and her siblings were all taught to respect authority and that the police were there to help if you are involved in or having an emergency. But in the same breath, he asks why parents would need to discuss and explain what Miranda rights are with a 12 year old. Well...I hate to sound cynical but in this day and age, you are not doing your child any favors if you don't educate them on the law and how the police behave when you are being arrested! I know someone will email me and give me but I don't care. That's what I think.Do your kid a favor. Educate them on their rights.
William Weier claimed that officers wouldn't let him see his daughter until hours after they had questioned her, and she had waived her rights and confessed, a confession he wants to see thrown out. Weier says his daughter was not delusional nor was she coerced.I'm not sure how she was not delusional if she really believed some cartoon ghoul could jump out of the internet and actually murder people, but....yeah.
In anticipation of the premier of HBO's "Beware The Slenderman the parents of one of the accused has given an interview to People magazine [that's where I saw it anyway] and said that his daughter only wanted to make friends and that she met her co-defendant on the school bus that they both rode from the condo complex where both families lived. Anissa Weier's mother stated that the only two people who knew why this happened were the two 12 year old girls they once were and they were no more.
Obviously. It's not rocket science.
The greater question at hand is, to me, how the parents can be at such odds with themselves, berating the fact that they let their child have an iPad and then saying she never watched anything weird or disturbing on it when she was alone. Seriously? How do you know if she was alone and you weren't paying attention? William Weier discusses seeing a drawing his daughter made of Jack Skellington from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and Slenderman but never thought to ask his daughter about it nor did he research Slenderman.
I get it. I do. My daughter was 12 once. It isn't easy and you have a whole crapload of things bombarding you at all times. And maybe I don't have enough empathy for the parents of these kids who admittedly [and premeditated] tried stabbing a 12 year old 19 times and left her there to die. I don't think in any situation like this easy answers are availible and I doubt the parents are going to be happy with the verdict a jury is going to hand down. If what I've seen is any indication, and a jury made up of the people talking about this, the girls will be serving an adult sentence for an adult crime they acted out when they were children.
Last night HBO premiered the documentary, "Beware The Slenderman" a film by Irene Taylor Brodsky about the stabbing of a 12 year old girl in Wisconsin in 2014. Two of the victims friends, also 12 at the time of the crime, Anissa Weier and Morgan Geiser lured the victim, Peyton Lautner into a wooded area adjecent to a local park where they held her down and stabbed her 19 times, then left her there to die.
As we know now, they were trying to impress a fictional internet charecter called Slenderman. Both girls are being charged as adults and are awaiting trial this late spring/early summer.
The streets of Waukesha look like they could be Anywhere,USA: this could happen where you live. The pretty parks with trees and spotless lawns are not the killing fields of our imaginations with the tendrils of creeping ghouls sliding into our homes, to steal our children. The ghoul in this suburban nightmare crept in through the internet and took over the imaginations of Weier and Geiser, leading them to interpret the fiction on their own. We see it as fiction. They did not. It sounds ridiculously simple but there it is. is. They did not see Slenderman as a cartoon, an internet boogie man or a scary creature someone dreamed up and wrote about on line. The family of Geiser in particular were not tremendously suprised that their daughter had an alternate reality in her head that she was the archictect of because there had been signs over the years that she may have a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. It is painful to watch Geiser's father weeping over how much harm his daughter did to the victim and blaming the mental illness in the family and their inability to have kept this from happening.
The police interrogation videos of the girls is interesting not so much for what they say but what they don't say: neither girl expresses remorse and one admitted that the stabbing was planned months in advance. The hearings had the photos from both girls rooms of drawings of Slenderman and some other drawings that were depressingly the same. But like it's been said, the parents never thought to question either girl about the drawings she had. The police used a lot of it in the case they built against the girls, and it was the busted up and graffiti-tinged Barbies along with the pictures that I think sent this thing over. It was media saturation to the point of scare-the-hell-out-of -you-what-is-your-kid-doing-online? That evidence and the videos are what has kept this in adult court. And the confessions, that neither girl had a parent with her when she gave, and both girls shared willingly. In cold detail.
There is no easy answer. It's more than one thing. No matter how you feel about the parents this is not something they chose for their family. Clearly this is only a small part of the rest of their lives. They have other children to raise and as painful as it is, time isn't going to stop for any of that. Beware the Slenderman is availible from HBO and HBO Go streaming services.
This is some old footage from ABC News. I think some of it was used in the 20/20 episode they did on this crime and it has some good interviews with the parents of the victim. It's an absolute miracle this little girl survived and I fear for her in the event she has t get up on a witness stand and testify in front of the two that tried to murder her.
I don't care how much better they are doing in every other stupid report. I don't damn it! I don't care if they were just "children"! Think about what this little girl went through! It truly makes my ulcer bleed. Ugh. Here's your link [with video]
From Fox 6: A Waukesha County judge ruled on Monday that accused Slenderman stabbing Morgan Geyser can get a fair trial in that county. I don't know if that's true but I guess we'll find out. Geyser's lawyer,Anthony Cotton, asked the jury not be selected from that county due to pre-trial publicity and that her confession be thrown out.
Not only did the judge say no go to the change of venue, he said the confession was not inflammatory and a matter of public record. Damn....that's not good for her. I have sympathy for the parents, even more for the victim but still think that poor kid needs to be incarcerated, an opinion unpopular with some of you. I'm telling you, I don't think she should be charged as a minor. Y'all don't agree but see what you think when she gets out at 25 and has no monitoring or mental health services mandated by the court. Even that HBO documentary, heartbreaking as it was didn't change my mind. Here's the real for me:
Cotton said he's hired the same jury expert to help with jury selection that was used in the infamous Casey Anthony trial. Anthony was acquitted five years ago of killing her two-year-old daughter.
Lawyers for Morgan Geyser have requested that the jury in her upcoming trial for capitol murder be sequestered so as to give her a better chance at a fair trial.
An insanely smart move on their part. Their contention that so much pre-trial publicity could make it hard for a potential juror to be impartial and to even select an impartial jury could be difficult.
October 2 is the trial date the Milwaukee Journal is reporting. A motion will be heard that week concerning Weier, not much else to say right now. They are both growing up in psych jail, it seems to me. That would break my heart, no really. I can't imagine what that is like.
Here's some Slenderman for you guys, if you need that scary scary tonight. I can't lie I've been watching Marble Hornets off and on when I can sneak it by my people and they don't know I'm creeping on Slendy. Yeah, I realize I just outed myself. I'm crashing. Deuces!
So while I've been on ice it looks like some closure to this case. Both girls have been allowed to plead guilty but with some sort of mental health caveat. I'll have to dig up some links for y'all.
Again, I really believe both these girls need serious psychological help and I hope they get it while incarcerated. It is [in my snotty opinion] the wrong answer but as usual, I'm not the head honcho of anything.
Except National Taco Day last week. Y'all shoulda come....
Gresham,Oregon: A man advertising for a local haunted house got some overtime last weekend by dressing as Slender Man and walking through the town, pretty much putting the fear of Slendy into passers by and local residents.
I know it's just for fun and Halloween is just a giant joke to most of us! But there were literally people running from this fool and calling the 5-0. You gotta read the report. This has gone way too far, it's just ridiculous now
From the New York Post: Anissa Weir has reached a plea agreement that will have her serving 25 years in a mental institution for her role in the attempted murder of a 12 year old school friend.
The sentence will keep her institutionalized until she is 37.
I didn't plan to update today but as I looked at the news I saw some interesting links with video of Anissa Weir reading a statement in court expressing regret at her actions. I also saw this link I'll give you has a letter that the victim's mother wrote the judge and sad! It sounds like she and her husband split up and it has been rough going on the little brother.
I hope this young lady gets some very serious help. She's tremendously disturbed. Here's your link.